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QS&L Bike Night - Colerain 5/7


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What a damn blast! I appreciate the ride guys... def. have a ton to learn and really anxious to start learning... mechanical bike stuff and riding techniques...

One thing I def. learned today is that I haven't even touched the potential this bike has... got a long ways to go. Looking forward to the future rides.

Was a great first time ever doing twisties.

good to see you out tonight man! yeah dude theres tons to learn and you have a good attitude about it. your bike was made to carve corners and we'll make sure you learn the proper way to do that. one thing tho man, like i told you before we left chipotle, was to ride your own ride. we honestly werent pushing it tonight and you made a mistake that could have cost you big time. never ride outside your limits! id much rather wait for you at the stop signs than to call an ambulance. keep practicing man and you'll get the hang of it!

Nice to meet you Miller. Good ride guys. Everyone kept the pretty side up so we must have done something right. Matt, keep that 600 in the twisties. I think we learned who was boss tonight....:metal:

haha i like you luke, thats why i let you win on the straights, but we all know whos boss in the twisties :D

Yeah but his bike gets the picures and looks haha

smart man you are!! :)

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Yeah I pushed it a little much in those two corners, I'll def be sure to keep that in check. I need to find some roads like that near me, everything with a curve has gravel in my area, always so much construction.

Looking forward to more of the twisties.

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Yeah I pushed it a little much in those two corners, I'll def be sure to keep that in check. I need to find some roads like that near me, everything with a curve has gravel in my area, always so much construction.

Looking forward to more of the twisties.

lucky wish i shared ur enthusiasm...yeah matt and them are good peoples...they know what there talking about!

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lucky wish i shared ur enthusiasm...yeah matt and them are good peoples...they know what there talking about!

dave man give it some time. i think you'll come to enjoy the twisties at some point. once you get a little better the whole experience will be much more enjoyable. you dont know what your missing!

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its not his enthusiasm for it you lack, its his respect for what hes doing instead of your fear of it that you desire.

lol sounds like a quote from a old roman book!! lol i know like i said maybe next season ill play around with twisties and track stuff!! :fruit:

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Well I'm a paramedic so I've seen first hand what these machines can do, so I def respect my bike, and I'm the type of person who wants to soak up every bit of info about everything I can, and I don't know much about ridng haha.

The twisties were a little scary, I won't lie, but a friggin blast, and know that there is SO much more to learn about them makes me want to keep going back.

You should come ride them while I'm learning too, you won't be the slowest and the only new person to them.

Edited by millerb7
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Sorry I missed yu guys !!

I didn't get up there till 8 pm or so !

I saw Jess and a few others and ran into some racers I haven't seen in years !!! Wooohooo..... Old fast guys are awesome !!

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You guys had better be riding Sunday! And ya'll are coming to the party tomoro right? right? right? LOL

not sure if ill be at the party or not but i have to work sunday so thats a no go for me. i will however be off on tues and the forecast looks good so far, if anyones interested

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What time you all ridng Sunday? It's mothers day so I don't have long, but most my morning/early afternoon is free.

Tentatively, we'll be riding around 11... some people will split off early and head back but you can meet me at Brandon's Sunday morning and ride with us down to Shell

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Andrea and I will def. be at the party on saturday, but not realy early, probably 5 or so. maybee bring a pit bike or quad ? I have to ask Brandon about that ??

Sundays ride will be hard to pull off, mothers day and all !!

I was sooo stoked to see my old friends last night, if your on here lerking speek up Chris M. !!

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I'll prob go to the party with the lady, prob won't do 10/22 though. I think she wants me to take her out plus i'd like to ride that route we did yesterday some more to practice.

Appreciate you riding behind me though.

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blake you wanna ride that route again just hit me up, 5351901, dont call, i probably wont answer, but text im on top of(sorta, not really), just give me a time and place after 3.30 and ill be there, monday thru thurs, fridays i have totally free

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blake you wanna ride that route again just hit me up, 5351901, dont call, i probably wont answer, but text im on top of(sorta, not really), just give me a time and place after 3.30 and ill be there, monday thru thurs, fridays i have totally free

Oh i see how it is, you'll lead when I'm not around!!! Haha

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