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Why people back into parking space?

Forrest Gump 9

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I think it funny it bothers people how others park it's your car do what you want


I really don't care most of the time either, but why would you holdup traffic flow just to perfectly park your car when you know you'll be leaving in a minute. Also if you see people are backing out then why you keep on pulling forward to get your perfect parking job?

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I really don't care most of the time either, but why would you holdup traffic flow just to perfectly park your car when you know you'll be leaving in a minute. Also if you see people are backing out then why you keep on pulling forward to get your perfect parking job?



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I back in when parking and turning around in driveways. It's honestly much easier. Regardless of how you park or turn around, your going to be in reverse at some point, better to know 100% what's around you.


My main vehicles have also always been trucks or large SUV's. Honestly those suck to try and pull in. I also won't be a dick and leave myself crooked. If that means adjusting it 100 times, then that's what I'll do. Backing in there is rarely an adjustment needed.


On a side note, if a car is behind me, I won't park. I'll just pull farther out and pick a pull through. I refuse to interfere with someone's day. Haha

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I back into spots mainly at work because its a mad house of people and cars leaving in a tight parking lot so backing outs a PITA! i Tend to do it other places as well out of habit and convenience. Now i will say, i wont back in if there are multiple people behind me. I will earthier go do another round the parking lot, find another space, or just pull in and not deal with it.


I will say its annoying when people do it that take forever to back in, or have to do a 37 point turn. If you cant do it in 2 or less GTFO(really 1 , but there are times where you just have to)


Backed in at work today and felt good :masturboy:

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