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Political Thread Of Fail And AIDS (Geeto ahead!)


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Who said I agree with the article? Maybe I dropped the article to make fun of it. Quit making assumptions.


I had never even heard of that White Nationalist website, yet, here you are linking to it. If anything, all you are doing is proving that "fake news" isn't a "liberal" problem.

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I had never even heard of that White Nationalist website, yet, here you are linking to it. If anything, all you are doing is proving that "fake news" isn't a "liberal" problem.


Sorry, I didn't realize it was an advertised White Nationalist website. My fault :fa:



Or are you basing that off of...?



Wait a second, are we making assumptions again. Now, now...

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CNN fits into this category.


Are you retarded? Serious question, are you? Fox News doesn't even fit into this category, neither does Huffington post or some of the more overtly biased news organizations. If you don't know the definition of something look it up, don't just invent a new definition to suit your narrative.



Who said I agree with the article? Maybe I dropped the article to make fun of it. Quit making assumptions.


Your past pattern. Usually you post something like this and then Defend it. But please go ahead and make fun of it...by all means...don't let us stop you. Do it, you won't.

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Are you retarded? Serious question, are you? Fox News doesn't even fit into this category, neither does Huffington post or some of the more overtly biased news organizations. If you don't know the definition of something look it up, don't just invent a new definition to suit your narrative.



Your past pattern. Usually you post something like this and then Defend it. But please go ahead and make fun of it...by all means...don't let us stop you. Do it, you won't.



Calm down, clown. Are you drunk?

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Trump told Russians in Oval Office that firing "Nut Job" Comey eased the pressure from investigation.





  • NY Times
  • gets read "a document"
  • by an American official

LOL at any level of credibility. Seriously.


The problem with the vast majority of what is being put out by the media is it's merely creative and vague as a child's dreams.

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White House press secretary Sean Spicer did not dispute the account of the conversation to The Times and, in a statement to NPR, argued that the Russia investigation was harming U.S. foreign policy.


In a press release in response to the Times story, the White House disputed not the facts of the report, but the interpretation


The Times cites the White House's official written account of the Oval Office meeting. It says one official had read quotations to the Times and another had confirmed the broad outlines of the discussion.


It did not deny the Times report that Trump was critical of Comey to the Russians the day after he fired him.


Fortunately nobody else in Washington shares your view that this is a "child's dream," not even the white house. It's like you've gotten so caught up in calling everything fake news you've forgotten the way the world actually works.

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Fortunately nobody else in Washington shares your view that this is a "child's dream," not even the white house. It's like you've gotten so caught up in calling everything fake news you've forgotten the way the world actually works.


I'm simply caught up in not believing BS. When an accusation is made, someone not denying it isn't proof of anything. The oneness is still on the accusing part to furnish some evidence. Until then we have an anonymous American official reading something to a reporter/news agency. That's hardly even close to being fact. It may be how the world works according to some, but I suppose the world is going blind.

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I'm simply caught up in not believing BS. When an accusation is made, someone not denying it isn't proof of anything. The oneness is still on the accusing part to furnish some evidence. Until then we have an anonymous American official reading something to a reporter/news agency. That's hardly even close to being fact. It may be how the world works according to some, but I suppose the world is going blind.


Just because you don't want to believe it doesn't make it any less true or false. The absence of evidence does not automatically prove the opposite, it just means that the the allegation is not fully supported. It's smoke, the news is telling you it's smoke, but you are saying the news should only report on fire. Either the leakers are spreading true information, or the press is making the leaked stuff up. It can't be both.


I don't really have to point out the hypocrisy of you earlier calling the whitehouse leakers traitors guilty of treason and yet you refuse to be open to the possibility that the current administration colluded with a foreign power to undermine our government, do I?

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Just because you don't want to believe it doesn't make it any less true or false. The absence of evidence does not automatically prove the opposite, it just means that the the allegation is not fully supported. It's smoke, the news is telling you it's smoke, but you are saying the news should only report on fire.


I'm not saying I believe it or not. My point is the media comes across that smoke is definitely fire when it's not and to no have someone speak up doesn't make their smoke any more fire. I also have no problem with them reporting on things like this but when they mislead and act as if they are the deciders of truth on issues is when I call foul.


Either the leakers are spreading true information, or the press is making the leaked stuff up. It can't be both.


unless things are substantiated it shouldn't be reported or implied to be true which is the road many go down.


I don't really have to point out the hypocrisy of you earlier calling the whitehouse leakers traitors guilty of treason and yet you refuse to be open to the possibility that the current administration colluded with a foreign power to undermine our government, do I?
you really think Trump is out to undermine our gov't? the leakers on the left IMO are doing far more harm and they are most certainly due to be sitting in a cell. Cowards doing harm to our society and gov't making the foundation of our society a joke hence why people supported an outsider.
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I'm not saying I believe it or not. My point is the media comes across that smoke is definitely fire when it's not and to no have someone speak up doesn't make their smoke any more fire. I also have no problem with them reporting on things like this but when they mislead and act as if they are the deciders of truth on issues is when I call foul.


you are outright calling it bullshit - I'd say that heavily implies where you stand on it. The article clearly walks through the source and the steps taken to vet the information. Unless you were reading the headlines and nothing else, It's pretty clear about the information and where it came from and it hasn't been misleading. It could just be that you don't want to hear it.


It seems your problem is with how people will read this information and not the media and how it is reported at all. you are worried that people are going to skip the part where the paper discusses it's sources and draw a conclusion and yet somehow that it the paper's fault.


unless things are substantiated it shouldn't be reported or implied to be true which is the road many go down.


I'd say things were pretty well substantiated as best the paper can. Many papers don't disclose their sources for good reason - the country has a history of punishing sources. The paper it pretty clear about you having the choice as to whether they have vetted it or not - you just choose not to believe because you don't like the message.


you really think Trump is out to undermine our gov't? the leakers on the left IMO are doing far more harm and they are most certainly due to be sitting in a cell. Cowards doing harm to our society and gov't making the foundation of our society a joke hence why people supported an outsider.


I don't know what Trump is out to do, but I suspect whatever it is it isn't for the good of the American people based on his current actions and policies. I wouldn't put it above him to undermine government in trying to reach his objectives (which again I don't think are in the overall public interest). I also wouldn't put it above him to partner with outside forces that really do want to undermine the American government for their benefit. We are just going to see how it shakes out.


you throw that "cowards" label around fairly callously. Can you tell me exactly which laws the "leaks" violate? There isn't a specific law to deal with government leaks to the media - the closest is the Espionage Act (of 1917), which is a broad "catch all" that even still doesn't have jurisprudence to support a positive finding for leaks out of the executive branch to the media. By the way this is also the act Flynn might be prosecuted under if it comes to that and there is def jurisprudence to support a violation from leaking information to another foreign power.


The real element here is "harm" to the government. Not harm to the president, harm to the government of the country and it's people. You say they are doing harm to our society, but leaks that are intended to expose corruption and collusion don't really fall into that category of harm to society.

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You keep saying that the leaks are from the left and they are cowards, however many of the leaks come from Trump's own organization, not holdovers from the Obama administration.


Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk

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What a fucking pussy. Wear a mask and sucker-strike someone with their hands up then back away and try to hide and disappear. IMO if you're going to fight for a cause and get physical, at least have the balls to come out and do it.

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What a fucking pussy. Wear a mask and sucker-strike someone with their hands up then back away and try to hide and disappear. IMO if you're going to fight for a cause and get physical, at least have the balls to come out and do it.



There should be a police investigation... SHOULD be. If they catch that person they should be charged with voluntary manslaughter.

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She's the victim now somehow, even after she was quoted as saying she would go after Trump and his kid in her comedy.




Fact is, most people were also offended by those pictures, but don't let that stop a good interwebz post.


This is just another example of the limousine liberal hypocrites of Cali-fuck-ya trying to have their cake and eat it too. They want to try and come across as you should think they're some type of leader or authority type, but when something like this happens it's "art" and "should not be taken seriously"


Can we just have some elected leaders with some sense that stop shit like this? I'm not asking for much, just elected officials from either side that don't suck shit through a tube would be nice...

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