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Political Thread Of Fail And AIDS (Geeto ahead!)


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Disrupting the functions of the government and killing a smooth transition is costing the taxpayers and the business sector a lot of money and time, and it is hurting them in other intangible ways.


Dude, it just hit me! You know what would make things even better??? If we made the Government even bigger and everyone even MORE reliant on it! That would be AWESOME! Maybe, just maybe if we can get a guy like Bernie Sanders in office all of our dreams can come true and we can throw out this Capitalist garbage mentality and make everyone rely on the Government! That would just be fantastic! I would no longer have to worry about my own life because that would be the Governments job. Doesn't that just sound fantastic, Kerry?! Oh my god, I can't wait for a socialist to come in and make the Government even bigger so we can worry about filling more seats so it runs "smoothly."

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or...newsworthy things are actually happening you just don't want to hear it because you don't want to be wrong about this flaming orange grease fire inside a dumpster fire, inside a chemical factory fire was preferable to literally anything else.


Newsworthy simply means of sufficient interest to the public or a special audience to warrant coverage. Porn is newsworthy material too but if you believe what you see in porn is reality and truth then you are in for a bit of a shock. Kerry on..

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Nah, we all know CNN is the most credible. You should just watch CNN. There is absolutely no bias there, only FACTS


I have a large number of left-leaning / liberalish, friends and family. Among them I think exclusively my grandma reads/watches CNN.


The majority of the media reports I see coming out have been nothing but pure entertainment value to me based on what they are presenting since very little of what they are reporting on has basis beyond great script writing. It is delivered very effectively though. they are like SNL goes 24x7


Where do you get your facts?


I generally try not to assume validity of anything I hear unless it's corroborated from a handful of sources. Better still, not a bunch of online-only sources, or cable news-only sources. Confirmation from a good variety of names I recognize from before 2016 are generally enough for me to consider their facts to be actual facts.


I think more often than that, even if I see two (or more) sides agreeing on a similar set of facts, there can't be a meaningful discussion because the interpretation of them varies so widely.

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I'm stating you're welcome to base your thoughts on facts or non facts which ever you chose to use regardless of what the source you prefer. The majority of the media reports I see coming out have been nothing but pure entertainment value to me based on what they are presenting since very little of what they are reporting on has basis beyond great script writing. It is delivered very effectively though. they are like SNL goes 24x7


But how can you tell? Clearly I lack the critical thinking skills required to differentiate facts from non facts!

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I generally try not to assume validity of anything I hear unless it's corroborated from a handful of sources. Better still, not a bunch of online-only sources, or cable news-only sources. Confirmation from a good variety of names I recognize from before 2016 are generally enough for me to consider their facts to be actual facts.


Good but that last sentence still isn't reliable. I like several of the lawmakers that are coming forth with opinions, but that doesn't equal proof or factual.


In both the Russia and Comey stories, I would say it's best to wait and see what official court/investigations underway reveal and what the legal minds rule. Until then it's all just TV Drama. In some cases investigations may not even happen and life will go on just the same.

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Newsworthy simply means of sufficient interest to the public or a special audience to warrant coverage. Porn is newsworthy material too but if you believe what you see in porn is reality and truth then you are in for a bit of a shock. Kerry on..


yes but the opposite of believing everything you read is NOT calling it all lies promoting an agenda as you are fond of doing. You are not more informed if you think the news is all lies without personally verifying, you are just a crackpot.


Also, porn fails your "warranting coverage" test. But nice try.

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The media is not all lies, but it certainly has turned into a form of entertainment versus "news." Mostly because the media (CNN, Fox, CBS, Online sources) have a lot more competition than in years prior due to the availability of it. People want opinionated articles because they're more fun to read and people look to read things that conform to their beliefs. Who has been the loudest post Trump election. The left with their marches, riots and protests and their involvement on social media. The media will conform to whatever will get them hits and right now the left is getting them the most hits so of course they are going to write their opinionated articles bashing Trump because that's what the people viewing what to read and see. That's why people think the media has become a big joke, because they no longer care about the validity of what they are reporting but more about their ratings and sponsors.
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the opposite of believing everything you read is NOT calling it all lies promoting an agenda as you are fond of doing.


these stories are all just stories slanted towards an agenda. so far we have nothing but media stories and opinions.

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The media is not all lies, but it certainly has turned into a form of entertainment versus "news." Mostly because the media (CNN, Fox, CBS, Online sources) have a lot more competition than in years prior due to the availability of it.


and they have discovered that they are receiving very little push back from publishing "stories" and it's only helping their click-bait agenda.


People want opinionated articles because they're more fun to read and people look to read things that conform to their beliefs. Who has been the loudest post Trump election. The left with their marches, riots and protests and their involvement on social media. The media will conform to whatever will get them hits and right now the left is getting them the most hits so of course they are going to write their opinionated articles bashing Trump because that's what the people viewing what to read and see.
Agree. Even the late night comics are nothing more than bashers who aren't even cracking funny jokes, they are just firing up their audience and base. I actually like watching SNL and care less what their stance is but sometimes even they are trying too hard to be bashers and not focusing enough on trying to be funny.



That's why people think the media has become a big joke, because they no longer care about the validity of what they are reporting but more about their ratings and sponsors.
Agree 100%. I think the vast majority know the media is full of shit and out for an agenda more so than actually reporting a solid fact-based story. Anonymous sources are so common place and over-used anymore. It's laughable. I agree with Chris that often times we can thank the Media for getting a topic some coverage and to Kerry's point there are a lot of newsworthy topics out there. However, the media quickly crosses the line and steps on their own dick when trying to turn a story of interest into proof positive that the sky is falling.
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and they have discovered that they are receiving very little push back from publishing "stories" and it's only helping their click-bait agenda.


"Story" is a format of reporting. It is not mutually exclusive to fiction or opinion. It can be a narrative, a report, an editorial, etc... All media has a bias of some sort - it's a human creation and it's unavoidable. Is it the bias that you claim it is? nope - everything to you is "liberal" media because you are so far right you have to look left to see Steve Bannon and Pat Buchanan.


Is click bait a problem? absolutely. Is it all click bait? not really. Do Americans in general have a problem differentiating between what is editorial punditry and what is new reporting? you betcha.



Agree. Even the late night comics are nothing more than bashers who aren't even cracking funny jokes, they are just firing up their audience and base. I actually like watching SNL and care less what their stance is but sometimes even they are trying too hard to be bashers and not focusing enough on trying to be funny.


Late night comics are not reporters, what they do is not news. They have ALWAYS been less than kind to whomever is in office as president. Chevy Chase made part of his career on the back of pretending to be Gerald Ford and falling down a lot. To be fair comedians have a lot more to work with than others in the past but they were savage to W and Bill Clinton. You just don't find it funny because you have drifted too far right of mainstream.

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Let's try this out. Where did you hear that "Last Man Standing" was cancelled because of Tim Allen's politics? Was it the conservative media? Do they have a narrative they're trying to sell you? Maybe a narrative about liberal tolerance?!?


From the president of ABC Entertainment:


A large part of these jobs are managing failure, and we have made the tough calls and canceled shows that we would otherwise love to stay on the air. That’s the job. I canceled Last Man Standing for the same business and scheduling reasons that I canceled Dr. Ken, The Real O'Neals, The Catch and American Crime," ABC Entertainment president Channing Dungey told reporters Tuesday ahead of her upfront presentation to advertisers. "Last Man Standing was a challenging one for me because it was a steady performer in the ratings, but once we made the decision not to continue with comedies on Fridays, that was where we landed.


Believe what you want to believe, but don't give me this bullshit in a thread where everyone is bitching about media bias.


Ultimately, Dungey stressed that Allen's political affiliation — he has compared being a conservative in Hollwyood to "'30s Germany" — did not play a role in the decision to ax the comedy. "I wouldn't say that was the deciding factor," she said.


Jesus fuck, the lack of awareness is astounding.

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Let's try this out. Where did you hear that "Last Man Standing" was cancelled because of Tim Allen's politics? Was it the conservative media? Do they have a narrative they're trying to sell you? Maybe a narrative about liberal tolerance?!?


From the president of ABC Entertainment:




Believe what you want to believe, but don't give me this bullshit in a thread where everyone is bitching about media bias.




Jesus fuck, the lack of awareness is astounding.


"I wouldn't say it was the deciding factor." - but it clearly was a factor? Notice he did NOt say "It was not a factor". Should an actor's political affiliation impact whether his show is cancelled? Man we really have no one sitting in the middle here do we? The extremism of both parties is killings this country.

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Let's try this out. Where did you hear that "Last Man Standing" was cancelled because of Tim Allen's politics? Was it the conservative media? Do they have a narrative they're trying to sell you? Maybe a narrative about liberal tolerance?!?


Believe what you want to believe, but don't give me this bullshit in a thread where everyone is bitching about media bias.


Jesus fuck, the lack of awareness is astounding.


but...but...but there is no Obama related conspiracy in that. How is he gonna come for my guns if Tim Allen isn't on TV?






Networks cancel shows with good ratings more often than you think. I mean ABC cancelled Desperate Housewives when it had a 3.5 share (10.4 million viewers) which was way more than 1.7 share Last man standing was pulling.


It's a show on it's 6th season, it wasn't on the way up in the ratings, it was on the way down, a move from it's friday night lineup would have been a headshot to the show - better it be a mercy killing than stringing along some advertisers who want to know why their ad space is overvalued.


You want to believe a conservative conspiracy, be my guest - ain't no law against being stupid.

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It's Tim Allen, I am surprised they didn't try to cancel it twice on the same day just for that alone.


What is wrong with Tim Allen? He is a car fanatic - someone you would

Think people on a Car forum would appreciate.

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"I wouldn't say it was the deciding factor." - but it clearly was a factor? Notice he did NOt say "It was not a factor". Should an actor's political affiliation impact whether his show is cancelled? Man we really have no one sitting in the middle here do we? The extremism of both parties is killings this country.


She gave an interview, she said it was cancelled for "business and scheduling reasons." That's all I know. I'm not making a call either way because I don't care, I really don't care about what happens to Tim Allen or some network show that I can't even watch because cable is dead to me. If not caring is an extremist position then fuck me.


Point is, in a thread where people are accused of buying into a media narrative, we suddenly get a shining example....

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"I wouldn't say it was the deciding factor." - but it clearly was a factor? Notice he did NOt say "It was not a factor". Should an actor's political affiliation impact whether his show is cancelled? Man we really have no one sitting in the middle here do we? The extremism of both parties is killings this country.


Does it matter if it is a factor? TV companies are still private entities, not government run state sponsored entities. They have a right to be political if they want (see fox network and Rupert Murdoch's empire for an example).


However, they are a business, and being political in this way is usually wildly unpopular (as evidenced by all the crazy conservative snowflakes who come out of the wood work to point to this as a sign of oppression). I can't think of any company that would purposely interrupt their revenue stream for something as silly as a political statement over a Tim Allen comedy. Let alone a publicly traded company like Disney, whom attempts to be so much a politically neutral money printing enterprise that they write case studies about their ability to appeal to the broad audience. If they killed it for any political reason, it was because it wasn't milquetoast and family friendly enough.

Edited by Geeto67
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What is wrong with Tim Allen? He is a car fanatic - someone you would

Think people on a Car forum would appreciate.


Santa Clause 2.


Tim Allen was great in Galaxy Quest, and I watched me the hell out of some Home Improvement. I like him as a person, but given his recent work I'm surprised his show was doing as well as it was. Good for him, I say, and I'm sure he's upset at being cancelled when his ratings were solid. I hope it wasn't because of his politics, because if so that's BS, but I honestly don't really care.

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