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The Samsung Note 5 is still an AWESOME choice. I had an HTC One M8 before my Note 5 and I don't want to get rid of it ever. You can by them off Amazon right now for ~$450-480 unlocked. LINK


The newest alternative would be the S7 Edge which Ashley just got and she loves it. I honestly have nothing negative to say about iPhone, but I am very against Apple's "recent" changes in product I/O.


Bottom line...


Do you want your phone to ALWAYS work and have very little control of the OS? Buy an iPhone

Do you want to have total control over almost any aspect of your phone? Buy an Android

Do you enjoy sticking your finger in electrical sockets? Buy a Windows Phone

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Curious, have you or any of the other galaxy note zealots on here ever owned a nexus device?


Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 5, and Nexus 5x. With Nexus there's always a compromise. Battery life, camera, processor, something.


The Note 7 on Marshmallow already had most of Nougat's features, and none of the compromises of the Nexus line. Because of that I was willing to give up the instant software updates. But Google's overall inconsistency is what led me to get an iPhone when I had to give up the Note 7.

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Good to know.


Same goes for phone calls and such. If I'm doing something around the house and watching YouTube on my iPad and leave my phone somewhere, a call will come through on the iPad. Apple's "continuity" is a really fantastic feature for the iPhone.

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