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Family games


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Everyone who has younger kids what do you play? We're looking to add another game or two to our pile and are having difficulty finding a suitable one. Our oldest will be 6 next month and the games in her age range see too simple. She can't read big words yet just her sight words for kindergarten.


Also anyone play D and D? Never got into it in school but it sounds interesting and the wife and I would like to try it. Found a starter kit for $30.

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What games are you playing now, and how old are they all? A six year old can play things like 'Sorry' and 'Chutes and Ladders', while a three year old would be hard pressed to sit much past the second or third round of turns.


D&D? Oh does that bring back memories... Someone in the house are both my "basic" red and blue box rulebooks (1983) as well as the AD&D 2nd edition PH and DMG (1989).

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5 Tribes and King of New York is fun.


Also getting the kids in to Settlers of Catan is a good idea too.


There's also a railroad board game but i havent played it myself


ive read good things about Imperial Settlers as well.


we also like playing card games- Steve jackson games are always a winner (Munckin)

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2 sweet.. I put it here out of habit and because I didn't know how well the D and D would go over.


The kids are almost 6 and 2(be 3 in Feb.), we have chutes and ladders, candy land, guess who, sneaky snacky squirrel, this rabid game that you pull carrots and he jumps off the stand randomly, monopoly jr, things like that. We looked at the Settlers of Catan game but didn't know if the the 6 yo could handle that.

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2 sweet.. I put it here out of habit and because I didn't know how well the D and D would go over.


The kids are almost 6 and 2(be 3 in Feb.), we have chutes and ladders, candy land, guess who, sneaky snacky squirrel, this rabid game that you pull carrots and he jumps off the stand randomly, monopoly jr, things like that. We looked at the Settlers of Catan game but didn't know if the the 6 yo could handle that.


I think Six for Settlers of Cataan Jr is fine. Its Aged 6+ but then as he ages you can start using the adult version. I like conversion games

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Checked the used listings for better prices I'm not sure what kind of crack they are smoking at $80.


Fun for kids because you get to make animal sounds. Becomes more challenging quickly as more alcohol gets involved.

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