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Brady Suspension Megathread: Lets Talk

El Karacho1647545492

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Curious to see what everyone here thinks. I am from CT so all my friends are either Pats or Jets fans; lots of bias.



I think this sets a VERY dangerous precedent for future decisions. If you can be suspended 4 games for "more likely than not having a general knowledge" of these illegal activities, you could probably suspend the entire Seahawks championship team (SB XLVIII) for "more likely than not having a general knowledge" of the amount of PEDs being used by players in that locker room.


I think the NFLPA will fight this HARD if they know what's good for them.


Also, the Pats/Colts game when Brady gets back is gonna be fuckin AWESOME.

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I think we should enjoy more cars, beer, and women and stop giving 2 shit stained pennies about the overpaid sports world and their cry baby shit. College I can respect but any pro sport all you hear about is bitching and cheating the games anyhow. Sorry your millions and millions make your life still suck somehow
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I think we should enjoy more cars, beer, and women and stop giving 2 shit stained pennies about the overpaid sports world and their cry baby shit. College I can respect but any pro sport all you hear about is bitching and cheating the games anyhow. Sorry your millions and millions make your life still suck somehow


I guarantee there's 50x more cheating in college than pro sports.


And in a league where a 3rd string QB can lead a team to a national championship I don't think the word "fair" really has a whole lot of meaning. Teams are stacked.

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I don't really care about NFL. I understand why people hate the patriots but regardless of cheating Tom Brady is a great player, and the patriots always come ready to play.


I think as a completely non-caring observer.

a) 1.5 psi is not going to make a huge difference. The colts got trolled, even after the balls were corrected at halftime.

b) Passing judgement that he should have felt the difference is a bit ridiculous IMO.

c) This whole 'ermagherd punish them because they are role models'. People that play sports should never be role models.

d) Again they are making huge assumptions with little to no proof. Slap them with a fine for improper 'quality control', but in the end this whole deflate the ball for an advantage (if it was truly intentional) shows they are cheaters and they can't do it anymore. Getting exposed is 75% of the punishment.

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The 4 games won't kill the Pats, but it will hurt them for sure. It seemed to be the "we have to do something with all of this negative attention" type reaction. However, rules are rules. I'm just wondering if they have any actual evidence other than "we think he knew" to do this. I personally think he knew, but that doesn't mean shit.
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He was suspended mainly for refusing to cooperate as per his contract.


n a letter sent to Brady and provided to the press, NFL Executive Vice President of Football Operations Troy Vincent said the quarterback hindered the investigation by refusing to "cooperate fully and candidly" with the investigators.


“Your actions as set forth in the report clearly constitute conduct detrimental to the integrity of and public confidence in the game of professional football," he said.


The punishment was NOT based on him "maybe probably knowing".

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He was suspended mainly for refusing to cooperate as per his contract.




The punishment was NOT based on him "maybe probably knowing".





also, this is NOT the first time he and the patriots have been in trouble. he absolutely knew the balls were deflated, and had a hand in allowing it to happen. this guy handles the football 1000's of times in short periods of time--of course he can tell the difference in a couple psi, just like pro golfers can tell the difference between certain golf balls.


i'm no expert on the patriots, but there have been several times they have had accusations against them---lip reading, being the major one i can think of off hand. bellichek and brady have been on a short leash with the nfl in terms of bullshit like this. they knew any cheating or perception of cheating would get a harsh penalty. 4 games is appropriate.


in the end, these players are role models to millions of young children, adults, and fans the like. they are paid incredibly well to play a game, entertain us, sell us products, and be people we look up to. no young kid ever says "when i grow up, i want to shovel shit on the side of the road". they all say "i want to be tom brady when i grow up". we can't have role models like this beating women, cheating, shooting guns at a bar, or doing drugs.

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I think we should enjoy more cars, beer, and women and stop giving 2 shit stained pennies about the overpaid sports world and their cry baby shit. College I can respect but any pro sport all you hear about is bitching and cheating the games anyhow. Sorry your millions and millions make your life still suck somehow


Fuck off. If you don't like pro sports, you don't need to participate in this thread.


On topic: 100% agreed with OP. I hate Brady and the Patriots with a passion, but this is a very slippery slope. They need to be more specific in saying he's not cooperating. Roger Goodell needs fired yesterday. He's done nothing to promote growth for the league lately.

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Fuck off. If you don't like pro sports, you don't need to participate in this thread.


On topic: 100% agreed with OP. I hate Brady and the Patriots with a passion, but this is a very slippery slope. They need to be more specific in saying he's not cooperating. Roger Goodell needs fired yesterday. He's done nothing to promote growth for the league lately.


Damn that must have hit deep brosif, I'm sorry didn't notice this was a football forum.


I can't tell a few psi difference in my tires; so il have to agree I think Brady is innocent and knew nothing. He just plays for the pure love and passion of the game.. Better for Ya?

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Fuck off. If you don't like pro sports, you don't need to participate in this thread.


On topic: 100% agreed with OP. I hate Brady and the Patriots with a passion, but this is a very slippery slope. They need to be more specific in saying he's not cooperating. Roger Goodell needs fired yesterday. He's done nothing to promote growth for the league lately.


The precedent was already set with Sean Peyton

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