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No Olympic Talk?


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Haven't seen much here.


Usually watch them and enjoy. This year has been pretty good. The US Volleyball team has struggled and Brazil's two teams are damn tough.


Some of the best matches I've seen ever. Good stuff.


Side note that doesn't really need mentioned, but it's not only a great sport but damn nice one to watch too ;)

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Haven't seen much here.


Usually watch them and enjoy. This year has been pretty good. The US Volleyball team has struggled and Brazil's two teams are damn tough.


Some of the best matches I've seen ever. Good stuff.


Side note that doesn't really need mentioned, but it's not only a great sport but damn nice one to watch too ;)


Kerri Walsh is playing like shit, Ross is carrying the team! They finally got their shit together the last 2 sets last night and made it work. Still can't believe they lost Tuesday night. Brazil does have 2 VERY good teams in it though!!


Phelps is a fucking badass!!


Bolt is so fucking fast, he just makes it look easy.


I'm not sure of actual ages, but USA Womens gymnasts are lik 18-22 years old, China team looks like they are all 6-10 years old, WTF??

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Attempting not to support the IOC corruption and third world human rights violators. Yeah yeah, typical bleeding heart librul stuff, but between IOC and FIFA there's a lot of shady backroom shit that goes on.


Not sure if anyone has paid attention to the AIBA controversy, and how it's dragged up comparisons to Olympics in 88 when the corrupt judges gave the hometown Korean guy victories over 2 guys that out punched him, including Roy Jones Jr. in the gold medal bout. I think all games that require judges are basically rigged.


EDIT: I'm not just annoyed that old white guys are getting rich off this stuff. What bothers me is stuff like the covered-up deaths of dozens/hundreds/however many immigrant workers in Qatar for the 2022 World Cup for instance.

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Meh. Just boring to me. I'm ready for some football!!!

Watch Fu Yuanhui's interviews. As a swimmer myself, she's off the hook, but even for people without a background in the sport, she's still funny.

I'm not sure of actual ages, but USA Womens gymnasts are lik 18-22 years old, China team looks like they are all 6-10 years old, WTF??

Early teens, generally. They're smaller to begin with, but CHN has been found to falsify entry ages before. Younger kids are less likely to hold back or refuse to attempt really dangerous stuff since they haven't developed that "This could really fsck me up" fear yet.

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I've had it on but haven't paid too much attention. I'm amazed at the athleticism.


I like watching the Velodrome events but haven't had a chance to watch any if they've even been on.


Michael Phelps is amazing, pretty sure he could do 200m in any discipline before I could make it 50m.

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My wife and I have watched it damn near every night. She loves the gymnastics and I love the swimming/volleyball. These people are so intense and passionate, it's damn near unmatched in any other sporting event in the world. We can't get enough.
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Attempting not to support the IOC corruption and third world human rights violators. Yeah yeah, typical bleeding heart librul stuff, but between IOC and FIFA there's a lot of shady backroom shit that goes on.


Not sure if anyone has paid attention to the AIBA controversy, and how it's dragged up comparisons to Olympics in 88 when the corrupt judges gave the hometown Korean guy victories over 2 guys that out punched him, including Roy Jones Jr. in the gold medal bout. I think all games that require judges are basically rigged.


EDIT: I'm not just annoyed that old white guys are getting rich off this stuff. What bothers me is stuff like the covered-up deaths of dozens/hundreds/however many immigrant workers in Qatar for the 2022 World Cup for instance.


all valid points...and I am not really all that thrilled about how Brazil is handling reported crimes against Olympians by taking away the Olympians passports.


however there have been a lot of really positive female role models this time around, esp in swimming and gymnastics and I have been watching with my 4 year old daughter because I want her to see positive role models. Simone Biles is just killing it:

“I’m not the next Usain Bolt or Michael Phelps,” she told Sporting News after accepting her second gold medal. “I’m the first Simone Biles.”


When you crush by such a wide margin....Fucking Rock On!!!!

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You realize CAPITAL DOUCHE made up the story...


Maybe, maybe not. It's not like I give Brazilian authorities any credibility either. It's an our word against theirs situation. However, you don't usually detain victims of an alleged crime by taking their passports. Esp when they had ample time to collect statements.


Best thing Brazil could do right now is drop the whole thing saying there isn't enough evidence to do anything about it, instead they have suspended the right to travel of American citizens which is only going to get US diplomatic relations involved. A Brazilian police investigation is unlikely to hold up to any US scrutiny so....lets just see how this plays out.

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My wife and I have watched it damn near every night. She loves the gymnastics and I love the swimming/volleyball. These people are so intense and passionate, it's damn near unmatched in any other sporting event in the world. We can't get enough.


Been watching it all pretty much too. Swimming, diving, track, gymnastics, volleyball. Volleyball has gotten a lot more intense than I remember. Also watch a couple of the Brazilian football games on NBCSHD over the weekend.

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I believe if I was being held in a foreign country and prohibited from going home I would say whatever they wanted me to. If the police were in on it then he is in a lose lose situation..


If you read the news reports and the analysis of the tape and such....what apparently happened is they broke a door at a gas station restroom, so the manager and a security guard cornered them and demanded they pay. There is no footage of the actual exchange, just before and after and it is apparent they they are bombed out of their gourds drunk.


If I were very drunk, in a men's room bathroom, and a guy (probably angry from having to deal with drunk guy shenanigans) with a badge and a gun (albeit a security badge) was demanding money from me I could easily see how that could be interpreted as a shakedown by a cop, regardless as to whatever was happening.


One thing is not in dispute at this point: The swimmers gave a person with a "badge" money under duress. Whether it was restitution for a bathroom door they broke or a shakedown by a cop - either way it doesn't matter at this point, they are holding two swimmers and it could get diplomatically ugly fast.


I don't think Brazil as a country knew what a media shitstorm it was inviting in with hosting the Olympics but it's becoming clear they were not ready for any of it and are reacting badly. Whatever happened if they charge the swimmers with a crime, it could get really ugly. I don't care how much butt hurt there is over how much of a crap hole their country looks like - now is not the time to find out the "don't fuck with our people" threshold of the US foreign relations.

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