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Home owners, I need advice about neighbor.


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my wife and I just bought a house in canal winchester, the issue we're having is our neighbor and his guest park in front of our house(which we don't care about) BUT they always put their right side wheels/tires over the curb and in our yard making it a muddy mess, is there anything we can do?
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I have experience with this. Is it still under City of Cbus jurisdiction?


Either way... typically they cannot park there for longer than 3 days, cannot be within 5 feet of your driveway, and I am pretty sure they cannot be over the curb. You can submit a 311 case or contact the local PD. They will issue a citation and/or mark the wheels but will probably give the person a chance to move their car.

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Knock on the door and inform them that they are being jackass's and you would like the parking available in front of your home.


If this doesn't work, take a small pebble and place it under each valve cap, tighten them up as much as you can. When they have four flats each time they park in front of your house they should get the memo.

Edited by Geeesammy
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Big Fuck off stones painted white.


It's how they solved the "curb-less" curb parking in my parents neighborhood in NY.


but talk to them first. Most times it can be worked out with a 5 second conversation, and if it can't at least you gave them the chance to prove they are the assholes you suspect they are.

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There is a little 6-foot curb between my driveway and the neighbor's and his mom always parks the car there, sticking out towards the end of my driveway. I've told him multiple times but his mom keeps doing it (she watches his kids while he works or some shit). I also live in Canal. I hate this entire area.
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Big Fuck off stones painted white.


It's how they solved the "curb-less" curb parking in my parents neighborhood in NY.


but talk to them first. Most times it can be worked out with a 5 second conversation, and if it can't at least you gave them the chance to prove they are the assholes you suspect they are.




talk to them first, give them a chance to make it right and keep things peaceful. if they choose to ignore you, either a giant rock or some sort of stake to mark your property

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Any chance they'd get the point if you patch the area with some grass seed and clearly mulch it with some straw etc....? Maybe even the little "freshly planted grass" signs.

It will at least determine how deliberate this is, I mean who parks over a curb? Pictures of issue please, are they pulling up over a full size curb?

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While it's a public street and anyone can park a legally-registered vehicle EVEN in front of your house, kiling grass and creating a muddy mess isn't cool especially since that green space is your responsibility. I suggest talking to them first, simply explain that you wanted to keep the grass green and growing and avoiding bald, muddy spot.


Regarding parking and partially blocking the driveway, it is a parking violation. A vehicle cannot be parked within a 3-foot space from any driveway EVEN IF it's your own. I hate to do the following, but if talking has gotten you nowhere, call and report the violation and the description of the vehicle to the police. Personally, I'm cool with a vehicle parked up to my driveway, even a couple of feet of blockade especially if it's a neighbor I'm on good terms with and it's not a daily occurrence. I myself use that 10'-11' space from time to time and I make sure my vehicle blocking my driveway instead of theirs.

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I moved my mailbox to the location I didnt want my neighbors to park. When our other neighbors tried to he an asshat I parked my f650 box truck in front of his place for a few days, he didnt like it but never gave me any issues with parking either. Nothing worse than issues with a neighbor.
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As previously said, they are probably completely clueless they are doing it. Talk to 'em let them know.


Another good temporary solution may be to put up the flexible fiberglass poles plowers used to mark off parking lots. Stick them in just inside the curb. They may smash them but at least its a visual deterrent. These would be good to put up when you plant new grass to show what you're doing.

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As much as I'd love to believe talking would work here it may not because I can only think of three likely scenarios that would explain your neighbor's behavior and in two of them talking just makes things worse: 1) They are doing on purpose because fuck you. Talking to them here will just start shit which is exactly what these folks want. 2) They are doing it because they are sloppy asshats. If you talk to them in this scenario, then you are an overly touchy whiner whose yard must be trashed more. 3) They are parking like that because your yard is already a muddy mess and they figure you don't care. In this case talking might work but a couple of stakes and some grass seed will work better.


Frankly, I'd just wait until they really park in a way that is deplorable and then call the cops. A ticket will let them know their behavior is unacceptable and they don't have to know it was you. The thing you really want to avoid, however, is starting a feud. I worked in a low level court one semester in college and we would hear restraining orders on Friday. You would not believe the kind of diabolical shit neighbors do to each other when feuds escalate over time.

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As much as I'd love to believe talking would work here it may not because I can only think of three likely scenarios that would explain your neighbor's behavior and in two of them talking just makes things worse: 1) They are doing on purpose because fuck you. Talking to them here will just start shit which is exactly what these folks want. 2) They are doing it because they are sloppy asshats. If you talk to them in this scenario, then you are an overly touchy whiner whose yard must be trashed more. 3) They are parking like that because your yard is already a muddy mess and they figure you don't care. In this case talking might work but a couple of stakes and some grass seed will work better.


Frankly, I'd just wait until they really park in a way that is deplorable and then call the cops. A ticket will let them know their behavior is unacceptable and they don't have to know it was you. The thing you really want to avoid, however, is starting a feud. I worked in a low level court one semester in college and we would hear restraining orders on Friday. You would not believe the kind of diabolical shit neighbors do to each other when feuds escalate over time.


no our yard isn't a mess, we've been taking care of our yard since the day we took possession of the house, like I said we moved in back in late August and we're yet to see this guy cut his grass, his yard looks like shit, but the curb parking didn't start until Thanksgiving weekend, like I said I don't care about them parking in front of my house, they don't block my driveway just the mailbox at times, but it's them parking over the curb in my yard that's the issue.


he has a two car garage with one car in it, the other side is filled with trash, a chevy avalanche in the right side of the driveway that hasn't moved one time since we moved in(flat tires), then a Tahoe that sits in front of his house, a random car in front of our house and another car that parks in the vacant spot in his driveway.


I rarely see this guy as we think he's a dealer, his cars are always there except for the black lexus, that's the only car I ever see leave for more than 8hrs a day and its the only car that parks inside the garage.


I guess If I don't see him, then I'll tape a note to the car(s) that park in my yard letting them know I don't care if they park in front of my house but don't park in the grass, I doubt this will do anything (my luck it'll piss them off then they'll do it out of spite) but I'll take pictures for proof in case I have to call the proper authorities

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I would do a little landscaping first (seed, mulch, etc). If they still don't get the hint after that, I would talk to them and politely ask them to stop. If they don't, well at that point they can fuck right off.
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yup talk to him in person.. generally when police are involved people get defensive about parking complaints. He may decide to take the letter of the law serious and always park legally in front of your home and only move it an inch or two to appease the 72 hour requirement.
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