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Political Thread Of Fail And AIDS (Geeto ahead!)


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This is just another example of the limousine liberal hypocrites of Cali-fuck-ya trying to have their cake and eat it too. They want to try and come across as you should think they're some type of leader or authority type, but when something like this happens it's "art" and "should not be taken seriously"


This is just another example of dimwitted conservative hypocrites trying to have their cake and eat it too. They want to try and convince you that "political correctness" is the problem and that people are "too easily offended" these days, but when one d-list celebrity exercises her free speech rights it's "crossing a line."


(FTR, the above is not a sincerely held belief, I'm just trying to score cheap political points by pointing out conservative hypocrisy. Did I win? How many points did I get? Can I cash them in at Chuck E Cheese's?)


To be fair, not many people in Hollywood or elsewhere are defending Kathy Griffin on this. She was forced to apologize and she lost her job, and if the outrage over Don Imus is any indication of how the right would have reacted then what we can conclude is that some people will defend their "side" regardless of how moronic it is, but overall mainstream Americans have limits. It's frustrating that when shit happens like this the only thing people really care about is how many imaginary points they'll get by feigning interest and sharing it on the internet.



Meanwhile our duly elected leader is so goddamn fucking stupid that he thinks global warming is a hoax invented by the Chinese, and is basing decisions on this completely nonsense belief.

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She's the victim now somehow, even after she was quoted as saying she would go after Trump and his kid in her comedy.


yeah...because it is comedy. Comedians say offensive stuff because it is funny - if what they said was serious it wouldn't be funny.





what pics are you talking about? the ones where people hung him in effigy? you don't really need someone to explain those to you, do you? I can imagine it would somehoe involve the difference between comedy/performance art and a Klan rally. The government can't stop this just like they can't stop Illinois Nazis from marching through the town of Skokie, but that doesn't mean the rest of the world can't individually think you are an asshole.


This is just another example of the limousine liberal hypocrites of Cali-fuck-ya trying to have their cake and eat it too. They want to try and come across as you should think they're some type of leader or authority type, but when something like this happens it's "art" and "should not be taken seriously"


Read this again. Seriously, read it to your self out loud an I want you to think...you are advocating someone take seriously something a comedian did for laughs. Someone, I might add, whose audience demographic you are not in. It's completely fine you don't think it's funny, but come on....do you really think Kathy Griffin is going to actually behead the president?


One of the actual liberties we enjoy as americans is our freedom of speech and expression...which is actually freedom of censorship from government intervention. Is her image tasteless? sure. Tacky? a little? not funny? eh...not to me and clearly not to you, but maybe someone thinks it's funny, but she's got a right to it.


Can we just have some elected leaders with some sense that stop shit like this? I'm not asking for much, just elected officials from either side that don't suck shit through a tube would be nice...


Sure we can, it's called censorship. Just amend the constitution to eliminate the first amendment and the government can then stop shit like this, and all other criticisms you might have against their regime. What you are asking is for is what most totalitarian dictators do when they seize power.


unfortunately this is an all or nothing proposition, you can't limit one type without limiting all. Even in areas of the law that deal with things like hate crime draw a pretty specific line around whether it was intentionally meant to maliciously harm and not the content itself in a vacuum. If you somehow think there is an easy solution as to how to "stop shit like this" I am all ears....come on man this is your time to shine, tell us how you would write the law that doesn't violate the constitution or otherwise rob people of their right to speak their mind. We will wait.

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No, he's right in a way. Many of our elected leaders "suck shit through a tube." They don't need to "stop shit like this" with an iron fist, they can try to spread tolerance. For instance, for all of W. Bush's many faults, he re-iterated over and over that we are not at war with Islam. When some crazy fuckwit called Obama a Muslim (as though it's an insult?), Candidate McCain shut her down and took her mic away. Fuck, there are about a million examples for McCain alone of him calling out ignorance and preaching tolerance.


And then we have "47% of voters won't take responsibility for their lives" Romney, and "Basket of Deplorables" Clinton, and "Nasty Woman" Trump who capitalize on divisions for political gain.


But in another, more accurate way, he's wrong. We get the elected officials we deserve, and our stupid-ass ape brains don't deserve shit at the moment. When Obama made the slightest deference to the concerns of BLM, the organized Right launched a concerted campaign to declare such talk "divisive." "Most divisive president in history," they say of the guy who says that maybe we should listen to people's concerns.


Kathy Griffin isn't the problem, and Donald Trump, despite being a massive fucking problem, didn't vote himself into office. As long as we say "We're too divided in this country" out of one side of our mouths, and "liberal hypocrites" out the other, this is what we deserve.

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This is just another example of dimwitted conservative hypocrites trying to have their cake and eat it too. They want to try and convince you that "political correctness" is the problem and that people are "too easily offended" these days, but when one d-list celebrity exercises her free speech rights it's "crossing a line."


(FTR, the above is not a sincerely held belief, I'm just trying to score cheap political points by pointing out conservative hypocrisy. Did I win? How many points did I get? Can I cash them in at Chuck E Cheese's?)


To be fair, not many people in Hollywood or elsewhere are defending Kathy Griffin on this. She was forced to apologize and she lost her job, and if the outrage over Don Imus is any indication of how the right would have reacted then what we can conclude is that some people will defend their "side" regardless of how moronic it is, but overall mainstream Americans have limits. It's frustrating that when shit happens like this the only thing people really care about is how many imaginary points they'll get by feigning interest and sharing it on the internet.



Meanwhile our duly elected leader is so goddamn fucking stupid that he thinks global warming is a hoax invented by the Chinese, and is basing decisions on this completely nonsense belief.


See, I respect you're views, you have some sense. I have zero respect for the idiots of Holleywood trying to tell me anything about what I should believe.


These are the same people who claim how terrible guns are, yet make their money off of creating films based on it. Lots of fake, terrible people out there to say the least.


The fact she has the balls to come out and say Trump bullied her speaks volumes about her, that and she looks like Carrot Top and Andy Dick fucked and made a scary baby.


I didn't find what she did offensive, it was just stupid and without taste. I mean, how did she think it would end?



yeah...because it is comedy. Comedians say offensive stuff because it is funny - if what they said was serious it wouldn't be funny.





what pics are you talking about? the ones where people hung him in effigy? you don't really need someone to explain those to you, do you? I can imagine it would somehoe involve the difference between comedy/performance art and a Klan rally.




Read this again. Seriously, read it to your self out loud an I want you to think...you are advocating someone take seriously something a comedian did for laughs. Someone, I might add, whose audience demographic you are not in. It's completely fine you don't think it's funny, but come on....do you really think Kathy Griffin is going to actually behead the president?


One of the actual liberties we enjoy as americans is our freedom of speech and expression...which is actually freedom of censorship from government intervention. Is her image tasteless? sure. Tacky? a little? not funny? eh...not to me and clearly not to you, but maybe someone thinks it's funny, but she's got a right to it.




Sure we can, it's called censorship. Just amend the constitution to eliminate the first amendment and the government can then stop shit like this, and all other criticisms you might have against their regime. What you are asking is for is what most totalitarian dictators do when they seize power.


unfortunately this is an all or nothing proposition, you can't limit one type without limiting all. Even in areas of the law that deal with things like hate crime draw a pretty specific line around whether it was intentionally meant to maliciously harm and not the content itself in a vacuum. If you somehow think there is an easy solution as to how to "stop shit like this" I am all ears....come on man this is your time to shine, tell us how you would write the law that doesn't violate the constitution or otherwise rob people of their right to speak their mind. We will wait.


If a tree falls in the forest will Geeto67 be there to tell it that's it's wrong?

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No, he's right in a way. Many of our elected leaders "suck shit through a tube." They don't need to "stop shit like this" with an iron fist, they can try to spread tolerance. For instance, for all of W. Bush's many faults, he re-iterated over and over that we are not at war with Islam. When some crazy fuckwit called Obama a Muslim (as though it's an insult?), Candidate McCain shut her down and took her mic away. Fuck, there are about a million examples for McCain alone of him calling out ignorance and preaching tolerance.


And then we have "47% of voters won't take responsibility for their lives" Romney, and "Basket of Deplorables" Clinton, and "Nasty Woman" Trump who capitalize on divisions for political gain.


But in another, more accurate way, he's wrong. We get the elected officials we deserve, and our stupid-ass ape brains don't deserve shit at the moment. When Obama made the slightest deference to the concerns of BLM, the organized Right launched a concerted campaign to declare such talk "divisive." "Most divisive president in history," they say of the guy who says that maybe we should listen to people's concerns.


Kathy Griffin isn't the problem, and Donald Trump, despite being a massive fucking problem, didn't vote himself into office. As long as we say "We're too divided in this country" out of one side of our mouths, and "liberal hypocrites" out the other, this is what we deserve.


We elect the idiots we deserve and believe the lies they tell. When you only have two ways of thinking this is what happens.


I plan on voting on Johnson/Hanks in the next election, the internet tells me they're the best.

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These are the same people who claim how terrible guns are, yet make their money off of creating films based on it. Lots of fake, terrible people out there to say the least.



So what? You really dealing with a lot of "hollywood" people in your daily life?


The fact she has the balls to come out and say Trump bullied her speaks volumes about her

volumes like how? he's the president, he's the one person who can no longer act like regular people do because his actions are 100% of the time interpreted to be government action. Even congresspeople are given some separation of their personal life from their role, but the president is not afforded that luxury. Its one of the burdens of being a sitting president. If there was one person you could say could violate someone's constitutional rights through individual bullying - it's him. It doesn't matter though, he can't be sued for it.


that and she looks like Carrot Top and Andy Dick fucked and made a scary baby.


Ok, Got it. Only pretty people are allowed to have opinions. I'm glad we got that cleared up, the opinion police will be round for your opinions shortly.


I didn't find what she did offensive, it was just stupid and without taste.

so why are we talking about it?


I mean, how did she think it would end?


Why do you care? She looks like Andy Dick and Carrot Top's unholy love child, why do you care if it hurts her career?


If a tree falls in the forest will Geeto67 be there to tell it that's it's wrong?


You are advocating censorship and fascism and somehow you are not wrong?

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No, he's right in a way. Many of our elected leaders "suck shit through a tube." They don't need to "stop shit like this" with an iron fist, they can try to spread tolerance. For instance, for all of W. Bush's many faults, he re-iterated over and over that we are not at war with Islam. When some crazy fuckwit called Obama a Muslim (as though it's an insult?), Candidate McCain shut her down and took her mic away. Fuck, there are about a million examples for McCain alone of him calling out ignorance and preaching tolerance.


And then we have "47% of voters won't take responsibility for their lives" Romney, and "Basket of Deplorables" Clinton, and "Nasty Woman" Trump who capitalize on divisions for political gain.


But in another, more accurate way, he's wrong. We get the elected officials we deserve, and our stupid-ass ape brains don't deserve shit at the moment. When Obama made the slightest deference to the concerns of BLM, the organized Right launched a concerted campaign to declare such talk "divisive." "Most divisive president in history," they say of the guy who says that maybe we should listen to people's concerns.


Kathy Griffin isn't the problem, and Donald Trump, despite being a massive fucking problem, didn't vote himself into office. As long as we say "We're too divided in this country" out of one side of our mouths, and "liberal hypocrites" out the other, this is what we deserve.



I pretty much agree with all of this.


I see the path to this through education. Too many people just have the plain wrong idea about things and then they build these lofty towers of opinion on what is essentially a foundation of assumption in the face of real knowledge. And it is an easy tower to disturb, to rile up the occupants inside, because every time something happens that conflicts their assumptions it shakes the foundation, rocks the tower, and they come out with their pitchforks and torches. It's easier to just disagee with something than to admit you might have the wrong idea how it works, so they dig in and we get stupid crap like this, on both sides, because in the end the human ego is fragile and cherished and can launch a thousand ships.


Point is don't build a tower, build a tent. It's much easier to take down a tent and pitch it somewhere else when the ground turns out to be a swamp of bullshit.



I feel like Josephine Baker summed it up best:


You must get an education. You must go to school, and you must learn to protect yourself. And you must learn to protect yourself with the pen, and not the gun. Then you can answer them, and I can tell you—and I don’t want to sound corny—but friends, the pen really is mightier than the sword.
Edited by Geeto67
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Agreed, the guy from the Daily Show is 100 times better at wrecking Trump, and he's funny.


Are we talking about John Oliver? If so, then YES...I love the writing and his comedy on that show.


Even dialysis is interesting...


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Are we talking about John Oliver? If so, then YES...I love the writing and his comedy on that show.


Even dialysis is interesting...



I was talking about the guy on Comedy Central. I've honestly become numb to all of this insanity while my wife seems to be in love with the madness, it makes my soul hurt.


I just look at the entire situation and wonder sometimes if I'm the only one just sick of it all and wish SOMEONE would bring some sense back to this universe.


What will be interesting is when Trump gets bounced and the Ken doll looking guy takes over. He won't say the same crazy stuff Trump does so we will not have that level of lulz anymore.

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What will be interesting is when Trump gets bounced and the Ken doll looking guy takes over. He won't say the same crazy stuff Trump does so we will not have that level of lulz anymore.


Yes we will, that guy has to have a grinder account, someone will out him. Anyone that homophobic can't control themselves, so they hate. :lolguy:

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Yes we will, that guy has to have a grinder account, someone will out him. Anyone that homophobic can't control themselves, so they hate. :lolguy:


He dosen't look like a Grinder kind of guy. I'll put my money on some crazy sexual fetish, maybe some BBW hookers that dress him up like a life guard and throw ham at him.

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He dosen't look like a Grinder kind of guy. I'll put my money on some crazy sexual fetish, maybe some BBW hookers that dress him up like a life guard and throw ham at him.


He calls his wife "mother". I don't think he's hiding it.


By the way, what's with the porn tubes getting infested with this incest porn crap, it's fucking creepy.

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You don't think it's hypocritical?


meh...maybe if I was shortsighted and just looking for ways to bash liberals while being ignorant to the situation I "might" find it hypocritical (in other words: your usual view of politics). Otherwise it just looks petty and stupid.


The thing about the Paris Agreement is that it's voluntary with almost no penalty to a country if it pledges to participate and then just doesn't do anything. The worst they could do is "shame" any country that isn't holding up it's end.


So why "pull out"? Symbolism. Trump's "pulling out" is 100% grandstanding for his supporters only. We can't even leave as a country until after the next election so this is a high profile political "stunt" that garners trump good will from his fan base while not actually delivering on anything. It's an empty Gesture.


So....now we have a Silicon Valley Billionaire making another empty symbolic gesture, pulling out of the president's council of which the president wasn't listening to anyways, over a disagreement in policy. Big whoop. Still there are several statements Elon is trying to make with this gesture (for whatever it is worth):

1) He disagrees with the president's view on environmentalism

2) he disagrees with the usefulness of a position that the president is outright ignoring the advice of

3) he disagrees with the global message that it sends to the world community about the US and it's desire to collaborate with other countries on global issues.


Ted Cruz is only attacking point 1. And it's one of those political falsehoods because air travel pollution only accounts for 2% of global Co2 emissions, 12% of all travel based emissions (vs 74% for road transport), the overwhelming majority comes from commercial airliners operating routes that are over 900 miles. (http://www.atag.org/facts-and-figures.html). Per person the amount of emissions from flying private seems like a lot, but in reality, a 747 pollutes more than a Learjet overall, and the per-person emissions increases the less full a flight is. So in reality - flying private is one of those red herring things dipshit conservatives like to "call environmentally friendly liberals out on" because it sounds worse than it really is and perception is reality in politics. Plus the 160,000 piston driven aircraft pumping atomized lead into the atmosphere (avgas is still leaded) below 10K feet is way worse of a health hazard than the few private jets whisking the rich and famous all over the world. Also Ted Cruz flys private all the time, his private plane bills for the 2016 campaign were somewhere around $45K, so what's his point really? you can fly private as long as you don't care about the environment? If Ted is saying Elon shouldn't care about overall co2 emissions because he adds a minuscule amount to the 12% of transportation based emissions while running a company that is directly addressing the 74% of road based emissions - that's pretty stupid and petty, or in other words that's just Ted being Ted.


Tl;DR version: Ted Cruz is envious and a hypocrite, Elon Musk is also one but for reasons unrelated to his method of travel, the whole thing is a distraction and unimportant, Trump is still campaigning the only way he knows how, with a polarizing gesture that is ultimately meaningless, and none of this is something you should pay attention to.



I miss the days when we'd only rail against the media.


Now, Twitter makes us hate each other. Why would Ted Cruz even say anything about Elon Musk? How does Ted benefit from throwing shade?


Envy got the better of him.


On a semi-related note I was listening to the Nerdist interview with the Twitter founders from March of 2016, before all this twitter madness with the president was something we paid attention to, and it's kind of eerie listening to them talk about all the surprisingly altruistic ways in which twitter was benefiting society, A stark contrast to now where it is fueling one of the more fracturing forces in our society. I would love to hear a modern interview with them post Trump, but something tells me they are laying low.

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So in reality - flying private is one of those red herring things dipshit conservatives like to "call environmentally friendly liberals out on" because it sounds worse than it really is and perception is reality in politics.


So are you saying that if Leonardo Dicaprio got a southwest flight from LA to NY with the general public it would actually be worse for the environment than if he flew on a private jet essentially by himself?




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I miss the days when we'd only rail against the media.


Now, Twitter makes us hate each other. Why would Ted Cruz even say anything about Elon Musk? How does Ted benefit from throwing shade?


Trump embarrassed him in public many times and he continues to gargle Trump's balls on a daily basis. That guy makes no sense at all. (Cruz)

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