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So I detailed the car about a month ago and drove it once or twice that week. Pulled it in the garage where it's sat since. Go to back it out today so me and my son could play guitar/drums for a bit and insulation comes out the exhaust. I get out and am looking at it with the car just idling and a minute later a damn mouse runs out the exhaust pipe. I warm it up and have my son stand back there and rev it a few times to blow the insulation out and he says "there's dog food coming out". I go ahead and pull the car out and run it up and down the road a few times to blow the damn dog food out of it. Watching behind the car it looked like a buck load came out. About halfway through the first pull a mouse drops out of the dash, runs up my leg, jumps from my arm onto the center console, and disappears into the back seat. I have a regular infestation going on in there evidently just in the last couple of weeks. I had left the cutout open so that's how they got in the exhaust. I set some traps in the floorboard and will be putting poison around the car in the garage. It sat all winter with no issues at all and now that it gets warm all the damn mice move in. I'm going to pull the kick panels out of the dash because I'm going to guess there's a nest in there somewhere as well as the exhaust. Hate those damn things.
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The winter before last I had a bag of dog food never opened on the shelves in front of my car and thought nothing of it. When I pulled it down to open it I found a hole in it and clearly saw it was chewed.


Life went on but for months I found a shit-ton of dog food in every boot, shoe, opening of any kind in drawers, tool boxes, etc. Even just last week when I pulled my jack stands and items out of the cabinet, I found more dog food under a carpet that I have on the bottom shelf. Crazy that a mouse or two hid that much food.


I did end up catching them both that same winter in the garage. Set yourself up a bucket trap and sit back and catch away. I put one outside ever spring and catch mice from the field behind us.


One was found dead in the cabin filter of our minivan

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If I knew the damn thing was still in there I would've had a bucket of water under each exhaust tip. I've had some mouse issues here and there in the past but never this bad and not in the car. It's also a pretty sweet ass surprise to have a car WOT and have one jump out from under the dash onto your leg and run up it.


This all goes back to feeding the dog in the garage. I started feeding him out there last year because he's a St. Bernard and gets food all over the place when he eats because the skin on his face hangs down so far. Now there's dog food in the garage that he drops all over the floor and that's drawing the mice in. We sweep it up but he puts more down every time he eats. Might be time to rethink that strategy......how much food do dead dogs get on the floor? :D

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will be putting poison around the car in the garage.


I would caution against poison. They will take that back to the nest and if the nest is in the car and they die, you will be tearing every panel off to fine the smell of the rotting mouse.

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I had something similar with the dragster stored in my garage over the winter. Found about 2 cups of dog food in one of the headers. Unfortunately some of it got sucked into an exhaust valve and crushed up in the cylinder. I had zero compression on that cylinder until I got it cleaned out and burned the rest of it up.
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The Lincoln I had sat out at my dads house in the grass for 7 years, when I drove it home a mouse ran up the seat, across my leg, up the door and jumped out the window.


Also I hulk-smashed a mouse that ran out of our couch and across my lap one night. It ran under a blanket and I punched it 3 times, had bruised knuckles for a couple days but I got the mouse.

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I had something similar with the dragster stored in my garage over the winter. Found about 2 cups of dog food in one of the headers. Unfortunately some of it got sucked into an exhaust valve and crushed up in the cylinder. I had zero compression on that cylinder until I got it cleaned out and burned the rest of it up.


this was a concern of mine...that they went the other direction also but the car runs great so I think I'm ok there. I closed the cut out so that should keep them out of the exhaust as I don't think they can get to it from the rear.....although they can get to some places you wouldn't think they would. I'm going to move the car out of the garage into the driveway for a while until I get these things killed off. That should keep the mice from going in there to die also. I fought these things outside in the 5th wheel a couple years ago and what a pain in the ass it was. They chewed a couple heat vents up and had nests in there. Impossible to get that smell out of the vents...ended up replacing the duct work to get rid of the smell. Not looking forward to doing all this with the car again.



edit: Just went out and checked the trap I set in the floor board of the car......1 down.

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Mine sits in a remote garage from November-March, with lots of mice around. After finding a nest in my center console once, and in my airbox, I bought some of these. I put a couple under the hood, a couple in the trunk, and sit one on the windshield before I throw the cover over it. Then toss one underneath the car for good measure. Knock on wood, it's been flawless. They last about a year before they start losing their effectiveness.
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Funny you brought this up OP. Few years back when I had my other GTO I pulled it out of the garage for the first time since winter slumber. Going down the road and pull into store parking lot. Soon as I stop a mouse falls out of my passenger side floor vents and scurrys off. I lol n wtf then head home, set up some traps on the floorboards n wait. Come down next morning to a dead mouse :fuckyeah:
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or soap bars


x2. I always carved up a bar of irish spring into a small bowl and left that sitting. Some old car dude told me it was his secret and I never had mice in 4 years of the car sitting every winter.

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Tim, country problems :D


When we first moved in in November and stored the three F-Bodies in the pole barn garage thing, we put down moth balls in containers around all four corners of the garage. Then, three types of mouse traps, and poison. No mice ended up in the cars, but I did see a fat one last week running along the wall.


We're now looking for a barn cat to live out there, then we should be all set :D

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Tim, country problems :D


We're now looking for a barn cat to live out there, then we should be all set :D


I put together one of these last year. Game over for any mouse coming from the tree line behind us.






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I don't want to even discuss cats......we have one in the house. It was a cat I rescued as a kitten from the woods where I hunt. Someone dumped 3 little kittens on the road down there so I took them and found homes for 2 and kept 1. The damn thing is a catch and release cat. On multiple occasions I've seen it catch a mouse and then just drop it and let it run off. We tried the outdoor cat thing a bunch of years ago but people out here shoot them. It showed up with a load of shot in it's back and had to be put down. I have built the water traps in the past but in the garage I'm guessing the big ass st bernard would eat all the peanut butter then drink all the water. :D
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x2. I always carved up a bar of irish spring into a small bowl and left that sitting. Some old car dude told me it was his secret and I never had mice in 4 years of the car sitting every winter.


I will be giving this one a try. I like the smell of the soap if nothing else. :D These are normally winter time problems....never had a mouse issue during the summer. Maybe the snakes have taken over outside and they figure their chances are a lot better in the house with the cat that gives them rides from one room to another.

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That is badass. Got build instructions?





Lots of different ways. I use a 5gal bucket outside and I keep one in my garage made from an old office trash can. If for any reason I suspect a critter, I add 8" water and line just the center strip of the can in peanut butter and for kicks I sprinkle it with bird seed :p


Outside I've caught upwards of 5 in one night. Leave it there for 3-4 days and you will eventually see the numbers drop to zero.


The only note for outside is to just beware that cats or coons or opossums will get into it so either some fencing or a motion sensor and a .22 will provide you some target practice. I nailed an opossum a couple weeks back. Had to scare off a neighbors cat too but I LOL'd because he was licking the peanut butter and spitting out the bird seed.


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