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So, is everyone cool with this?




Tried to find an article on Fox News about it, so that I would be giving it as conservative a spin as possible, but there didn't seem to be one. Thoughts, my conservative homies?



I was going to start a thread about the "Alt Right" but figured it would be brought up here.


I guess the "Alt Right" is a bunch of lulzy half-serious fucking 4channers and shit. I'd fit right in :gabe:


I bet that guy isn't as bad as the Media is portraying him / Breitbart News. Serious, people that say inflammatory/lulzy shit on the interwebs can be serious (in real life).

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So, is everyone cool with this?




Tried to find an article on Fox News about it, so that I would be giving it as conservative a spin as possible, but there didn't seem to be one. Thoughts, my conservative homies?


because the only people harping on it are the left biased media. I don't believe shit I read or see on the news anymore. It's all spun to deliver the left's message. Trump flew in the face of every news organization out there for the most part.....there will be zero unbiased articles written about him or his people for the next 4 years.

Hillary Clinton is a thieving murderous bitch and it's never reported......Ivanka sells a bracelet she wore on TV and it hits every news outlet the next day. I will believe nothing reported in the news.

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I was going to start a thread about the "Alt Right" but figured it would be brought up here.


I guess the "Alt Right" is a bunch of lulzy half-serious fucking 4channers and shit. I'd fit right in :gabe:


I bet that guy isn't as bad as the Media is portraying him / Breitbart News. Serious, people that say inflammatory/lulzy shit on the interwebs can be serious (in real life).


This bothers me.Not all trump supporters are trolling 14 year olds.

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Odds of Kerry showing up to C&C witha safety pin?




No, it's kind of condescending. You shouldn't need a symbol like that to indicate you stand on the side of equality, just be a decent person and it's enough.


excellent reading comprehension there.


This bothers me.Not all trump supporters are trolling 14 year olds.




Alt right isn't "alternative" like listening to pearl jam in your parents basement in 1993 kind of alternative. It's the name for the group of people most conservatives don't want to associate with because they are too out there. In the past we just called them openly racist anti-Semitic women hating assholes and didn't pay any attention to them, but now since everything is public and clamoring for attention they are harder to ignore. Under the original founder, brietbart wasn't nearly as inflammatory, but under Bannon's leadership it became more click-baity with a focus on the "alternative right". Whether he was empowering them or just taking advantage of a rising tide is harder to say, but either way I don't know that he can be disassociated with it.

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So, is everyone cool with this?




Tried to find an article on Fox News about it, so that I would be giving it as conservative a spin as possible, but there didn't seem to be one. Thoughts, my conservative homies?



could care less. Hit liar y is worse as is her Weiner bitch's wife. Nothing to see here really.

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Good Read.


Why Trump doesn't touch Alcohol, Wow. Alot more to the guy then I thought. He could have brought this up Numerous times on the Campaign, for any number of reasons, but never so much as touched on it.



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The level of ignorance in this post is...impressive.


Question; by "we", you are of course referring to....?


Sure ill spell it out but jokes are less funny when you do that. Im assuming the person who made this was referring to Abraham Lincoln who was a republican (National Union Party) as "they" freed the slaves and also won the most recent election. In either case the democratic party lost. I realize the parties are not the same as they were but i found humor in the picture and thought others might as well.

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Sure ill spell it out but jokes are less funny when you do that. Im assuming the person who made this was referring to Abraham Lincoln who was a republican (National Union Party) as "they" freed the slaves and also won the most recent election. In either case the democratic party lost. I realize the parties are not the same as they were but i found humor in the picture and thought others might as well.


I think the humor he found was almost entirely in the people making/posting it. Probably wasn't what you were going for.

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I also think there's a bit of irony in that meme...the person who made it is also referencing that Democratic slave-owners would've likely protested after the Emancipation Proclamation, so it's funny that there is a parallel made between Dems upset about a GOP president now, just like there may have been in the past!


Ironic, in that the modern Democratic party espouses to be a party for people's rights!!1!1

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Why Trump doesn't touch Alcohol, Wow. Alot more to the guy then I thought. He could have brought this up Numerous times on the Campaign, for any number of reasons, but never so much as touched on it.


I think this actually came up during the GOP run off last year but it really isn't much of a story. Is it interesting? yes. could it have helped him? if it could have he would have used it more.


could care less. Hit liar y is worse as is her Weiner bitch's wife. Nothing to see here really.


Jeez Tim, can you just knock off the hitler-hillary comparisons? it's starting to border on antisemitism.

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I just want to say, I find it hilarious that one of Trumps major campaign points was building this Great Wall of Murica, yet this morning on NPR in an interview with a top border patrol agent who just recently met with Trumps crew stated that currently only 15% of the border is fenced, and it would most likely be about another 15% that is secured, mostly with fencing. 30% fence is quite a bit different than some awesome border long wall that the methicans are going to pay for...
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I just want to say, I find it hilarious that one of Trumps major campaign points was building this Great Wall of Murica, yet this morning on NPR in an interview with a top border patrol agent who just recently met with Trumps crew stated that currently only 15% of the border is fenced, and it would most likely be about another 15% that is secured, mostly with fencing. 30% fence is quite a bit different than some awesome border long wall that the methicans are going to pay for...


I heard the same thing: it's going to be more of a fence than a wall.


Campaign rhetoric: as believable as Hilary saying she wants to help all people. :gabe:

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I heard the same thing: it's going to be more of a fence than a wall.


Campaign rhetoric: as believable as Hilary saying she wants to help all people. :gabe:


That's why I'm laughing at all these "not my president types", they are on a different planet. Some of the interviews with these people are amazing, they can't list one logical reason to hate Trump OUTSIDE of what someone said on social media, or what the daily show/SNL told them.

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Somewhere, there's a pig that's missing lipstick...




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I just want to say, I find it hilarious that one of Trumps major campaign points was building this Great Wall of Murica, yet this morning on NPR in an interview with a top border patrol agent who just recently met with Trumps crew stated that currently only 15% of the border is fenced, and it would most likely be about another 15% that is secured, mostly with fencing. 30% fence is quite a bit different than some awesome border long wall that the methicans are going to pay for...


The other problem nobody is talking about is who owns this land? A good portion of the land that exists on the border isn't owned by the Federal Government, it's owned by private citizens. So it would take federal easements and/or taking of the land by eminent domain in order to build a secure wall.


All those people that voted because they didn't want the federal government taking away money/property from it's citizens (i.e. against wealth redistribution) - how well do you think it is going to sit with them that in order to build a border wall/fence they are going to have to take property away from American citizens?


The other thing to point out is that, 40% (or more) of our illegal alien problem comes from people overstaying legitimate visas, and is not limited to Mexicans (16% are actually Mexicans and 27% are central Americans in that group). A border wall is not going to fix that. There is this perception that our southern border is "porous" but really mexicans only make up 52% of all undocumented immigrants and only 46% of those who entered without inspection (i.e. crossing a border).


Really "securing the southern US border" is nothing more than the war on drugs repackaged to play on American's fear of Mexicans. If we really wanted to stop Mexican immigration maybe we should pick our own damn strawberries at the same wage and therefore stop the labor market incentive for them to cross in the first place.

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I just want to say, I find it hilarious that one of Trumps major campaign points was building this Great Wall of Murica, yet this morning on NPR in an interview with a top border patrol agent who just recently met with Trumps crew stated that currently only 15% of the border is fenced, and it would most likely be about another 15% that is secured, mostly with fencing. 30% fence is quite a bit different than some awesome border long wall that the methicans are going to pay for...


Not just the wall, it's also getting rid of obamacare, prosecuting Hilary and 'draining the swamp'.


The wall that they were going to pay for is now a fence that we'll pay for, obamacare is now going to be changed, not scrapped, not shit is being done to Hilary (he actually called her a good person), and his cabinet is looking like a text book definition of a typical career politician.


Troll level: Terrific


Some of the interviews with these people are amazing, they can't list one logical reason to hate Trump OUTSIDE of what someone said on social media, or what the daily show/SNL told them.


Agree, but it's the exact same thing with people on why they support Trump. Except replace daily show/SNL with Fox News.


Facebook and Google are both coming up with ways to stop the spread of bullshit articles, which I think is a good thing, but at the same time I'd hate to see our content getting filtered. Google's plan looks pretty low impact, but legit.

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The other thing to point out is that, 40% (or more) of our illegal alien problem comes from people overstaying legitimate visas, and is not limited to Mexicans (16% are actually Mexicans and 27% are central Americans in that group). A border wall is not going to fix that. There is this perception that our southern border is "porous" but really mexicans only make up 52% of all undocumented immigrants and only 46% of those who entered without inspection (i.e. crossing a border).


The visa thing is interesting. I've seen it first hand where someone's visa expired and they had to file for an extension. If you file for an extension on the last day your visa is valid, you can still legally stay until you hear back from the gov on whether or not your extension has been approved. You can really stretch out the process and get settled in nicely.

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The visa thing is interesting. I've seen it first hand where someone's visa expired and they had to file for an extension. If you file for an extension on the last day your visa is valid, you can still legally stay until you hear back from the gov on whether or not your extension has been approved. You can really stretch out the process and get settled in nicely.


When I used to work in bars in NY, there were a large portion of Irish/Scottish illegal aliens who worked as bartenders. Some of them had been in the country for years and had not filed extensions for as long. Nobody is talking about illegal Europeans, Africans, and Asians when they are talking about illegal immigration. Next to mexico, India, China, Canada, and the Philippines top the list of country of origin for new immigrants to this country - and most of them are coming in through the northern border.


Trump could stop the ACA dead in it's tracks any time he wants to. All he has to do is stop the federal Government's appeal of a lower court decision from when the Republican party sued the federal government for funding the program. It would be wildly unpopular for him to do so....so he has to play nice. Keep in mind, the majority republican congress blocked all efforts to make changes thus far that might have made a difference in how it works and eased some of the burdens simply because it isn't their program and they don't like "socialized" medicine. So Trump is in the unenviable position of having to either kill it entirely, or get the obstructionist republicans to be less obstructionist and allow some changes to the program. he's fucked either way, and what's worse - he's fucked by his own party.

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