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Democratic "sit in"


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My comment wasnt about Dems......It was about not doing your job.....which about 90%+ of the politicians in office are guilty of yet make more money than a majority of us "Normal folk" ever will.....Its seriously time for term limits....in EVERY SINGLE POLITICAL OFFICE......No one should be a politician for life.....Its an elected office to help for the betterment of the people you represent....not yourself.....If you want a career, you should work just lke everyone else.
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So there were some pictures from behind the scenes posted today of this "Sit in". Complete with catered food and potty breaks, not to mention armed security.


Apparently the civil rights protestors were doing it wrong.



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Lifetime politicians lose touch with outside reality, and since most of them have law backgrounds, the are destined to be even worse. When you deal with the judicial system, or politics for that matter, you must take most of the moral rules you were taught as a child, and throw them out the door. Career politicians are definately not in touch with anything outside their small circle, and the above Rangel quote says everything about what is happening. "Do as I say, not as I do" .
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They're trying to raise awareness for an issue that they (and a lot of their constituents) feel is being swept under the rug by a Republican majority. Most Americans agree with background checks, etc...common sense legislation. And yet it's gone from the conversation as soon as the media frenzy surrounding the latest shooting fades. I agree it looks childish and silly, and it's sad that it has come to this, but I don't really fault them. Look at how the GOP has behaved in Congress for over half a decade.
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They're trying to raise awareness for an issue that they (and a lot of their constituents) feel is being swept under the rug by a Republican majority. Most Americans agree with background checks, etc...common sense legislation. And yet it's gone from the conversation as soon as the media frenzy surrounding the latest shooting fades. I agree it looks childish and silly, and it's sad that it has come to this, but I don't really fault them. Look at how the GOP has behaved in Congress for over half a decade.


think about how fucked we would be if the GOP didnt stop the madness the past 10 years. we would really need our guns now.

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think about how fucked we would be if the GOP didn't stop the madness


And by madness you mean the sensible evolution of gun control laws in this country that would more specifically address the harm that is currently occurring in society. Laws are not meant to be static, they need to be able to change and grow with the needs of society.

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And by madness you mean the sensible evolution of gun control laws in this country that would more specifically address the harm that is currently occurring in society. Laws are not meant to be static, they need to be able to change and grow with the needs of society.


great, then how about the evolution of law infringe more on the groups of bad guys vs good. go infringe on the rats and cats and gang bangers in inner city Chicago vs trying to lay out some PC Bullshit law that infringes on the innocent law abiding people in this country who far outnumber the bad guys.

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great, then how about the evolution of law infringe more on the groups of bad guys vs good. go infringe on the rats and cats and gang bangers in inner city Chicago vs trying to lay out some PC Bullshit law that infringes on the innocent law abiding people in this country who far outnumber the bad guys.


Tim, could you just try to be a little less racisit/tinfoil hat please?


Yes we have all heard your position of "not one more inch" and it's not a tenable position for the long game. I hear a lot of "go pick on someone else" out of you but not a whole lot of alternative solutions. Frankly, there is already gun control in this country, you've lost, and the only question is whether it is going to be national or continue to be local. But please by all means, continue holding this obstructionist view since it just means you'll lose ground by inches as the rest of the world evolves around you.

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Tim, could you just try to be a little less racisit/tinfoil hat please?


Kerry, I am who I am, and am not going to apologize for not giving a shit about the hood rats in this world. I honestly have way to many other more important things and people in life to worry about than those that choose said path. I know you're a liberal bleeding heart that wants to save the world through drawn out legislation and bullshit that spins round and round about every detail involved but I'm not. I'll leave you and others to worry about them. I will add though it's a waste of resources until they begin to help themselves though. BTW I"m not racist as my description isn't targeting any one race. If it applies to 30 from chinese to black to middle eastern to white then so be it.


I'm a bit more realistic and direct. The long drawn out BS games and legislative muck is what has amplified all that is wrong with this country. Time to choose a more direct and nimble way of doing things that impact the good of the many vs dragging everyone down for the few and especially the few that aren't valuable contributing members of society. We can only avoid flushing the turds building up in the toilet for so long. IN the end, it really doesn't and won't likely ever impact me. I'm not giving up any guns, tossing away my magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, or selling / giving away any of my guns.


Yes we have all heard your position of "not one more inch" and it's not a tenable position for the long game. I hear a lot of "go pick on someone else" out of you but not a whole lot of alternative solutions.
You won't like the solutions Kerry. In the end, cleaning up inner city Chiraque for example would be pretty direct and easy but it would likely hurt your feelings and break your heart for all those lives that need dealt with.


Granted there are some good people inside the boundaries or lines I would clearly outline on a map designating the focus area but they house most of the criminals in Chicago so that's where the focus needs to be. The innocents can be vetted fairly easily.


Same could be said here in Cbus. No sense in applying the evolution of law across the city of Dublin when the crime is not centered there. When we had ants in the house this spring, I didn't spray the garage, I sprayed the area around where the bugs were.


Frankly, there is already gun control in this country, you've lost, and the only question is whether it is going to be national or continue to be local.
What makes you think I feel if I lost? I haven't lost anything. Laws and gun control that is currently in place doesn't make me feel as if I lost. It's when we start treating law abiding people as criminals that everyone begins to lose.


We don't go around ticketing 600hp vehicle owners for speeding just because they own the car. We don't limit their ability to drive them on the roads either. So why infringe on the rights of tens of millions of gun owners vs concentrating on the areas where crime is located. Doesn't make sense.


But please by all means, continue holding this obstructionist view since it just means you'll lose ground by inches as the rest of the world evolves around you.
what you call evolution is taking baby steps backwards. Land of the FREE and home of the BRAVE is turning into home of highly regulated cowards afraid to take action and really address problems that need addressed as we worry about a relatively small number out of 360M people. Edited by TTQ B4U
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Kerry, I am who I am, and am not going to apologize for not giving a shit about the hood rats in this world.


we should really get you a racial relations code book Tim.


BTW I"m not racist as my description isn't targeting any one race. If it applies to 30 from chinese to black to middle eastern to white then so be it.
It never ceases to amuse me that people who usually exposue this position don't understand the difference between disparate impact and disparate treatment, or express vs implied for that matter.


I'm a bit more realistic and direct. The long drawn out BS games and legislative muck is what has amplified all that is wrong with this country. Time to choose a more direct and nimble way of doing things that impact the good of the many vs dragging everyone down for the few and especially the few that aren't valuable contributing members of society.
This is sounding a little fascist. ok a lot facist, but I'm being kind.



We can only avoid flushing the turds building up in the toilet for so long. IN the end, it really doesn't and won't likely ever impact me. I'm not giving up any guns, tossing away my magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, or selling / giving away any of my guns.
condemns criminals but plan b is to become a criminal yourself. Great double standard.


You won't like the solutions Kerry. In the end, cleaning up inner city Chiraque for example would be pretty direct and easy but it would likely hurt your feelings and break your heart for all those lives that need dealt with.
My people rarely ever like it when people start to talk about "solutions" to the general population. Final ones esp.


Granted there are some good people inside the boundaries or lines I would clearly outline on a map designating the focus area but they house most of the criminals in Chicago so that's where the focus needs to be. The innocents can be vetted fairly easily.
should we give them all gold stars to wear for being good (too far....?)


Same could be said here in Cbus. No sense in applying the evolution of law across the city of Dublin when the crime is not centered there. When we had ants in the house this spring, I didn't spray the garage, I sprayed the area around where the bugs were.

Insert gassing the undesirable criminal element jokes here.




what you call evolution is taking baby steps backwards. Land of the FREE and home of the BRAVE is turning into home of highly regulated cowards afraid to take action and really address problems that need addressed as we worry about a relatively small number out of 360M people.


Land of the free for whom? certainly isn't free for those people that get deprived of their life in these small number of situations. Since when does your constitutional right to bear arms get to interfere with everyone's constitutional right to life liberty and pursuit of happiness?



Since I godwin's law'ed the fuck out of this conversation does that mean it is now over?

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we should really get you a racial relations code book Tim.


No need. I don't attach race to my points, you're the one doing that. I'm not even implying anything around race, that's you too.


This is sounding a little fascist. ok a lot facist, but I'm being kind.
well the democratic way of handling it doesn't seem to be working out too well now does it. we take the poorest of the poor, let them be as unaccountable as we can, handcuff and scoff at the police and then wonder why they don't seem to care or are bitter and simply reward the poor with more handouts keeping them in place. genius. but hell, we all know the answer is really to just remove the rights from everyone and call it a day. That's what needs to happen.


condemns criminals but plan b is to become a criminal yourself. Great double standard.
we're not doing anything about the above situation so why not. perhaps this is the new American Liberal Way.

My people rarely ever like it when people start to talk about "solutions" to the general population. Final ones esp.

I'm talking solutions that apply to the problem areas only. We don't need to apply the fix to everyone since the majority aren't bad guys. There are what 12M+ AR15's sold and in circulation, thus for the sake of how many of these style rifle incidents have we had yet we're going to apply a major change to impact 11,999,950 of them and their owners? Dumb.


should we give them all gold stars to wear for being good (too far....?)
No, we ask them to join in and help the rest of their community and not just be good but apply that good. It's just as much if not more their job to fix their families and communities than those outside those areas.


Insert gassing the undesirable criminal element jokes here.
How about not applying a fix to those that don't have the problem.


Land of the free for whom? certainly isn't free for those people that get deprived of their life in these small number of situations.
Free for those that choose to participate in society. Those that choose not to (criminals)....we tend to take their freedom from them as we should. In terms of those that are deprived of life, don't punish those of us who had nothing to do with it. Go after the bad guys and hold them accountable. THEY are the ones who deprived the dead of their life. Again, hundreds of millions of guns and gun owners are 100% great members of society and not bad guys. Those that are, like felons, we already have laws on the books regarding their ability to own guns.


Since when does your constitutional right to bear arms get to interfere with everyone's constitutional right to life liberty and pursuit of happiness?
Since when does it? My gun nor my actions are interfering with anyone. I've not killed anyone, I'm abiding by the law. I'm not giving hall-passes to the hood rats and feeding them more money to continue doing what they do.


Just the same, since when does your constitutional right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness get to interfere with my right to bear arms and seek the same happiness? Since when is it okay to interfere with someone who is doing no harm? Should be ticket in advance for speeding when I buy a new sports car because you think it sounds dangerous when I drive down the street?


Since I godwin's law'ed the fuck out of this conversation does that mean it is now over?
I don't know have the CR Police gotten pissed at our rant yet? Once that happens it's over. Edited by TTQ B4U
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Well played, Tim.


...and it should be noted that all of Tim's cars are black, Kerry. He's hardly a racist.


and I have a brother in law who is black, a sister in law who is 1/2 black, an adopted nephew who is 100% black wiht a bonus point as he's gay, another brother in law who is from Japan and in college I did bang a hot black name Lisa. I'd be lying if I said I didn't still think about her :p


Kerry, you're still welcome to buy me a cup of coffee in the morning and I'll even drink it black if that would help.


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and I have a brother in law who is black, a sister in law who is 1/2 black, an adopted nephew who is 100% black wiht a bonus point as he's gay, another brother in law who is from Japan and in college I did bang a hot black name Lisa. I'd be lying if I said I didn't still think about her :p


Kerry, you're still welcome to buy me a cup of coffee in the morning and I'll even drink it black if that would help.



Going for "points" is fucking stupid.


Whats even dumber is identifying as a repub or dem

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Kerry, in your opinion, why do you believe the second amendment was put in place?



Does it matter? The world of the 1700's is not the same world of the 2000's. I'm pretty sure our forefathers didn't envision the government having access to a massive combat trained troop count plus f16s and tanks when they wrote it. In this day and age if the government is relying on every banker or farmer to defend against an invading force we are beyond the point of serious trouble.

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Does it matter? The world of the 1700's is not the same world of the 2000's. I'm pretty sure our forefathers didn't envision the government having access to a massive combat trained troop count plus f16s and tanks when they wrote it. In this day and age if the government is relying on every banker or farmer to defend against an invading force we are beyond the point of serious trouble.


They have pledged to protect the constitution, not the .gov. I know a good number of Threepers that will go against said .gov the protect the constitution.

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And by madness you mean the sensible evolution of gun control laws in this country that would more specifically address the harm that is currently occurring in society. Laws are not meant to be static, they need to be able to change and grow with the needs of society.


Sure, but if by "sensible evolution" you mean throwing shade on "assault rifles" and pistol grips and 30 round magazines you'd be just as full of shit as they are. They've picked an easy target (the AR15, for example) to rile up an ignorant constituency rather than addressing real issues of mental health, lack of accountability for street sales, etc. Banning a particular gun or feature is hardly the answer to our problems. It's a scapegoat and a distraction from real issues.

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Sure, but if by "sensible evolution" you mean throwing shade on "assault rifles" and pistol grips and 30 round magazines you'd be just as full of shit as they are. They've picked an easy target (the AR15, for example) to rile up an ignorant constituency rather than addressing real issues of mental health, lack of accountability for street sales, etc. Banning a particular gun or feature is hardly the answer to our problems. It's a scapegoat and a distraction from real issues.


I am all for just getting research into the issue funded. Let the numbers tell the tale. Unfortunately I think the NRA knows that the numbers don't support their agenda so they spend their time and money making sure we stay stupid.


Do I think it sucks to "throw shade" on AR15s and assault weapons without research? yes, but that is what happens when you have a whole lot of people who are looking to make progress in a certain area and are frustrated by a lack of information - they get backed into controversial and alternative action.


I agree with you that the constituency is ignorant but it is ignorant for a reason and the NRA is contributing to that.

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Do I think it sucks to "throw shade" on AR15s and assault weapons without research? yes, but that is what happens when you have a whole lot of people who are looking to make progress in a certain area and are frustrated by a lack of information - they get backed into controversial and alternative action.


What research is needed? The FBI tracks murder by weapon, do they not? Less than 400 a year via rifle, let alone the more specific subset of the AR15, or even any semi-auto. This is a drop in the bucket. The fact that you even use the term "assault weapon" is ridiculous. What makes it an assault weapon? Because it looks scary? This is a shining example of the ignorance I'm talking about and terms like that only feed it.


This is what happens when it's chosen as a boogieman to distract. Nothing more. They're not frustrated by lack of info. They're frustrated because no one really understands why this happens and we're all grasping at straws to explain it. It's a cultural problem. Banning a specific weapon won't solve it.

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