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People that go door-to-door...how to discourage visiting?


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Getting super tired of people with clip-boards ringing my doorbell. I work nights so I sleep during the day and I have dogs which go berserk. I live in a neighborhood off Park near Polaris and I swear people specifically come to our neighborhood to peddle their stupid shit. Its unreal, I've never seen more solicitors in my life.


Was thinking about putting up a "No Soliciting" but strongly doubt that these people would even understand what that means.


Anyone had experience with this? What seemed to work, if anything?

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We don't have a problem with it where we live now but years ago at an old apartment I hated it so I went to lowes and bought a no soliciting sign, and stuck it on my front door. Worked like a charm.
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Last development had a no soliciting in the entire place, it was awesome never had a issue. Move up to a nice housing development and go figure 2-3 times a week i get some yahoo trying to sell me crap.


Will have to try the sign and see if that works. These assholes have woken up my 1 year old too many times with this BS

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I printed and taped the sign shown right near the door bell. Had it up there for several years and only once did someone still ring the bell. (outside my sons nieghborhood friend selling shit for school and they know we're cool with them doing it.)




Yeah, I know I need to wash the porch area :o

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I have a sign that says spoiled rotten pitbulls live here. They usually walk away before they get to the door. Helps to have one bark in the window, but they seriously just walk about halfway up the driveway and then turn around.
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We have this issue big time. I get my revenge in a variety of ways depending on my mood and level of boredom. Some of the ways are to let them know I'm there and still refuse to open the door. I do this, (and have done this and more), by say, looking out my window until I make good, long eye contact, and then just leave the window and go sit down or stare at them thru the eyehole (it's very easy to tell someone is watching you outside my peephole), and simply never stop until they leave. Hell, I've even opened the door, taken a good look at them... and then slowly just shut and locked it all weird as possible.


Sometimes, I let the dogs answer the door and tell them I'm not allowed to speak with them according to the dogs. I've told them I don't live here and then just quickly closed the door. Oh, I made the last exterminator sales guy listen to me drone on and on about the various insects around my house, endless facts, etc even when he obviously wanted to leave, and then after having him stand there for a ridiculous amount of time, finally informed him I would not need any of their services ever. I love insects and will never kill them. Unless he's here to exterminate neighbors. I especially hated people who 'bugged' me. He left. Keep in mind that was the third fucking visit from the same company that day. They stopped thru twice the previous day.


Anyway, the list goes on and on. I get these people are just trying to do a shitty job they've been given, so unless they're actually rude or can't take no for an answer, I try not to be too rude about it. The last two places I've lived in, they've been real bad. And honestly, it's been in two pretty different areas from each other. This is a bit nicer and they're worse, though. I've wanted to put a sign up but it kinda bugs me to have to put a dumbass sign like that, plus my gf for whatever reason, as well, doesn't really want one up there, either.


I will say this, though. If you put up a sign, you've got a damn good reason to chew someone's face off for still ringing that bell and pissing off the dogs and you in the process. (I have the same problem.)

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I printed and taped the sign shown right near the door bell. Had it up there for several years and only once did someone still ring the bell. (outside my sons nieghborhood friend selling shit for school and they know we're cool with them doing it.)




Yeah, I know I need to wash the porch area :o

I hate those red, thorny ass bushes. They look nice but they f'n suck to trim and shit.

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I put a big "No Soliciting" sticker on my screen door last year. Most companies and people respect it, however I do get the occasional WOW Cable letter or an invite to join the Korean church on Bethel. (I'm Italian/Dutch, so that's not going to work). Something on your place that says you're not interested is worth trying out.
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...or an invite to join the Korean church on Bethel. (I'm Italian/Dutch, so that's not going to work).


Dunno why but I lol'd.


Mine says 'if you wake the baby, I hope you can outrun the wrath.'

If I hadn't ran a guy off the other day my wife was about to rip him apart for waking them. 9pm is just a bad bad idea...




I got a call about 9:00 PM one night from a solicitor that has been trying to get me to subscribe to some outdoors magazine. No clue how they got my number since I never sign up for anything. After several calls I answered with, "I'm putting my kid to sleep now. I SERIOUSLY suggest you stop calling this late." Before I could say anything else they hung up.



OP: Start answering with shotgun in hand. As a maintenance guy who regularly visits many homes, reputation will spread. Should curb it a bit eventually. :)

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