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WTF is with Spiders this year!


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I was cutting the grass on Friday and saw what I thought was a baby mole rolling around in the grass as I pushed the mower and pulled back on it. I got closer and saw it was fucking HUGE spider. I was like WTF and quickly finished it off with my boot. I then continued on with my day.


FFWD to tonight and I'm in our lower level laundry room and as I looked towards the door near the floor, there's that fucking spiders little brother :wtf:


I debated going to get my camera but I though no way I was going to let that guy chance living another day in my house.


I did the best I could to not crush him but rather just smash his head. We all know they curl up and get small when they die as their legs won't stay stretched out. Just picture this guy with legs out. DAMN he was HUGE!!! I still have hair on my neck standing up. YUCK!


Best I could do for scale was to grab a plastic spoon.



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A "big" spider that fits in a plastic spoon. :lol: Isn't that like an oxymoron. No, I know it's not, but you get my point. ;)


When you get a spider as big as your palm - as big as my palm - crawling on you without you knowing as you clean a gutter... That'll give you the willies.


Anyway, it's spring, so the spiders are out in full force along with all the other critters. Time to get their screw on! One thing to consider if you live in Ohio is that 'dangerous to human' spiders are practically non-existent.


We've had a quite a few baby copperheads popping up in our neighborhood. Beautiful but not good for the neighbor dogs and kids. I volunteer to capture and relocate them, now,since our neighborhoods are all online with each other.

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Spiders use to be bad for a few years for me, but I found a few areas around our back door and basement window that weren't sealed properly. Also picked up some of those ultra sonic pest things off eBay. Only had one spider so far this year. Fingers are crossed in the fall though.
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A "big" spider that fits in a plastic spoon. :lol: Isn't that like an oxymoron. No, I know it's not, but you get my point. ;)


I know. A buddy of mine who lives in Sydney Australia sent me a pic once of a tarantula hiding behind a picture on their wall. Fuck that! Love the country and women there but damn all the freaking critters they have found at his place is crazy.


That spoonful of protein in this pic was more than enough to give my tired ass that just woke up from sleeping on the couch as I played night-owl a heart attack.

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Spiders don't make it at my house, especially on the lower floor.




Honestly think I'd rather deal with spiders, these guys can run up to 16in/sec they "jump" off the walls when you go to kill them and their bite is none too pleasant.

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They bite? Damn...I've been telling the wife to stop being so dramatic whenever she spots one in the basement. I quote: "they don't even bite they're just creepy looking".


They do not bite unless you want to pick one up and make it. Not to say there can't be that one asshole house centipede. I, for one, have been bitten by a silverfish. I'm a "bug guy" and never even heard of such shit and was surprised to find it even hurt my toe when the little cocksucker started eating me. lol


But no, generally they are not an issue. And a bite from one is considered inconsequential and non-harmful to humans. No more harmful, and in many cases less so, than all the spiders, etc they eat around the house. Plus, they're usually better at getting out of your way and don't leave webs!

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I found a silverfish in my house and approached it to swat it and the damn thing literally squared up on me, raised up and was like, bring it on! They look mean as hell.

I was just chilling out one night on the playing some Red Dead and I feel this pain on my big toe. Look down and it still took a moment for me to accept it. I've never heard of one doing it. I don't know if it was trying to just eat some dead skin and inadvertently chewed into me or what. lol


BTW, house centipedes eat silverfish, too. Silverfish can be destructive and can ruin books, wallpaper, sugar, even clothes. Oh, and apparently big toes. :)

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I found a silverfish in my house and approached it to swat it and the damn thing literally squared up on me, raised up and was like, bring it on! They look mean as hell.


Brake clean takes the fight right out of them.....

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They bite? Damn...I've been telling the wife to stop being so dramatic whenever she spots one in the basement. I quote: "they don't even bite they're just creepy looking".


They aren't naturally aggressive like some spiders, but they will bite if threatened. I put on a pair of shorts off the laundry room floor and got one hell of a pinch on my waist...I freaked out ripped the shorts off and saw one of these go flying...left one hell of a welt. I'd liken it to a bee sting.

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