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Predator hunting in Ohio


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Anyone Do any predator hunting? We have been spotting a lot of coyote around the area ( North Central Ohio) and a lot around my house (Galion Ohio) Just wondering if anyone else has tried to call in these Wild dogs and What techniques/Calls you have used.


I Recently Bought a few Calls from cabelas and will be shopping for a new rifle. I have done a Little Hunting in the past and all i own right now is a 10/22 and a shotgun.

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I do a decent amount of it, though not as much as I would like.


The best thing you can do is scout. But, since you already know they are in the area, that makes your life a bit easier.


Wind direction is HUGE in coyote hunting as that's their best sense. Vision is their next best sense, followed by hearing. So, I like to sit with the wind at my back or with a bit of a crosswind. Coyotes will almost always try to circle around down-wind of the sound in an attempt to wind it first. Try to scout the area a bit to determine which direction you think they might come in from.


Sit with your back to some cover if you can. Having the sun at your back is also a great thing to have, but this doesn't always work out. Pick wind direction over the suns direction. And sit still. Camo is nice, but they pick up on movement very easily even with camo on.


I use a combo of a FoxPro Fury GX7 and a variety of hand calls. When I hunted them out west, I used hand calls. Back here in the easy, I used the FoxPro, because I'm lazy. I always keep at least one handball with me though in case electric fails (and it eventually will).


Hand calls aren't difficult to learn. Anybody can blow on an open (and especially a closed reed) and sound like something that's dying. Howls are a bit trickier to get right, but still not too difficult. I learned by practicing in my car while driving wherever. You're alone, so you won't annoy anyone but yourself (and your eardrums) with the shrill screaming that's taking place.


And don't give up. You will not call in a yote at every single stand. You probably won't even call one in for the majority of your hunts. But be persistent and they will eventually come.


Let me know if you have anymore questions. Predator Masters Forum is a great resource.

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The 10/22 could work but I like a little more power for yotes and the shotgun with some buckshot will work within a certain distance. I like the new Ruger American Predator at its price point for a good rifle, cabelas had them a few weeks ago for $379. I'd go with the .243 (or bigger) it will do everything you need and give you some options if you want to hunt something larger since its an all around good hunting round.




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Parents live in town in Delaware and have a small patch of wooded area behind there house. Theres currently a carcass of a buck (Antlers just starting to poke through) thats laying right at the edge. I walked out therest ealier and there's coyote prints everywhere. They dragged it about 10 feet from where they saw it yeaterday. Dad saw one eating on it yesterday evening
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Make sure your wind directions are correct or else you won't see anything.


What i did was make a big pile of dog food and shoot anything that came along to eat from it. Coons, skunks, anything. The animals would die there and it created a nice pile of death that attracted the Yotes. If you want to get extreme, find a dead deer and drag it out there. You'll be amazed at what a pack can do to a big carcass like that in 45min.

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