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Political Thread Of Fail And AIDS (Geeto ahead!)


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You have convinced me Tim: You actually have absolutely no idea how the government works or what political power means or how it is exercised. If you don't understand what rights you are conferred as an American citizen then obviously you aren't going to understand when others were deprived of them.



Kerry, everyone here gets that you're all-knowing. Save us the rhetoric. :rolleyes:


By the way, the America's First movement was a peace organization that got infiltrated by the Nazi's as a way to pressure the American Government to stay out of WWII. It's actions partially contributed to Pearl Harbor through the isolationism stance. Considering the present administration won on the back of racial discrimination and hatred it's not hard to draw a direct parallel between the Nazi's vision of America First and the modern equivalent (with Russia taking the place of Germany).


LOL...oh the irony.


I leave you with this final thought: "Conservationism" based on a contempt of a group of people or a brand of liberalism in abstract is not only representative of a poor set of values, it isn't real conservatism. As a political philosophy it's main crux is to look at the objective problems that face the nation and present alternative, non-government based solutions to the problems that reinforce individual liberty, economic liberty, and general anti communism beliefs. Individual liberty for one class of American citizens that comes at the expense of other American citizens or it's guests is not liberty it's tyranny and oppression. Conservatism is not ignoring root causes and facts related to the problem because it fits your narrative and agenda better.


If you overlook white supremacy empowerment in the government because you want to discriminate against a class of people different from you your silence is tacit support of those values.


If you overlook constitutional rights violations when it suits you or supports your politica agenda, then you cannot claim to be "pro America" or "pro constitution".


If you don't understand that the president has a responsibility to all under his protection and that EVERY SINGLE ONE OF HIS ACTIONS HAS REAL CONSEQUENCES and view the office as only a tool of the party in power then you are a fool yearning for the yoke of tyrannical facisim.


OMG are writing a doctoral thesis or posting on CR while at work?


So what are you Tim?


I'm tired of long winded bullshit, sideline issues and am a fan of moving our country along swiftly so that we can get done what really needs done.

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And what is that exactly? What do you think "needs" to get done that isn't already being worked on?


you tell us Kerry, what's Trump working on that Obama has already put in motion or achieved complete success on that needs no more attention?

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you tell us Kerry, what's Trump working on that Obama has already put in motion or achieved complete success on that needs no more attention?


don't dodge. I asked you a specific question. what is this "needs" to get done you referenced?

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don't dodge. I asked you a specific question. what is this "needs" to get done you referenced?


what you take as a dodge is a polite way of saying I need a break bantering with you because you talk/type too much and my eyes can't take walls of text. yeah....there's irony to me saying that too that's how bad it is. :eek:

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what you take as a dodge is a polite way of saying I need a break bantering with you because you talk/type too much and my eyes can't take walls of text. yeah....there's irony to me saying that too that's how bad it is. :eek:


You don't need to give him an explanation. He has dodged numerous specific questions directed at him.

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I didn't dodge, I just gave you and answer you didn't like.


It's ok, I don't think Tim has an answer.


I still sometimes wonder if you truly believe what you say, or if you are just that good at trolling. In this case I think you are living in your own little altered reality.

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I still sometimes wonder if you truly believe what you say, or if you are just that good at trolling.


He trolls like a 9 year with an empty hook. Add in spouting off paragraphs of jabber on CR, he needs to learn to address the audience. Like a prize winning boxer in a cage fight attempting MMA for the first time.

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I still sometimes wonder if you truly believe what you say, or if you are just that good at trolling.


It's a little of column A and a little of column B depending on the context or the statement. Or in other words typical CR.


He trolls like a 9 year with an empty hook. Add in spouting off paragraphs of jabber on CR, he needs to learn to address the audience. Like a prize winning boxer in a cage fight attempting MMA for the first time.


blah blah blah. you don't have an answer. Not surprised. I guess we are done here.

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So Tim doesn't care about human rights because he doesn't care about the lives of people who want to kill us :confused:


If the president's actions actually had an impact on stopping "those people who are trying to kill us" you might be able to make that case. But it doesn't. The majority of terrorist actions are performed by US born or naturalized American citizens not foreign nationals. Plus the wrong countries are in scope and three of the countries that can be regularly tied back to actual terrorist action on US soil (Egypt, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia) are specifically excluded.


Plus the "ban" initially included US citizens and green card holders which have a constitutionally protected right to travel outside the US and be let back in. I understand that this has been rectified somewhat but not before the judiciary put a hold on things.


A travel restriction that doesn't even move the needle on domestic terrorism, that impacts (or impacted) a specific group of American citizens because of their heritage and deprives them on constitutional rights can't be said to be fighting terrorism. What it looks and smells like is Islamophobia, and if your goal is to suppress religious practice in the US - yes you don't care about human rights.


Isis doesn't need a visa or a passport to cause terrorist acts and their focus isn't in sending people here. Their strategy is to recruit American Citizens already living here and to radicalize them. Tell me how the travel restrictions stop that? because they don't.

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If the president's actions actually had an impact on stopping "those people who are trying to kill us" you might be able to make that case. But it doesn't. The majority of terrorist actions are performed by US born or naturalized American citizens not foreign nationals. Plus the wrong countries are in scope and three of the countries that can be regularly tied back to actual terrorist action on US soil (Egypt, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia) are specifically excluded.


none of that is relevant and you know it. he is allowed to block entrance to the US and the matter has been beat to death. it was done in a sloppy method that didn't cross T's and dot I's. he should just rescind and rewrite it and move on.


Plus the "ban" initially included US citizens and green card holders which have a constitutionally protected right to travel outside the US and be let back in. I understand that this has been rectified somewhat but not before the judiciary put a hold on things.
correct. the filing was done the day before the clarification was enacted.


A travel restriction that doesn't even move the needle on domestic terrorism, that impacts (or impacted) a specific group of American citizens because of their heritage and deprives them on constitutional rights can't be said to be fighting terrorism. What it looks and smells like is Islamophobia, and if your goal is to suppress religious practice in the US - yes you don't care about human rights.
blah blah. you worry more about the "human rights" of fuck-sticks from Somoalia and these other states that are basically countries with no established gov't let alone one that would provide or track necessary vetting points at all. again, in the end all just banter as this has nothing to do with his ability to legally enact the ban. your comments also lack the weight of the security briefings he and others have access to which you don't.


Isis doesn't need a visa or a passport to cause terrorist acts and their focus isn't in sending people here. Their strategy is to recruit American Citizens already living here and to radicalize them. Tell me how the travel restrictions stop that? because they don't.
straw man. time to come out of the legal word Kerry and enter the real world. time to use a bit more common sense and worry less if at all about the vast majority of those we don't need to worry about. Germany, France, Belgium and others are in the position they are because they fucked up and clarity is finally setting in with them. Edited by TTQ B4U
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If the president's actions actually had an impact on stopping "those people who are trying to kill us" you might be able to make that case. But it doesn't. The majority of terrorist actions are performed by US born or naturalized American citizens not foreign nationals. Plus the wrong countries are in scope and three of the countries that can be regularly tied back to actual terrorist action on US soil (Egypt, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia) are specifically excluded.


Plus the "ban" initially included US citizens and green card holders which have a constitutionally protected right to travel outside the US and be let back in. I understand that this has been rectified somewhat but not before the judiciary put a hold on things.


A travel restriction that doesn't even move the needle on domestic terrorism, that impacts (or impacted) a specific group of American citizens because of their heritage and deprives them on constitutional rights can't be said to be fighting terrorism. What it looks and smells like is Islamophobia, and if your goal is to suppress religious practice in the US - yes you don't care about human rights.


Isis doesn't need a visa or a passport to cause terrorist acts and their focus isn't in sending people here. Their strategy is to recruit American Citizens already living here and to radicalize them. Tell me how the travel restrictions stop that? because they don't.



There are also a lot more US born citizens than there are immigrants so of course naturally there will be more attacks by natural born citizens but we do not need to let a group of people in that follow a book that tells them to kill us. I'm sure you'll throw your blinders on and continue to call me islamaphobic. I have no issue with someone who wants to follow Islam or be a Muslim. My only thing is, if you want to follow the Islam as a society then why come here? Why not stay where that is the dominate political/religious structure? If you want to come to United States, fine, but adopt our culture. Can you still hold your religion, yes. I've been over there and I can tell you that I, along with 99% of Veterans who have been over there will tell you that you do not want that way of living here.


You talk about human rights like they matter so much to you but you are sitting here defending a group of people who don't believe in human rights. If anything it's YOU who doesn't believe in human rights because it sounds like you think we should let anyone from the Middle East just come by the ship loads. Clearly, you have no issue with them coming here and bringing their ideologies with them. You want a group of people to come here that believe that women shouldn't have rights, Jews are the root of all evil. You want the people who read a book that tells them to kill anyone who doesn't believe in their god. They bring a religion that worships a God who was and teaches pedophilia.


I'm sick of everyone who has never been over to the Middle East pretending that they understand how their society works because they had class at OSU with a middle eastern person or they have a middle eastern co-worker or they took a class about international studies. The majority of the middle eastern people you see are educated, probably the top 5% of middle eastern people are able to come to the United States. I promise that the United States will be just like France and Germany if they let them in without a strict vetting process. The majority of Muslims do not hold the same principles and values as Americans. I'm sorry you are too blind to see this, Kerry. Take the college textbook out of your ass and open your eyes. Not everything you learn can be read. A lot of things you need to see with your own two eyes. If you want to call me an Islamaphobic bigot because I don't think letting refugees in that read a book that tells them to kill us, then so be it.



P.S. before you start ranting about Christians and the Bible, I should note I am not religious at all. I also believe all Muslim countries should be on the ban list for now, not just the ones Trump listed.

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none of that is relevant and you know it. he is allowed to block entrance to the US and the matter has been beat to death. it was done in a sloppy method that didn't cross T's and dot I's. he should just rescind and rewrite it and move on.


President is allowed to block in limited capacity. Doesn't matter because the federal court has blocked it and refused to reinstate so it's dead in the water. All those people you are worried about getting in? they are still getting in. We'll have to see if it makes it to the supreme court.



blah blah. you worry more about the "human rights" of fuck-sticks from Somoalia and these other states that are basically countries with no established gov't let alone one that would provide or track necessary vetting points at all. again, in the end all just banter as this has nothing to do with his ability to legally enact the ban.


I worry about the human rights of humans because that is what being a humanitarian is. I worry about the constitutional rights of Americans, all Americans, because that's being a good American is. I am critical of a government that is flippant with either of these and contemptuous of Americans who would excuse constitutional violations against their own people.The vetting process for people entering this country takes several years and is fairly robust, esp considering the population entering is not a high risk for terrorist activities.


straw man. time to come out of the legal word Kerry and enter the real world. time to use a bit more common sense and worry less if at all about the vast majority of those we don't need to worry about. Germany, France, Belgium and others are in the position they are because they fucked up and clarity is finally setting in with them.


Tim, the bottom line is that you don't want these people here because you don't like their religion, you don't like their heritage, you don't like their language, and you are grasping at any and every straw to justify xenophobia and islamaphobia. The European migration crisis was and is real, but a lot of the problems they have are linked more to geography than they are to terrorist targets. They don't want to come to the US, it's not close enough to their homeland and the process to enter takes years. Making it seem like we would have their problems in volume and scope is nothing more than alarmist bullshit. Furthermore, the US's acceptance of refugees is based on several diplomatic agreements made in exchange for other countries providing us with something we wanted in their borders. Openly unwinding has some pretty far reaching consequences to trade and general deplomacy (not to mention international credibility).

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All those people you are worried about getting in? they are still getting in. We'll have to see if it makes it to the supreme court.


I don't think SCOTUS will even hear it. They will likely push him to go to the wall with the lower courts first. It's a temp hearing for Christ sake. IMO he'd be better off re-writing it to cover the BS Excuses, dot the i's this time and extend it out another 90-120 days.


I worry about the human rights of humans because that is what being a humanitarian is.
Good for you. I suppose if someone is going to worry about the people of those hell holes if their own people won't step up, let it be a white guy from NY. Where are the people of Islam when it comes to being a Humanitarian for their own people?


I worry about the constitutional rights of Americans, all Americans, because that's being a good American is. I am critical of a government that is flippant with either of these and contemptuous of Americans who would excuse constitutional violations against their own people.
I don't see anything in this order that hurt Americans.


The vetting process for people entering this country takes several years and is fairly robust, esp considering the population entering is not a high risk for terrorist activities.
Sure...because none of the recent turds from these places have ever gotten in here. It's not all about refugees either. Leaving our borders and country open to people from those areas, areas ridden with people who are at war with our way of life is stupid.


Tim, the bottom line is that you don't want these people here because you don't like their religion, you don't like their heritage, you don't like their language, and you are grasping at any and every straw to justify xenophobia and islamaphobia.
I could care less about a persons religion, heritage or language. If you want to label xenophobia and islamaphobia over something I don't care. I think it's common sense stupid to allow such easy entry of people from chaotic areas of the world with no real gov't or sense of order into our country so easily and yes it it easy for them to casually travel over here.


I also do have strong points on our need to take in large numbers of refugees. We have enough issues and home-grown refugees and people living on the floor that we need to take care of. We don't need more strays. Time to take care of OUR PEOPLE and OUR COUNTRY. Period. I'm tired of watching and hearing about the stats of our own shit at home then see our gov't giving away BILLIONS to other countries. If they are going to give away money we don't have do it for OUR PEOPLE not those in the Middle East. Let the Billions of other Muslims step-up. Yeah, it royally pisses me off that our country has the problems it has and for decades we've not addressed them.


It's time to jetison the illegal aliens criminals and streamline that process. Their due process takes to fucking long and wastes nothing but our vital resources. It's time to shore up our country and focus on America and the American People First. Not second and not along side, but FIRST. Obama and Clinton did raise and wanted to continue to raise the numbers coming here. FUCK THAT. Get our ship righted first and make it so WE are in the best shape we can be in and then let's look at what we can do to help more.


The European migration crisis was and is real, but a lot of the problems they have are linked more to geography than they are to terrorist targets.
True and their dumb ass open boarder policy and casual free-love of ease of entry was their downfall. We have a chance to nip this issue before we suffer even remotely the same fate.

They don't want to come to the US, it's not close enough to their homeland and the process to enter takes years.

Agree. Leave the ones in need over there and provide a FAIR amount of Aid to them.


Making it seem like we would have their problems in volume and scope is nothing more than alarmist bullshit.
No it's not and I'm not worried about experiencing their volume. We don't need to be exposing our country to any of that danger.


Furthermore, the US's acceptance of refugees is based on several diplomatic agreements made in exchange for other countries providing us with something we wanted in their borders.
I'm sure, but now it's time someone with the mindset of Trump steps in and insures the agreement benefits us in a worthwhile way.
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we do not need to let a group of people in that follow a book that tells them to kill us. I'm sure you'll throw your blinders on and continue to call me islamaphobic. I have no issue with someone who wants to follow Islam or be a Muslim. My only thing is, if you want to follow the Islam as a society then why come here?


The people coming here don't want to follow it as a society. Assuming Sharia Law as a system of government is the goal of every practitioner of islam is as dumb as assuming a Government based on Talmudic Law is the goal of every Jew, or a government ruled by Cannon Law is the goal of every christian. If you have bought that Sharia law revolution fear mongering propaganda congrats you are sucker.



You talk about human rights like they matter so much to you but you are sitting here defending a group of people who don't believe in human rights

You are holding a smaller group of people as representative of a larger group that doesn't feel that way.


If anything it's YOU who doesn't believe in human rights because it sounds like you think we should let anyone from the Middle East just come by the ship loads


No, I don't have a problem with a vetting process that is already in place and is pretty effective. I have a problem with government officials using lies to institute anti-american policies and foster hatred when there is no evidence or rational justification for their policy actions.


Clearly, you have no issue with them coming here and bringing their ideologies with them.

What on earth would lead you to think that. We have a pretty good vetting system already in place that screens for radical ideology. People when they emigrate bring all sorts of things with them, culture, heritage, philosophy, art, etc...we are already screening for the problem ideology and it's working because the odds of you getting killed by a foreign born terrorist are lower than you getting shot in your home due to a firearm accident.


You want a group of people to come here that believe that women shouldn't have rights, Jews are the root of all evil. You want the people who read a book that tells them to kill anyone who doesn't believe in their god. They bring a religion that worships a God who was and teaches pedophilia.

Those people are already here. You really think extremists in any religion provide equality to women and children. Did you forget the rolling shell game the catholic church played with pedophiles for decades in this country. You know Jesus is in the Koran right? If you are looking at their religion as different from any other in this country then the problem isn't Islam, it's you.



The majority of the middle eastern people you see are educated, probably the top 5% of middle eastern people are able to come to the United States. I promise that the United States will be just like France and Germany if they let them in without a strict vetting process.

There is already a strict vetting process. What was proposed wasn't a more strict vetting process it was a ban. your argument holds no water.


The majority of Muslims do not hold the same principles and values as Americans. I'm sorry you are too blind to see this, Kerry. Take the college textbook out of your ass and open your eyes. Not everything you learn can be read. A lot of things you need to see with your own two eyes. If you want to call me an Islamaphobic bigot because I don't think letting refugees in that read a book that tells them to kill us, then so be it.


I don't think you have read the Koran, I don't think you understand the religion at all. You see all these people as only enemy combatants and that is not going to change. You keep talking about them reading a book that tells them to kills us, well...how many people did Dave Chapelle, Mohammed Ali, Janet Jackson, Cat Stevens, Casey Kasem, and Omar Sharif kill?


P.S. before you start ranting about Christians and the Bible, I should note I am not religious at all. I also believe all Muslim countries should be on the ban list for now, not just the ones Trump listed.

Trust me, I don't think you are a bible thumper, because if you had actually read any of these books you'd understand

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Where are the people of Islam when it comes to being a Humanitarian for their own people?

The same place you are when it comes to being a voice against white nationalism and supremacy - cowering in a corner un-armed scared.



Sure...because none of the recent turds from these places have ever gotten in here. It's not all about refugees either. Leaving our borders and country open to people from those areas, areas ridden with people who are at war with our way of life is stupid.


I think it's common sense stupid to allow such easy entry of people from chaotic areas of the world with no real gov't or sense of order into our country so easily and yes it it easy for them to casually travel over here.


Turds? I assume you mean those with terrorist intentions and not all of them. If you did mean all of them, well then you aren't helping shake that white nationalism label. yeah they didn't get here because we don't have open borders and nobody is advocating open borders. We have a vetting process, neither party wanted to do away with them because they work. You are off your meds Tim.


Forget the rest, it's all nationalist and isolationist bullshit. waste of time.

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The people coming here don't want to follow it as a society. If you have bought that Sharia law revolution fear mongering propaganda congrats you are sucker. You are holding a smaller group of people as representative of a larger group that doesn't feel that way.


You can put your talk of people painting with broad brushes away. We're not. We're just in-tune and well aware that there are a number of them here that do feel that way and do preach hate towards us. Thus why our officials are so focused on their clerics and community leaders. This shit doesn't fall out of the sky and hit them. They have local support and if you don't think they do then you're the sucker. Time to end this shit.


I have a problem with government officials using lies to institute anti-american policies and foster hatred when there is no evidence or rational justification for their policy actions.


No lies needed Kerry. The evidence is all around. I think there's about 50 families in Florida and a few more out in Cali that can show you if you need more information. There's what over 1k investigations going on right now in the US......perhaps you should go work for the FBI or other agencies that are involved.


the odds of you getting killed by a foreign born terrorist are lower than you getting shot in your home due to a firearm accident.


Well firearm accidents aren't out there actively looking to harm each of us. neither is lightening or a tree that may fall on me during leap yearor any other analogy you wish to plug in.

Those people are already here. You really think extremists in any religion provide equality to women and children. Did you forget the rolling shell game the catholic church played with pedophiles for decades in this country. You know Jesus is in the Koran right? If you are looking at their religion as different from any other in this country then the problem isn't Islam, it's you.


please....stop with the Christian parallels and deflections. All religions have dirt and can suck but this country wasn't founded on Islam period. We'll work out our Christian issues but in the mean time we don't need their issues. Again, worry about our homeland not theirs.

What was proposed wasn't a more strict vetting process it was a ban.


It was a halt until the new leaders can review and sort out what they intend to do in terms of vetting and perhaps who they let in. Call it a ban if you wish, I'm okay with that. We control our borders not them.

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The same place you are when it comes to being a voice against white nationalism and supremacy - cowering in a corner un-armed scared.


If you don't like our country and place in the world and the fact that we leverage our supremacy, then remember that the next time you go to a great job and your home in UA. No one here is cowering. We are finally standing up and letting our voices be heard. We just don't need to do it by breaking windows and blocking traffic.

Turds? I assume you mean those with terrorist intentions and not all of them. If you did mean all of them, well then you aren't helping shake that white nationalism label.

put your 4" paint brush away Kerry. You're better than that.


yeah they didn't get here because we don't have open borders and nobody is advocating open borders.
really? you might want to re-vist your beloved Clinton and her ideas on borders. however, I'll give you a break because she lied so fucking much and said whatever she needed to when in front of the public.


We have a vetting process, neither party wanted to do away with them because they work.
I think it's about to get better. No meds needed.


Forget the rest, it's all nationalist and isolationist bullshit. waste of time.
America First is long over due.
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