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Some days my own potential anger scares me....


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As when I see stories like this I could absolutely see myself going off the deep end on the person responsible. I think the combination of emotions from seeing this happen to a poor defenseless animal and the anger towards the person who did it would result in a news story of its own. :mad:


If you watch the video your heart will tug a little when you see the dog still seems to be happy to see people and wags her tail. Even still she does seem head-shy due to what they say were likely repeated beatings.


People can really suck.





Richland County Dog Warden Dave Jordan said about half a dozen tips have come in to his office, but no one has been charged yet with hurting the dog.


Hayden is being cared for at the Northridge Animal Clinic in Dayton.

Dr. Kyle Hapner, Hayden’s veterinarian, said she will likely grow her hair back in the burned areas.


“She’s got what I call second- to third-degree burns on her abdomen, her ears, her face, her neck from what looks like some sort of lighter starter or fire starter and then being lit on fire,” explained Hapner.


“I hate to say but it’s our society today,” he continued. “So many people do things to animals or young children they can’t help defend themselves as a show of power or they think it’s funny. ”


At the end of the week the Miami Valley Pit Crew, a Dayton animal rescue group, will place Hayden in a foster home and will eventually work to get her permanently adopted.


Anyone with information regarding what happened to Hayden should call the Richland County Dog Warden at 419-774-5892.


The dog warden’s office is offering a reward for information leading to the person who hurt Hayden. They ask that anyone with information call 419-774-5892 with information.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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I hate to say it, but there are a lot of people out there that look at "they're just animals". Somehow that makes them worthless. I imagine drugs are normally involved. I'me sure we'd all be amazed by what sounds like a good idea when you're baked on some of the shit running around today.


That being said I would probably happily curb stomp someone I saw doing something like that. Our dogs are family members. They cuddle with us on the couch, they even sleep in the bed at times. My dogs go to school with me. When we had to put down Jeep last December that hit me as hard as when my dad passed away.

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Stories like this really make me rage as well. I saw a video a while back (I wish I could find it) of a dog who had been set fire, front paw cut off, and tossed off a bridge into a storm drain to die. This all took place in California and a local animal rescue found the dog and by some miracle of god help the dog and get it back to %100 (minus the front paw). I have no shame in admitting that when I watched the video there might have been some man tears... People really do suck sometimes :mad:
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I was dating this gir in Houston back in the day. One night, I stop by and her brother is actually excited to tell me a story about how he and his friends set a cat on fire w/lighter fluid earlier in the night. Then proceeded to tell me how funny it was to watch it scream down the street. I layed his ass out on their living room floor immediately then berated him like a bitch. Fuck him. Wasn't the last time I knocked someone on their ass for abusing an animal. See how they liked it.
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I hate to say it, but there are a lot of people out there that look at "they're just animals". Somehow that makes them worthless. I imagine drugs are normally involved. I'me sure we'd all be amazed by what sounds like a good idea when you're baked on some of the shit running around today.


That being said I would probably happily curb stomp someone I saw doing something like that. Our dogs are family members. They cuddle with us on the couch, they even sleep in the bed at times. My dogs go to school with me. When we had to put down Jeep last December that hit me as hard as when my dad passed away.


I hope they catch the scumbag. I would be willing to buy the gas and pour it on them and light it. If I ever saw someone doing that I would be in prison for life. Sad world we live in


An eye for an eye? Cover whoever did this in lighter fluid and light them on fire?


How's is this better? You're just as sad as they.

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People really do suck sometimes :mad:


People suck all the time, I can only suspect how I would react if I caught someone doing shit like that. My dogs are family, and while they don't go out to restaurants or grocery shopping with me, they go about everywhere else, as I am their "rescue human", if I could pull off taking them to work.........:lolguy:

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How's is this better? You're just as sad as they.


I don't think that someone who lights animals on fire is someone I want in my society, do you? Obviously what I said will never happen. If it were up to me i'd put people like that in a 8'x8' dark cell 23 hours a day for the rest of their life.

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Doing shitty things to animals is super shitty. Having mental-jerkoff fantasies about the retributive justice one would like to see paid on another is hardly altruistic though.


It's likely waaaaaaaay more complicated than folks want to admit. Someone who puts an animal through that kind of suffering is likely pretty mentally-damaged, particularly some of the more torturous cases of animal cruelty I've seen. If they are truly mentally ill, sadistically, and compulsively, no I don't want them walking around hurting animals or people, but I have zero desire to watch them suffer.

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