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Q-S-&-L Bike Night 5/6//09


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Ahhh yes, I m in for either. Volleyball is now over so I cant use that as an excuse to miss any bike nights. Actually there are no excuses to miss bike night for this guy. NExt week, Canes at 630, then Shell 7. Cant wait!

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...Volleyball is now over so I cant use that as an excuse to miss any bike nights...

Were'd you play volleyball at? My wife played on Weds nights too at Spikes in Hilliard.

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Canes is cool.

But there's this place called Kahoots.

They have chicken fingers and breasts. :D

:lol: he said breasts...... he he he

Canes around 6 sounds good.

I'll add that info to my QSL post next week also.

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I ll be a bit late, more like 630 just cuz of ride time from down here lol. BUT I ll be there as long as its nice!

We played at Flannigans, we start monday nights this coming monday, not looking forward to missing a night of riding, but hopefully I can atleast freeway ride to play lol..

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Oh I do, thats why theres the LOL following my statement. After I left dinner, I was behind the other guys at the light and some WRX decided to cut between us and try to race them, well I slowed and let it get in front of me, then got behind him on the ramp after they turned off. As soona as wegot on the 71 he decided to race me. I m not normally one to even care, but he rubbed me the wrong way after cutting me off, took it to 140 and he was a speck in the mirror. Let off and got off at 161 to meet up with MJ and kicked it.

Thats why I hate stuff like that, people just have to act sweet, and then it sets me off and I have to do something dumb back lol.

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Oh I do, thats why theres the LOL following my statement. After I left dinner, I was behind the other guys at the light and some WRX decided to cut between us and try to race them, well I slowed and let it get in front of me, then got behind him on the ramp after they turned off. As soona as wegot on the 71 he decided to race me. I m not normally one to even care, but he rubbed me the wrong way after cutting me off, took it to 140 and he was a speck in the mirror. Let off and got off at 161 to meet up with MJ and kicked it.

Thats why I hate stuff like that, people just have to act sweet, and then it sets me off and I have to do something dumb back lol.

haha me and elliot were sitting at that light joking about the wrx and thinking what we would do if that guy got on the gas when the light turned...then it happened and we just laughed when we got to quaker.

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I didnt really mind that too much, cuz he was such a chochbag, but then once I was behind him getting on 71 and he brake checked me then punched it, I said no soup for you and pulled up next to him and it was on.

What a frigging DB.

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I didnt really mind that too much, cuz he was such a chochbag, but then once I was behind him getting on 71 and he brake checked me then punched it, I said no soup for you and pulled up next to him and it was on.

What a frigging DB.

Brake checking a bike will get you pistol whipped.

I fukin hate people like that

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