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Getting my fatass in shape


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As if I needed more motivation, I got the results of my.ultra sound back and the diagnosis is liver disease. Thankfully it's the reversable form "fatty liver disease" however the doc is concerned over the amount of it, so sending me to a gastroenterologist. Said the best thing for me is to keep losing weight and eat healthy.


I did measurements today after my.workout session. In the last 10 days my waist has gone down 1 1/4" and my chest has gained 1 1/2", that made me feel pretty good. We have been trying new recipes out, last night was homemade wraps, tonight was a low calorie, low carb pizza. I will post pics/recipes of anyone wants them. I will also post another progress pic in next couple days.

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I have been watching healthy food channels on yourtube in my free time for some ideas. I'm also going to expand and try different green veggies. I think on my list next is celary and asparagus, maybe they'll grow on me as broccoli has





Asparagus in a hot skillet with a bit of olive oil for about 3-5 minutes- it'll turn bright green as you roll em around- sprinkle a small bit of sea salt on them.





Watch Alton Browns good eats on broccoli - yuuuum.


Steam broccoli 3-5mins , sprinkle some lemon juice, and a little parmesan cheese.. :drool:



Over cooking green veggies really ruins the health value of them I cannot encourage you enough to figure out how to cook green veggies properly they are really tasty when they're done right


Bright green crispy veggies are the healthiest way to eat them don't let them get soggy and chewy- also if you garden the steamed veggiewater is good for your plants when it's cooled off

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Asparagus in a hot skillet with a bit of olive oil for about 3-5 minutes- it'll turn bright green as you roll em around- sprinkle a small bit of sea salt on them.


Love sauteed asparagus with olive oil, Himalayan salt, black pepper, and fresh pressed garlic...amazabawls.

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Well I ended the first month down 22lbs officially, from 309 to 287! My next goal is 275lbs, I would like to hit that by the end of this month. Hopefully the weather starts to turn nice so I can bust out my bicycle and put it to use, we live less than a minute away from the bike path. I figure doing that on days I don't go to the gym, or even on days I do, will help as well.
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I'm trying haha, I left the gym today around 6:45 feeling like I was going to puke. Leg day sucks so bad for me being so damn tall. I was able to put up 600lbs on the leg press 8 times, that's 50lbs more than last week. My squat weight isn't where I want it to be, but then again I do a lot of reps (3 sets of 8) vs doing a ton of weight. Eventually I will get all my lifts up where I want them to be and hopefully beyond even.
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Love sauteed asparagus with olive oil, Himalayan salt, black pepper, and fresh pressed garlic...amazabawls.


I do this as well but I then grated parmasean cheese on top and finish it off in the broiler. Oh and I cook it with crushed red pepper flake as well.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Heading into week 8 and I am down 30lbs and a ton of inches. I am closing in on my first goal of 275, which makes me pretty happy. Getting in shape has not only given me my life back, but has opened up an avenue of business for me. I will get into those details at a later date, once we get everything on the up and up. Anyways, enough talk and more motivation picture


Day 0 to Now


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We do the asparagus in the oven the same way (standard 12x14 glass dish) and we coat with olive oil and sea salt when done. 400 and about 11 minutes if I recall frome the last time..



Asparagus in a hot skillet with a bit of olive oil for about 3-5 minutes- it'll turn bright green as you roll em around- sprinkle a small bit of sea salt on them.





Watch Alton Browns good eats on broccoli - yuuuum.


Steam broccoli 3-5mins , sprinkle some lemon juice, and a little parmesan cheese.. :drool:



Over cooking green veggies really ruins the health value of them I cannot encourage you enough to figure out how to cook green veggies properly they are really tasty when they're done right


Bright green crispy veggies are the healthiest way to eat them don't let them get soggy and chewy- also if you garden the steamed veggiewater is good for your plants when it's cooled off

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Great job..just remember it's a marathon not a sprint




Looking good man. Keep it up. At 38, I've struggled with ups and downs of weight for almost 20 years. About two years ago I was 5'9" and almost 250lbs, unhappily married, and miserable. I got into running, ate sensibly, got my personal life in order, and started taking care of myself.


I'm at 200-205lbs now and run 35 miles a week. It took at least 8 months to get here, and I haven't gone above 220lbs. I'd love to be at 195 now that it's racing season. I've found that not eating after 7pm is one key for me, so that I wake up hungry. On Saturday, I eat whatever I want. You have to have one day to break the rules.


Good luck

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I am in this for the long haul fellas! I set a goal of 275 by April 1st as my first real milestone. Well I just weighed myself and, 274.6!! The next goals I have are 250lbs by June 1st and to fit in a size 36 jean by mid summer. I was in a size 40, but those are falling off me even with a belt. I need a new wardrobe as my current clothes look sloppy big on me, which is a good thing.
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  • 3 weeks later...

I am 10 weeks (heading into the 11th) into this journey and down 45lbs. I put on an Ohio State jersey yesterday that 3 months ago I was unable to even get over my belly, let alone wear comfortably. Losing the weight has not only given me my life back, but has also opened up new avenues for me. I went in cahoots with a few buddies and am actually in the process of opening our own gym. We are going to open the doors to the public this coming saturday actually, which is pretty exciting. Anyways, here is a progress pic for those that still care to see em



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So what are you doing? Like working out every day? dieting? what's the strategy here? My wife and I need to do something badly but we live in the middle of no where and have young kids which makes working out nearly impossible as they are up at 6am and don't get to sleep until 10 most nights. Trying to find out a good workout that is easy to follow with young kids. I'm hoping once it warms up, my wife can do water aerobics in the pool while kids swim around and I can start hitting the gym at work.
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Honestly man I have just started eating healthy. I have cheat days every now and then, but I don't do anything crazy. Here is a normal day for me diet wise



2 pieces of toast with peanut butter and a large banana


Lunch: Chicken Breast with 2 tbsp bbq sauce and a green veggie


Dinner: Same as lunch, although I have found various recipes to change it up but still chicken or turkey based meals.


Pre-Bed Meal: 6 egg whites scrambled with some cheese and pepper


I drink a ton of water and only take protein shakes after workout sessions. I lift 3 times a week and do cardio twice a week (45mins a piece). The cardio is honestly stuff you can do at home by yourself, but doing it with others does make it easier. Its a kickboxing class, we throw a ton of punches, kicks, knees, ect.. and always finish it with core exercises.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Been a couple weeks, so figured I would share a couple pics I took today. I am down 50lbs officially with 12 more to go til my next goal weight. I think at that point I am going to bulk up a little bit and then cut again in a few months.


The picture on the left was taken almost exactly 1 year ago this week





If only the rest of my body was as ripped up as my legs haha



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