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So yeah, new Stingray. Car ramps. .......


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Fuck me.


Hit 500miles. Time to do first oil change. Get all the stuffs. Get a nice cup of coffee. Get ready for a nice relaxing oil change in mild 50 degree weather, great way to pass the Sunday. Warm up the engine. Set ramps. ...Ramps I've used on a bazillion cars since the dawn of time. Ramps that have never once given me issue....


Get in car. Drive up. Dad guiding. Car starts up ...ramps slide. Car drops. Front chopped and mangled.


Fuck me. Just. Fuck. Me.


Haven't even made my first payment on it.


So yeah. This weekend sucked.

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As I'm scrolling down, reading...I thought the exact thing as others:

1) Man, that sucks to hear.

2) I saw an ad for QuickJacks by Ranger in HOTROD whilst taking a dump last night.


Gonna have to ask for that for my birfday. I'm wrenching out the wheel bearings on my BMW and this whole jack-and-jackstands-hoisting-the-car-precariously-13"-above-the-ground-giving-me-a-backache is starting to get old, and that detached garage isn't going to happen.

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Sometimes you just want to bang your head against the wall for being a moron.


Moron is a bit tough on yourself. We've all done shit we regretted along those same lines. Sadly I know the last time I did it won't be the last too..... :o

Edited by TTQ B4U
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Moron is a bit tough on yourself. We've all shit we regretted along those same lines. Sadly I know the last time I did it won't be the last too..... :o




What kills me is when you know you trimmed a corner for cost/time, and you INSTANTLY realize the moment a McSteak is made that you could've done it right the first time and saved $100s/$1000s.


It's gonna happen. Can only get wiser from here, hopefully.

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most people forget that you have to "foot" ramps before driving a car up. In the past I used to use cinder-blocks or heavy stones behind the ramp so as to avoid a slide. Cinder-blocks were my favorite because If I accidentally over drove the ramp the tire would not drop right away but on to the block minimizing the damage. I have also in the past jacked the car up and then put the ramps under the tires because I don't trust jackstands.


The other trick I have heard but never tried is to mount the ramps to a longer piece of plywood, This way the ramp is already held in position by the tire on the plywood before the car starts to climb. Also if the tire pushes the plywood it doesn't tear up the car.


sucks, but it's a car and nobody was hurt. Fix it and lesson learned.

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Yeah, you need something to keep them from sliding. My buddy used to bolt his ramps to a long piece of thin(ish) wood so the car tires were on the wood before hitting the ramp. That keeps them from sliding out from under or pushing as you try to go up.
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Quick jack, I don't use ramps anymore.


I was excited about a gift i woudl be able to surprise nathan with... then i saw the cost :no:


plus after hooking up all that crap, he and i could just put it up on the ramps in half the time.

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I was excited about a gift i woudl be able to surprise nathan with... then i saw the cost :no:


plus after hooking up all that crap, he and i could just put it up on the ramps in half the time.

They aren't cheap, correct but they are nice, I use mine all the time. Makes swapping tires and brakes cake walk, rather then wrestling with jacks and stands.

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