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Anyone need to get rid of their Lexus?


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Still doesn't cover tax :lolguy:


Just had another guy back out on me. This month has been one after another after another of flakes. I'm not frustrated with the customers, since 7 of 10 people I talk to results in a non sale (statistically tracked, not made up), I'm really just frustrated that THESE ARE THE ONLY CUSTOMERS I HAVE TO WORK RIGHT NOW.


February is a slow month, it's the same every year. Never gets less annoying though.


Explains why car prices have spiked a tad too I'd guess. I've been doing some searching and the few leads I've had end of last month went away now. Most dealers stopped getting back to me so I guess it's their loss as I'd guess they are assuming I'm not either interested in buying or can't afford it. O-well. 0 fucks given, I'll take my $ elsewhere.

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Explains why car prices have spiked a tad too I'd guess. I've been doing some searching and the few leads I've had end of last month went away now. Most dealers stopped getting back to me so I guess it's their loss as I'd guess they are assuming I'm not either interested in buying or can't afford it. O-well. 0 fucks given, I'll take my $ elsewhere.


It's just the car sales game. Don't think this is me calling you out or saying "this is absolutely how it is" but this is often how we salespeople look at it.


I've got a certain amount of time each day that I commit towards selling cars. Of that time, it's divided up into various activities. To name a few, sales and product training, contacting hot leads, speaking to customers who are in for service, creating content for our various internet platforms, following up with past customers, prospecting, and contacting cold leads.


When I'm contacting hot leads, I do so with varying levels of urgency. A guy who I believe is within $200 of buying a car is going to get lots of my attention. A guy who I believe wants a price $5000 better than I can to do is going to get very little of my attention.


It's not that I don't want your money. It's that if I spend a lot of time with you, I have to spend less time with someone else. I say the same thing to anyone that asks for my advice when they hit a negotiation wall; adjust the car criteria or price criteria and go back at it.


We don't ignore customers because we don't want their business. We ignore customers because we can't afford to do business at the price they expect/want.

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Not calling me out, I get the game. I just laugh when I make an offer and I get the reply of "our price is already too low, we can't budge" which tells me all I need to know. Either someone else has asked and offered more or they aren't in a hurry to sell. I was taught, if it was priced too low, it would be gone already. I think it's even funnier when I get a message weeks or months later asking if I'm still interested. I usually just laugh at that point and say no.


It just boils down to me knowing what I want to pay based on my searches of similar cars out there. I hate the games and if people were honest with me from the beginning I'd appreciate that more.

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It just boils down to me knowing what I want to pay based on my searches of similar cars out there. I hate the games and if people were honest with me from the beginning I'd appreciate that more.


Best way to look at it right there.


IMO an educated shopper is the best thing. An uneducated shopper that thinks reading 2 articles on AOL and Yahoo autos makes them educated is the worst thing. Unfortunately most salespeople are shitty and treat everyone as if they're uneducated.

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Best way to look at it right there.


IMO an educated shopper is the best thing. An uneducated shopper that thinks reading 2 articles on AOL and Yahoo autos makes them educated is the worst thing. Unfortunately most salespeople are shitty and treat everyone as if they're uneducated.


I search all over the Internet for as far as I'm willing to drive for the right deal, given what I'd spend on gas/hotel/etc. Then I shoot off an offer, get told no usually but they "want me to come in to talk about it". I pass, tell them I'd be bringing a check and just want the cash price. Sometimes their tone changes there, others not. I explain where I'm driving from usually and if they want to deal, they will. I'll say the last month, they don't even want to deal. Maybe because they rather hold on in the hopes of a sucker with a tax check? Maybe it's the hope of warmer weather and a sucker then? Who knows. I'm patient, I don't NEED anything so when I see that deal pop up, I'll be there.

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I search all over the Internet for as far as I'm willing to drive for the right deal, given what I'd spend on gas/hotel/etc. Then I shoot off an offer, get told no usually but they "want me to come in to talk about it". I pass, tell them I'd be bringing a check and just want the cash price. Sometimes their tone changes there, others not. I explain where I'm driving from usually and if they want to deal, they will. I'll say the last month, they don't even want to deal. Maybe because they rather hold on in the hopes of a sucker with a tax check? Maybe it's the hope of warmer weather and a sucker then? Who knows. I'm patient, I don't NEED anything so when I see that deal pop up, I'll be there.


What are you trying to find?

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Something fun. CTS-V, Vette, Camaro, who knows. If a deal slides in front of my nose, I'll jump. If not I can wait. I was eyeballing a new '15 Camaro 2SS 1LE but I'm not sure I like the nose/tail change. Just grabbed the wife a '13 Camaro 2SS/RS for a good deal so that kinda set the bar on Camaro pricing and most people are out of their mind. I was going to look at a '11 Grand Sport 3LT Saturday but they jacked the price up $4k after I talked to them about it Friday. Saw a nice CTS-V but after a few tries to get in touch, the salesman never got back to me so screw them.
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Something fun. CTS-V, Vette, Camaro, who knows. If a deal slides in front of my nose, I'll jump. If not I can wait. I was eyeballing a new '15 Camaro 2SS 1LE but I'm not sure I like the nose/tail change. Just grabbed the wife a '13 Camaro 2SS/RS for a good deal so that kinda set the bar on Camaro pricing and most people are out of their mind. I was going to look at a '11 Grand Sport 3LT Saturday but they jacked the price up $4k after I talked to them about it Friday. Saw a nice CTS-V but after a few tries to get in touch, the salesman never got back to me so screw them.


Depends what you're looking to spend but I have a Challenger SRT-8 on our lot. Lots of fun in a straight line.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Explains why car prices have spiked a tad too I'd guess. I've been doing some searching and the few leads I've had end of last month went away now. Most dealers stopped getting back to me so I guess it's their loss as I'd guess they are assuming I'm not either interested in buying or can't afford it. O-well. 0 fucks given, I'll take my $ elsewhere.


Agree 100%.


I was looking to buy a Porsche some time ago and went to a local dealer who will remain nameless. He cheerfully offered to sell me one I liked for 45k. I told him "no" in light of the fact that the same thing was available in better condition with lower miles in New York State for 33k. Got kinda bent and said it was non negotiable. So I said "goodbye."


Two months later, I see the thing for sale by the same dealer on eBay. Auction ends at 32k reserve not met. I call and offer 33k. He tells me he still wants at least 40k and he can get more at auction. I let him in on the fact that I know about the eBay auction. He still insists he'll get 40k. Maybe he will... But not from me. And, though I haven't checked recently I know the thing spent at least 6 months on the lot.


I wish I could say this was unique. But too many dealers seem to have a self-defeating level of greed.

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Agree 100%.


I was looking to buy a Porsche some time ago and went to a local dealer who will remain nameless. He cheerfully offered to sell me one I liked for 45k. I told him "no" in light of the fact that the same thing was available in better condition with lower miles in New York State for 33k. Got kinda bent and said it was non negotiable. So I said "goodbye."


Two months later, I see the thing for sale by the same dealer on eBay. Auction ends at 32k reserve not met. I call and offer 33k. He tells me he still wants at least 40k and he can get more at auction. I let him in on the fact that I know about the eBay auction. He still insists he'll get 40k. Maybe he will... But not from me. And, though I haven't checked recently I know the thing spent at least 6 months on the lot.


I wish I could say this was unique. But too many dealers seem to have a self-defeating level of greed.


That's not about greed, that's just an idiot not knowing the market.

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That's not about greed, that's just an idiot not knowing the market.


I think it's a combination of both honestly. They have a profit they want to make and they seem prepared to sit on a car forever to make it happen. The sad thing is, sometimes the market changes and their gamble bites them in the ass.


For example, take the new Camaro. The 2014 has a slightly different nose and tail, some prefer the new look, some like the 2013 or older better. Shopping for a 2013 yields prices equal to new 2014+ cars which is silly. If you offer less, they get offended but the reality is that the 2016 model is on the horizon too. It seems like most dealers are less about volume and customer service and more about max profit on each and every sale.


Edit: They also don't know the cars very well either. I've seen some pricing 1SS Camaro models the same as a 2SS. Base model corvettes more than a grand sport. Sometimes if you cross shop, they try to tout useless features of a "higher" model like the HUD on a 2SS but when you point out the fact that it is useless or something you aren't interested in, they bail. Most don't even want to talk because an informed consumer isn't an easy sale, and that's all they want. Who cares about a happy customer right?

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I totally get that dealers have a bottom line, but don't knock off $250 and try to play it like you are giving me an amazing deal. Especially when plenty of other dealers have similar or lower pricing.


My personal favorite is the "we publish the absolute lowest prices possible and we cannot be beat or discount it any further" pitch. Well, that is until you show them several other cars with better pricing. Then they get bent out of shape and brag about how their car comes with a free oil change certificate or some other bullshit "perk" to prove they are better. Yeah, that oil change is useless to me when your dealership isn't right next to my house.


Edit: I'd just prefer they cut through the bullshit, tell me what their bottom line is and call it done. Don't play the "we can get you financed, what payment should I shoot for" line or any other stupid ass games.

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