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Disc Space Disease, Anybody Have It Before


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Long story short I was having some trouble with my neck/shoulder that came on all the sudden. Pain got so bad last friday went to urgent care, they thought it was just a muscle issue, sent me home with pain meds and muscle relaxers.


Well, those did nothing, pain has gotten worse so i sent back today. They did some xrays and hit me with the fact I have Disc Space Disease between my C5 and C6. Trying to get into an ortho now to get the ball rolling on some type of treatment.


What can I do to possibly avoid surgery for those who have or know someone who has experienced this? I know FAR to many people that got their neck/back cut and were never the same...

Edited by Wagner
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You can try some decompression at a chiropractors. I do it for my neck and back and it helps. It won't cure it but it does help. Also massage seem to help. There are pain docs that will shoot something like Novocain (I think) mix into the area and it will help.

All of this helps..none of it cures. I know what you're going through.

Good luck



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I'm a huge proponent of PT/exercise. I'm sure there is plenty it can't fix and I don't know anything about that issue, but it's the first route I would try if it was feasible.


I would suggest to go see Corey Southers at http://www.rehabilitationredefined.com/ and see what he would suggest.

He did my knee recover after my ACL surgery, he was with a chain at the time, but has his own place now. He's a good guy and a straight shooter, if there is some other path for you that will work better he will send you in that direction.

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I'm avoiding going under the knife at all costs, period. I hope this doctor I'm seeing Friday can get me on a good PT program and all that fun stuff.


Personally I would get multiple opinions to compare surgery vs therapy.


One of my best friends has been dealing with back pain for years. He's in his 50s and spent 25 years in the .mil, most of which was desk work.


He got surgery last year and he is a different person, for the better. He went from grunting and groaning every time he had to so much as stand up from a chair or lean over to pick up some trash, to being able to help me haul sofas out of my house. His mood is improved, his range of movement is way better than he could ever remember, and he laments not getting the surgery sooner.


I think he was originally of the same mindset you are in now. He still does physical therapy but he hasn't touched a pain pill since the week of his surgery. Which, btw, was invasive enough to require 9 staples to close up, which was pretty gnarly to see.


I know there are bad stories for every good story out there, but I always think it's worth investigating everything.

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never heard it called a "disease" before but I have a couple herniated discs down low in my back. Been that way for a long time. The older I get the more problems they give me. I'm in the home stretch of surgery because it's at a point where it's effecting my quality of life. I've tried PT and had shots and none of them really were a long term solution. They would help for a bit then stop helping. My wife works at OSU and already has my back guy lined up. Shoot me a PM if you'd like and I can get his name for you. If my wife trusts him then I 100% do because she works with those guys day in and day out.

I'm not near as scared of surgery on my back as I used to be. They've come a long way on that surgery to where it's not nearly as invasive. The less invasive stuff though doesn't necessarily mean the best way though. 1 big cut might be better than 3-4 small ones.

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never heard it called a "disease" before but I have a couple herniated discs down low in my back. Been that way for a long time. The older I get the more problems they give me. I'm in the home stretch of surgery because it's at a point where it's effecting my quality of life. I've tried PT and had shots and none of them really were a long term solution. They would help for a bit then stop helping. My wife works at OSU and already has my back guy lined up. Shoot me a PM if you'd like and I can get his name for you. If my wife trusts him then I 100% do because she works with those guys day in and day out.

I'm not near as scared of surgery on my back as I used to be. They've come a long way on that surgery to where it's not nearly as invasive. The less invasive stuff though doesn't necessarily mean the best way though. 1 big cut might be better than 3-4 small ones.


Well, that's what the doctor and rad tech called it and they know more than me.


We shall see what happens friday after my meeting and MRI. They are limiting my pain pills so I just get to suffer lol

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Can't help, but I'll post here to read responses. I have a bulging disc at L5-S1 from 8ish years ago. Most days I'm fine, but on the days I'm not, its unbearable. This weekend I was in PA for a wedding and woke up unable to move for hours without shooting 10/10 pain. luckily I had some pills with me...made me high as fuck for the wedding, but the pain was gone. I just called to set up an appointment with my PCP to get the ball rolling on treatment. I can't live like this any more.
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I have the same issue. It got so bad at one time I could hardly walk. Spent 3 months, 3 days a week getting decompression therapy and while the pain isn't 100% gone I can walk and it's very manageable. It's usually a dull ache if I spend a lot of time standing or bent over working on cars. Nothing some ice and an anti-inflammatory doesn't solve.
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Ive got it in my l2/l3. working out and getting that area stronger has been the only help. Beeen dealing with this for 10+ years. You Get used to the bad days from time to time. :lol:


Once your mobile, try to lose some weight, that helped a ton.

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I'm avoiding going under the knife at all costs, period. I hope this doctor I'm seeing Friday can get me on a good PT program and all that fun stuff.


My view is the alternative. I broke two vertebrae and blew out L5 S1 back when I was 24 and in great shape. Had to have surgery after the vertebrae healed. Didn't want to but did. Not a single regret. Doctor said if I could be careful and go 5yrs without issue, thus no more Karate or Golf, that I'd likely be fine.


ffwd 24 years later and I'm fine. Little arthritis beyond the norm for my age but it's controllable and I have zero pain or issues.


I only say this as today's techniques are even safer and better and going under the knife isn't always bad. Do it now while you're yound and in good shape vs older, struggling, far weaker and far worse off in terms of how your body will heal.


Good luck man. Get some good opinions. I went to the Neurological Associates Group near campus off Ackerman Rd.

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I've never heard it called disc disease, I think their referring to disc degeneration. I have degeneration in a few lumbar discs and causes them to bulge and pinch nerve. I basically throw my back out at least once a year and have to go to chiropractor for decompression therapy I also go every 2 weeks for adjustments.


It sucks but comes with years of abusing my back doing flooring lifting rolls of carpet myself on shoulders and lifting patients and wearing gear for years at work.

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