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RIP Joe - Be careful out there


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Lost a great guy today that became my friend over the past few years through CC&C. There was an impromptu cruise/gathering in Easton this past evening in his name...still shocking to have seen someone barely 12 hours ago and now he's gone. :( He left a lot of great friends, a fiancee, and many people who loved him.


I post this up as a reminder to everyone - especially riders - to be careful out there. While you're at it, tell a friend/family member how much you love and appreciate them. Tough reminder how precious and fragile life is.

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Sadly every time I even by the smallest percent think about owning a bike I see stories like this pop up and it draws me back.


It's so sad that at any age this happens to someone when (from best that I can tell from the story) he was doing everything just as he should and someone not paying attention causes Joe to be taken way to early.

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Terrible to hear, I hate how the news has to state that this impacted buckeye game traffic. Hey how about respect the life of some one that just passed as football is not the most important thing here.


My thoughts exactly. That couldn't have been more disrespectful.

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Was he at C&C saturday? Saw a few bikes there. News reads like a car turned in front of him?


Charge them with manslaughter and throw em in jail




Yes. He had a silver 'Busa with a red frame cage. He would just lay it on the frame cage when he parked it...always put a smile on my face when I saw it lying on its side. :lol:


It's very sad as Joe enjoyed riding very much...yet this accident was more from someone else being careless and going faster than him. Physics just isn't in favor of the bike rider in a situation like this.

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Awful to hear as a new motorcycle owner/rider. Makes me consider getting rid of it. You just can't trust idiot drivers out there.





I have been putting a car together with the intent to trade it for another bike, this definately has me reconsidering now.

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Yeah this one hit me hard. Was just walking around and hanging out with him at C and C yesterday and left about 15 mins before he did....


Just like Clay said "While you're at it, tell a friend/family member how much you love and appreciate them. Tough reminder how precious and fragile life is"


Get so caught up in the day to day of life / activity sometimes that need to stop occasionally and just appreciate it. Tell your family you love em, SHOW them you love em, tackle that work project always needing more work later and take your kid to the park or something... That's what Im doing today.

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Have wanted a bike since I was 15. Stories like this are why I have never bought one. Very sad.


And fk them for mentioning the OSU game. I know that's practically blasphemy in columbus for me to say that, and IDGAF. Human lives>stupid game.

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Have wanted a bike since I was 15. Stories like this are why I have never bought one. Very sad.


And fk them for mentioning the OSU game. I know that's practically blasphemy in columbus for me to say that, and IDGAF. Human lives>stupid game.


I'm a diehard OSU fan and it really struck a chord with me they did that. Anyone who is upset about someone saying what you did is worse than 10tv.

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