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How to deal with a issue?


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How about one of the signs that's says "Smile you are on camera?" They are cheap and the kids won't know any better. If your house is lit up, there will be plenty of light to read it even at night. Definitely not as much fun as the thumb tack or dungeon idea though.
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turn off all of your house lights, get a shotgun but make sure its not loaded and dont even have shells anywhere close to you. dress in all black and just sit next to your porch hiding waiting, as soon as they approach cock the shotgun and start screaming jibberish at them. you'll then be labelled as that crazy old guy and no one will mess with you
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Hell I'd probably just leave it hooked up that way permanently. Would be good for the Jehovah Witness's and in-laws too.


Our township has a no solicitation ordinanace of any sorts, so those people and the like get pushed out of our development real quick.


turn off all of your house lights, get a shotgun but make sure its not loaded and dont even have shells anywhere close to you. dress in all black and just sit next to your porch hiding waiting, as soon as they approach cock the shotgun and start screaming jibberish at them. you'll then be labelled as that crazy old guy and no one will mess with you


Greg you scare me.





To be clear, I don't want to cause any physical harm to them by me. I do want to catch the bastards, get there picture and address and have a talk with there parents about the constant harassment.

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You're acting under the assumption it's kids...who knows, it could be some dickhead neighbors haha.


Or something completely unrelated like a short that only occurs when humidity drops below a certain point or something like that. Or Ghosts. yeah, my money is on ghosts. Step 1: get something like a doorbell camera to identify the issue, step 2: solve for the issue.


BTW, I know it goes without saying but you can't booby trap your property in such a way as to cause anybody physical harm without providing them posted notice (which kind of defeats the point). I feel like I shouldn't have to say that but the number of people that have suggested trip wire is concerning.

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so if you put up a sign that said "caution trip wire ahead" and then attached that trip wire to a claymore, legally speaking you are fine?


I think you would have to have a sign for the claymore as well...LoL.


Which raises another question: if you put up a sign that said "caution: live explosives" would anybody in your neighborhood take it seriously? also how many dogs and cats would you have to pay for since they can't read?

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Very valid question.... wish we had a lawyer on the board that could answer this kind of stuff.


I could, but I don't want to run the risk of one of the mods changing my profile pic to brainy smurf again.


I fucking hate the smurfs. Little blue vermin.

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How about the simple solution of just paying a hobo to hide near your front door and scare them away?


Hobos are a pain in the ass to get rid of. You don't want to welcome one into your yard.

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I have two of these on my garage. Have had them for probably 4-5 years now. Still work great. (3) D batteries in each and it is enough light to be bright...plus they look kind of strange and to some punk kid, you never know...kind of looks like a camera. They reliably only come on when dark out, and stay on for roughly 30 seconds.



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I have two of these on my garage. Have had them for probably 4-5 years now. Still work great. (3) D batteries in each and it is enough light to be bright...plus they look kind of strange and to some punk kid, you never know...kind of looks like a camera. They reliably only come on when dark out, and stay on for roughly 30 seconds.




How would these work in a backyard environment - with the dogs outside? Do they turn on and off or will they stay on till there is no movement

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If you are looking at motion lights, I have had these up for a year or so now and they are great for what I want. They are on and show light, but when they pick up movement, they are pretty bright for 30 seconds after the movement stops.




Cheesy and cheap, but might do the trick.


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While a claymore will solve your problem permanently, I wouldn't post "live explosives" or "trip wire ahead", the response you get will be from your local SWAT team and bomb squad.


A cheap and effective solution, and I am assuming your porch is dark at night, a piece of clear packing tape over the door button assembly, and put some silver anti seize on it, and wait, who ever is pushing your doorbell will be covered with that shit, it smears everywhere, you cant get it off easily, and it will be good for laughs, look for the kid with silver shit all over him and his clothes.

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