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Don't forget to vote....


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As much as I don't really want it, Trump needs to win the primary. Here's what I foresee happening if he doesn't:



-Kasich wins the GOP ticket

-Trump runs as an Independent

-The GOP is split during the general election

-Neither Kasich nor Trump gather enough votes with the split. Another Dem gets in


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As much as I don't really want it, Trump needs to win the primary. Here's what I foresee happening if he doesn't:



-Kasich wins the GOP ticket

-Trump runs as an Independent

-The GOP is split during the general election

-Neither Kasich nor Trump gather enough votes with the split. Another Dem gets in



I'll put $20 on Trump not winning the general should he win the Republican nomination.


First taker only.


Who wants it?

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I'll put $20 on Trump not winning the general should he win the Republican nomination.


First taker only. Who wants it?


I'm in. Lost worse bets and might just win. I'd rather have Trump than either of the Dems. Let the masses decide :marc:

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Serious question: If Kasich wins Ohio, that will be the only state he has won. Does that really give him a chance at all with such few delegates?


His chances are done regardless of today, imo.

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Voting for Kasich at this point is a really dumb move (no offense). He's just killing Rubio and Cruz. He will have no effect on Trump.


His chances are done regardless of today, imo.




If you're even slightly against Trump your votes are better served to Cruz or Rubio.

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I think when Drumpf wins the nomination, the GOP will eventually split into 2 parties.


that is exactly what i have heard. Given that Trump doesn't share core GOP values, many think he would be the worst representation of the party.


How's this, Trump vs. Bernie 2016?

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Dumbest fucking thing I've read today, on facebook of course:


"im not voting but still have the right to say what i want.freedom of speech!... and before you say (voting is why i have the right to freedom of speech). well i pay taxes!"


That was word for word exactly what this guy, former coworker, said. unfucking believable.


He went on to explain after some people actually voiced their support of his decision:

"i feel if im voting for something, i feel i want what i want. If i vote for one of these so called soon to be presidents, i may get some things i like but im also getting things i dont. Which seems so dumb to others but im me and thats my right. im not telling anyone they shouldnt"


I'm at a loss for words.

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Rubio won't be a candidate after tomorrow, so I'm not sure I understand your logic.


Way to be a dick. You understand my logic. Kasich is a hopeless vote. Much less chance of winning than the other three. Even if Rubio drops as a result of FL. Does that make sense?

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Way to be a dick. You understand my logic. Kasich is a hopeless vote. Less than the other three (regardless of how bad off they may be). Does that make sense?


You make an inaccurate condescending post,


Voting for Kasich at this point is a really dumb move (no offense). He's just killing Rubio and Cruz. He will have no effect on Trump.



and I'm being the dick?



ANYTHING could happen in this shit show of an election. That's my only point. It's hard to count Kasich out right now IF he wins Ohio. If this thing goes to a brokered convention I don't think that the RNC lets Trump walk out with the nomination. IF Rubio drops out, Kasich could pick up his support and gain delegates. I don't see Cruz doing well in the North. So you can see how Kasich and Cruz can end up with similar delegate counts, Trump could have the most and still not win, and how it COULD certainly have an effect and not be a "really dumb move"

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I said no offense, you apparently took a lot of that offense and I'm sorry.


If Kasich wins and he stays in the race the field remains divided. This is actually good for Trump. He has a better chance at this point to pick up more delegates under that circumstance. The only person that cares about Kasich winning is Cruz.

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ANYTHING could happen in this shit show of an election. That's my only point. It's hard to count Kasich out right now IF he wins Ohio. If this thing goes to a brokered convention I don't think that the RNC lets Trump walk out with the nomination. IF Rubio drops out, Kasich could pick up his support and gain delegates. I don't see Cruz doing well in the North. So you can see how Kasich and Cruz can end up with similar delegate counts, Trump could have the most and still not win, and how it COULD certainly have an effect and not be a "really dumb move"



^^ This. voting for Kasich is IMO the smart and right thing. Love the fact that Trump has no filter and is willing to shit on system and all the BS in it but reality is he's in unchartered waters and I'd much rather have Kasich in there. I do believe he can work both parties to solve problems and while he's not the best speaker or the smartest guy, he's the best we have IMO.


I voted for him in hopes it goes to the convention and he will get the nomination. I could live with Cruz, but he's too much of a hard-ass on some of his stances and that's exactly what we have going on in gov't today and it's a failure. Besides, he's a fucking condescending preacher when he flaps his mouth and that drives me nuts.

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I hope so but in the end, I believe .001% of what I see in the media. IMO they have their own agenda vs actually reporting the truth.


But you seem so normal in person Tim. This is tinfoil hat stuff.



Nope. Unless we are invaded by aliens "Mars Attacks" style, you GOP dudes will be voting for Trump in the general election this year. Book it.


I weep for the Republican party. I really, really hope that this years election becomes the beginning of the end for the two party system.



This. So much this.


I think at this point the only question is where does the GOP want to be buried? It's been too corrupted by weird evangelical agendas, in fighting, and reactionary status quo institutionalized racism that there is nothing to look forward to on any Republican's agenda. Seriously the last "great" republican president was Gerald Ford and he wasn't even elected.


But it's ok.. Hilary's platform is pretty mainstream republican so all you GOP'ers won't feel so out of place while you are stroking your misogyny about a woman being in the whitehouse.


Go out and vote.

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ANYTHING could happen in this shit show of an election. That's my only point. It's hard to count Kasich out right now IF he wins Ohio. If this thing goes to a brokered convention I don't think that the RNC lets Trump walk out with the nomination. IF Rubio drops out, Kasich could pick up his support and gain delegates. I don't see Cruz doing well in the North. So you can see how Kasich and Cruz can end up with similar delegate counts, Trump could have the most and still not win, and how it COULD certainly have an effect and not be a "really dumb move"


Exactly. Matter of fact, this is precisely what the "establishment" has been outright asking for, starting with Romney's little pep-talk a couple weeks ago. There's no conspiracy theory there. Vote Rubio in FL, Kasich in OH, Cruz in TX, and with any luck Trump falls short of the delegate count and it goes to convention, where they will choose ANYONE but him. He will then run Independent, split the GOP down the middle, and hopefully we can all listen to that sweet, sweet swan song they've been marching headfirst towards for the last 30-some years. The Republican Party as we know it is on it's way out. You'll find me dancing on it's ashes.

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Exactly. Matter of fact, this is precisely what the "establishment" has been outright asking for, starting with Romney's little pep-talk a couple weeks ago. There's no conspiracy theory there. Vote Rubio in FL, Kasich in OH, Cruz in TX, and with any luck Trump falls short of the delegate count and it goes to convention, where they will choose ANYONE but him. He will then run Independent, split the GOP down the middle, and hopefully we can all listen to that sweet, sweet swan song they've been marching headfirst towards for the last 30-some years. The Republican Party as we know it is on it's way out. You'll find me dancing on it's ashes.


Ok Bernie, back to the welfare office you go.

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