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Political Thread Of Fail And AIDS (Geeto ahead!)


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  BStowers023 said:
Things just keep getting weirder...




What the fuck. Dating and finding a life partner is that one part of your life where you should be able to have ANNNNNNNNNNY bias you want, with no one telling you that you are wrong. Of course there should be limitations on how you can ACT on those biases(like say a Transwoman showed interest in you, no reason to be a total asshole to them), but yeah.

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Remember when TV Prostitutes were a common sight on the streets? oh wait....this is the Midwest you guys all stoned them to death in the 1980's. Nevermind. :p


The video is a lot of overcomplicated nonsense. I'm not saying it's wrong, it actually isn't, but if you are looking for for the "simple answer" it isn't "boys are Y and girls are X and fuck you for thinking otherwise" but rather "just don't be an asshole to anyone, and don't sex shame people because it's rude".


Bringing this back around to politics...I don't even mind or care that Prez Donny, the Papaya Pinochet, can only get hard if a Russian Prostitute is pissing on him while filming it. Good for him, who the fuck are we to judge? In fact that is how you take power away from something like that being blackmail - you don't give a fuck and then the russians can't use it as "Kompromat". But we have a lot of uptight un-groovy people in the US so it's an ongoing joke for the rest of his presidency. BTW, I am still convinced Bill and Hillary have an open marriage and the only reason we don't know about it and just assume she's cuckholded is because...well...it's none of our fucking business.


Where I do mind is where he uses the power of the office to pick on children creating satire on the web because it interferes with his commercial brand. Because that isn't just sick, it's unamerican!!!!

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Personally, I don't give a shit whether you want to pretend to be a fucking potato, but don't force me to acknowledge that you're a potato. It's funny how these people reference science when it's convenient for them, but when it comes to something like this, science goes completely out the window.
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  BStowers023 said:
people reference science when it's convenient for them, but when it comes to something like this, science goes completely out the window.


:fuckyeah:"Religion is made-up and science is 100% fact!"


:gabe:"Wait...you have a penis so you are, by physical design, a male."



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  BStowers023 said:
Personally, I don't give a shit whether you want to pretend to be a fucking potato, but don't force me to acknowledge that you're a potato.


Thus why you don't seem to understand "Political Correctness" which is really just an overused term for "don't be an asshole to people" and "don't go out of your way to hurt people's feelings".


If a person wants to be called a potato, and it isn't putting you out to do so, then what's the harm in calling them a potato? It's perfectly within your right to not do it, just don't be surprised when they think you are an asshole. So really, your adverse reaction to political correctness is just you not wanting to be thought an asshole when you may be an asshole in a situation.


All that stuff about PC extremism is just that - extremism. It's a tiny group of people that Conservatives tend to over-blow entirely because it make an easy and convenient enemy, and it's bonkers enough to help people entrench in their conservative values.


Again, the simple answer if you are looking for one is, don't be an asshole. Or if you need a conservative translation: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I think Jesus said it or something. :lolguy:



It's funny how these people reference science when it's convenient for them, but when it comes to something like this, science goes completely out the window.


It's not a science issue, it's a rights issue. The laws aren't really setup to deal with the particular problems that come with being a trans person. Marriage rights, health rights, etc...These people want their partners to have access to their medical records like your spouse would, and they want to get married and divorced, and they want their partners to inherit things, and they want it to happen just like it happens for any straight non-trans person.


But it's funny that you seem to see global warming and gender equality both only as a science issue.

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  zeitgeist57 said:
:fuckyeah:"Religion is made-up and science is 100% fact!"


That's dumb. The only difference between Religion and Science is that Science is repeatable...sometimes :dumb:


:gabe:"Wait...you have a penis so you are, by physical design, a male."


unless you are a Snail, a Slug, a worm, most types of flowering plants, some fish...in which case you can be both male and female or neither. Actually, there are some humans that are both too...https://www.britannica.com/science/hermaphroditism

In humans, conditions that involve discrepancies between external genitalia and internal reproductive organs are described by the term intersex. Intersex conditions are sometimes also referred to as disorders of sexual development (DSDs). Such conditions are extremely rare in humans. In true gonadal intersex (or true hermaphroditism), an individual has both ovarian and testicular tissue. The ovarian and testicular tissue may be separate, or the two may be combined in what is called an ovotestis.





yeah it is. And it's a science construct, and the two don't always align as it stands now.


I guess what it really comes down to is sometimes people just don't understand that things can be more than one thing, and it's only a matter of perspective that allows you to see that.

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I have no problem with someone wanting to be identified as potato. But my social construct says a potato needs to have multiple "eyes" all over their body and has to be a vegetable.


It's inconvenient for someone to SAY they are a potato, then get offended when I put ketchup and pepper on their skin and start licking it off. I mean, make up your mind already! I've got a peeler in my hand and fry oil is heating up on the stove!


An inconvenient truth, if you will.

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  zeitgeist57 said:
I have no problem with someone wanting to be identified as potato. But my social construct says a potato needs to have multiple "eyes" all over their body and has to be a vegetable.


ok, but is it polite to force your social construct on to them AFTER they have told you? And further is it right to then hold them to the rights of a potato when you still think they are human just because they say so?


It's inconvenient for someone to SAY they are a potato, then get offended when I put ketchup and pepper on their skin and start licking it off. I mean, make up your mind already! I've got a peeler in my hand and fry oil is heating up on the stove!


An inconvenient truth, if you will.

It's hilarious you and I thought of the same example from different angles....but let me ask you this - if your social construct still thinks them human, and you are putting ketchup and pepper on them and plan to fry them and eat them....well then what does that say about your social construct? Probably that you are a cannibal.


you can't have it both ways - if you think they are human then let them have human rights, even if they don't think they do. If you want to suppress their rights to that of a potato, then start thinking of them as a potato.

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Who's denying them human rights?


Kinda like they can't have it both ways, correct? They can't claim to be a potato but then complain they don't have "human" rights.


This is honestly a non-issue. Who really gives a fuck? I just think it's fucking weird but I have no problem with them living in fairy world. I won't commit a hate crime against them or physically or mentally assault them unless they do so first.

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Here's an "alien" for your viewing pleasure




We better acknowledge this is an alien or we'll be labeled bigots or cissexist or whatever deragotory term the accepting and understanding left likes to use for people who don't agree with them

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  BStowers023 said:
Who's denying them human rights?


Kinda like they can't have it both ways, correct? They can't claim to be a potato but then complain they don't have "human" rights.


Ok but they aren't claiming to be potatoes, they are claiming to be humans, just ones you don't understand.


As for who is denying them human rights? That's easy, state governments, employers, businesses open to the public.


Lots of people seem to like to interpret person as straight person of specific gender when it really should mean human.




This is honestly a non-issue. Who really gives a fuck? I just think it's fucking weird but I have no problem with them living in fairy world. I won't commit a hate crime against them or physically or mentally assault them unless they do so first.


If it's a non issue then why Are we talking about it? The rest of America is talking about it. I agree it should be a non-issue, but it isn't.

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  BStowers023 said:
I literally cited someone who wants to be an alien


so, there is an entire philosophical conversation we can have about why we have different laws and different interpretations for different classes of beings, like why are the animal protection laws different for pets than for livestock when some of the animals are the same, but something tells me you aren't open for that.

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  Geeto67 said:
so, there is an entire philosophical conversation we can have about why we have different laws and different interpretations for different classes of beings, like why are the animal protection laws different for pets than for livestock when some of the animals are the same, but something tells me you aren't open for that.


I'm open to that

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  BStowers023 said:
I'm open to that


ok, so let's start there...why is it so easy for us to have law for dogs that apply universally to all breeds and genders of dogs but when we it comes to laws of a similar nature to humans we start to make distinctions and undermine equal treatment or protection?


why are the cruelty laws for dogs different from those for cattle? you can't whip or brand a dog, but you can a cow? and don't tell me it's just because of use - because there are plenty of cultures that eat dog. In fact why can't we treat horses as livestock?


A lot of this turns on how much we empathize as people with animals, plants, or other species.

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  Geeto67 said:
ok, so let's start there...why is it so easy for us to have law for dogs that apply universally to all breeds and genders of dogs but when we it comes to laws of a similar nature to humans we start to make distinctions and undermine equal treatment or protection?


why are the cruelty laws for dogs different from those for cattle? you can't whip or brand a dog, but you can a cow? and don't tell me it's just because of use - because there are plenty of cultures that eat dog. In fact why can't we treat horses as livestock?


A lot of this turns on how much we empathize as people with animals, plants, or other species.




Are we talking just the United States?


Which citizens in the United States don't have equal rights? Genuinely curious, not even trying to argue right now. I need real examples of laws put into place that directly discriminate against a particular gender (male or female) or race as a whole.

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  l36tols1 said:
Trump voters your President couldn't pass his "Obamacare" replacement.



How do you feel now that "Obamacare" is staying in place?




I wish they would just use Rand's plan and call it a day. Obamacare and Ryancare are fucking horrible

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