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bike gets mad at traffic, runs into a guy.


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One of the youtube comments:


Legally speaking it's 100% your fault because traffic already in the intersection has right of way (no matter how much a stupid douche they are) but I hope this works out in your favour. People are way too self-righteous and shouldn't get away with blocking the box like that, let alone trying to kill you.


And I agree.

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Cite both drivers.


Cite the white car for being a dumbass and blocking traffic. The intersection was already clogged yet he still decided to pull into it anyways.


Cite the biker for being a bit overzealous in his acceleration from the light.

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I see one big fucking idiot and it's the guy on the bike. Dude and others in the intersection are not at fault for the wreck. LOL at the bike for even remotely trying to blame the car. Especially the way he took off from the light. Douche. Got what he deserved.....his 2nd accident too which he seems proud of :confused:


Looking at his youtube profile he's doing to die young. 2 bike wrecks and barely 21-22yrs old. Darwin awards line his garage. Drive a bit more defensively or you will be dead soon dude.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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Yeah geesh. I would have driven up to the side of it and just laid on the horn until they were out of the way.....but I bet he didnt see him at all. Dude in the car was probably also like WFT...why arent we moving!


Come visit the Sawmill 270 Ramp at rush hour and you'll see this a lot.

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Guy on the bike is a moron. This could have been avoided completely if he were not riding like an asshat. Though I do admit that I hate when cars block the intersection like that, the bike could have made it through safely if he would have done so cautiously.
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Just showed this to my son who LOL! He scripted it right away for the guy in the car:


"really, really?" "Why would you gun it off the light towards cars trying to clear the intersection!!??"


"you saw us in the intersection and tried to blast between us" Why?


"What were you gunning it like that?"


"you saw me in the intersection and you gunned it"


"this is probably your 2nd accident" "Oh wait....yeah...you have them both on the you-tube too. Go figure"


^^ all that from a 12yr old. WOW!

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Bike riders a moron, cars in the intersection have the right of way, even if the opposing traffic has a green light, i.e., they were in the intersection first.


Hate to tell you guys...but you guys are wrong. You are not supposed to enter an intersection unless you can clear it. Sitting in an intersection because you are trying to make the light technically is illegal....and I cant believe that not one person posted this yet.


I hate people that sit in intersections and I wish police would ticket people who do because they are the ones who cause traffic backups. I will sit at stop bars when the traffic is like this and people behind be get pissed and honk and Im usually in a company vehicle or I would give them the finger and probably get out and educate them on the legality of entering an intersection when you know you cant clear it.


Just saying....Some of you need to remember some of the rules and laws you were taught when you got your license.

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Hate to tell you guys...but you guys are wrong. You are not supposed to enter an intersection unless you can clear it. Sitting in an intersection because you are trying to make the light technically is illegal....and I cant believe that not one person posted this yet.


I hate people that sit in intersections and I wish police would ticket people who do because they are the ones who cause traffic backups. I will sit at stop bars when the traffic is like this and people behind be get pissed and honk and Im usually in a company vehicle or I would give them the finger and probably get out and educate them on the legality of entering an intersection when you know you cant clear it.


Just saying....Some of you need to remember some of the rules and laws you were taught when you got your license.


This. +1. It's called "blocking the box", is illegal in most states (including this one) and is the #1 contributor to grid lock. given the number of fucks given to other traffic laws in this city (hint: 0) I'm not surprised most people don't know this (and also what a yield sign means, or how to merge, or that the left lane is the passing lane, or what that flashy light and clicky sound are when they move one of the stalks on the steering column). In NY they actually paint a grid pattern on the intersection and will have revenue collectors...oops I mean officers that will write tickets for getting caught in the intersection. I have no sympathy for people who are not situationally aware enough to realize they are actually causing a dangerous gridlock situation.


I'm not saying the motorcyclist is not at fault either, it's very much his fault. I've shot the gap many times, the way to proceed is slowly, honking your horn, and make eye contact with the driver you are passing in front of before you pass in front of his car. normally I would recommend going behind the white Honda but I don't think there was room for him to do so without ending up on the sidewalk.


So everybody is stupid, everybody pays the toll for being stupid, nobody died, and hopefully one pissed off squid learned a lesson about how to proceed through a crowded intersection. Nobody died so I guess it was a good day.

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Sitting in an intersection because you are trying to make the light technically is illegal....and I cant believe that not one person posted this yet.


no cop to see it live in person and likely no ticket will be issued. in the end he was in the intersection with the right of way and anyone interfering with that which results in an accident like this dumb ass biker is the one who is breaking the law. I'm very surprised he wasn't cited. Although we don't really know if he was.

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Hate to tell you guys...but you guys are wrong. You are not supposed to enter an intersection unless you can clear it. Sitting in an intersection because you are trying to make the light technically is illegal....and I cant believe that not one person posted this yet.





Cite the white car for being a dumbass and blocking traffic. The intersection was already clogged yet he still decided to pull into it anyways.



















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Hate to tell you guys...but you guys are wrong. You are not supposed to enter an intersection unless you can clear it. Sitting in an intersection because you are trying to make the light technically is illegal....and I cant believe that not one person posted this yet.


I hate people that sit in intersections and I wish police would ticket people who do because they are the ones who cause traffic backups. I will sit at stop bars when the traffic is like this and people behind be get pissed and honk and Im usually in a company vehicle or I would give them the finger and probably get out and educate them on the legality of entering an intersection when you know you cant clear it.


Just saying....Some of you need to remember some of the rules and laws you were taught when you got your license.


While you are correct in stating that you should not enter an intersection unless you can clear it, in this instance we are talking about the collision. In the case of the bike entering the intersection, he was absolutely in the wrong for entering while the intersection was full of cars. If you feel the driver of the white car, along with the other drivers in the intersection, should be cited, then I won't argue; but the accident is 100% the fault of the biker who had no business in an intersection not yet clear.

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While you are correct in stating that you should not enter an intersection unless you can clear it, in this instance we are talking about the collision. In the case of the bike entering the intersection, he was absolutely in the wrong for entering while the intersection was full of cars. If you feel the driver of the white car, along with the other drivers in the intersection, should be cited, then I won't argue; but the accident is 100% the fault of the biker who had no business in an intersection not yet clear.


Actually you would be wrong about this. If the car in the intersection is not able to clear but is there as an obstruction (like if they are broken down, or there is an accident, or in this case just plain stupid) the proper course of action is to proceed with caution if possible.


If you want to make the argument that the biker did not proceed with caution I agree with you he did not.


If you are making the argument that by law the intersection should remain gridlocked, well I can't support that as a matter of law or common sense. In this case there was an, albeit small, window of travel for the motorcyclist to proceed and not contribute to the problem. It is withing the judgement of the rider to determine whether it is safe to proceed and how to proceed with caution and in this case the motorcyclist exercised extremely poor judgement.


My question is, where was the white honda going to go? The cars in front of him hadn't started moving so why was he moving at all? Either he recognized he had done something improper and was trying to undue it or he was going to try and stop the motorcyclist from passing between him and the car in front (which he was already tailgating). At that point by being in the intersection (along with all those other morons) he was unnecessarily creating a dangerous situation.


regardless of who got cited for what after the fact each party owes their share of stupid to this situation and that is probably how the insurance company is going to take it. split the liability, honda dude gets a new bumper, biker dude gets a writeoff.

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