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Neighbor problems..sweet revenge V2


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The sad thing is, they are literally the only people that will be out partying and being loud both vocally and via music at the most ridiculous hours. None one else beside them nor beside or across the street from me come even close to this kind of behavior. Just because our kids are in bed by 2000-2015 and we are in bed by 2100 most evenings doesn't mean we think anyone else should be, but there are sound ordinances for a reason. Just be respectful. That's all we ask.


One of the funny things about their letter was the need they felt to explain how/why they designed their back yard the way they did. Really? And where is your consideration for how I have orchestrated the lay out of my house and property? Wow.


As for skin action, I wouldn't know as i'm not trying to gawk over at them in the afternoon while they are outside in the pool and whatnot. Like I said before, I can see more of my yard than I can theirs, and i'm fine with that. I just need to be able to see the top of the fence in case they try coming over it again to destroy my property, or to throw things at my house. Outside of that, I have the camera there for purposes of monitoring my back yard/mew.

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The sad thing is, they are literally the only people that will be out partying and being loud both vocally and via music at the most ridiculous hours. None one else beside them nor beside or across the street from me come even close to this kind of behavior. Just because our kids are in bed by 2000-2015 and we are in bed by 2100 most evenings doesn't mean we think anyone else should be, but there are sound ordinances for a reason. Just be respectful. That's all we ask.


One of the funny things about their letter was the need they felt to explain how/why they designed their back yard the way they did. Really? And where is your consideration for how I have orchestrated the lay out of my house and property? Wow.


As for skin action, I wouldn't know as i'm not trying to gawk over at them in the afternoon while they are outside in the pool and whatnot. Like I said before, I can see more of my yard than I can theirs, and i'm fine with that. I just need to be able to see the top of the fence in case they try coming over it again to destroy my property, or to throw things at my house. Outside of that, I have the camera there for purposes of monitoring my back yard/mew.


Have any of your other neighbors complained about them or say anything to you about their behavior?

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Have any of your other neighbors complained about them or say anything to you about their behavior?


Negatory. But here is the thing, on both properties to the left and right of me, the houses are set much closer to the road. So small front yards, but a big back yard buffer. They are also spaced further to the left and right of my house than houses are spaced in cookie cutter neighborhoods. (Everyone in my neighborhood has anywhere from 1 acre to 10 acres of property). Whereas my house is situated much further back. So I have a large front yard/buffer between us and the street, but not much buffer at all between our house and the people behind us.


I find it highly improbable with the layout of my neighborhood that any of my neighbors can hear them as there is a large space between. As for their neighbors on either side of them, I know one of their neighbors also party with them, but its always at the Swint's residence, never at their own. The people on the other side of the Swints I don't know anything about them. I don't know if they have ever made complaints or not.


In the end, it doesn't really matter if anyone else has made complaints or not. The fact is, you live in a neighborhood, be courteous. Don't be discourteous, especially by breaking the law.


I just find it someone funny that they go from hurling insults and throwing rocks at my house to sending a letter after I put cameras up. (I have more than one camera on the property facing all directions.)

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I just did a measurement on google maps, and our master bedroom is about 50ft straight back from their party area. My one neighbor is about 200ft away, and the other closer to 250ft away, both diagonally. I can ask them when next I see them, but like I said, with their distance, I highly doubt they hear them.
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i always wondered an update on this.


:lol: i Literally spit my drink out with the party on garth hahaah


I think I would listen to what the lawyers husband is suggesting- as much as I agree these people are douchy



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Already in the mail, too late.

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Negatory. But here is the thing, on both properties to the left and right of me, the houses are set much closer to the road. So small front yards, but a big back yard buffer. They are also spaced further to the left and right of my house than houses are spaced in cookie cutter neighborhoods. (Everyone in my neighborhood has anywhere from 1 acre to 10 acres of property). Whereas my house is situated much further back. So I have a large front yard/buffer between us and the street, but not much buffer at all between our house and the people behind us.


I find it highly improbable with the layout of my neighborhood that any of my neighbors can hear them as there is a large space between. As for their neighbors on either side of them, I know one of their neighbors also party with them, but its always at the Swint's residence, never at their own. The people on the other side of the Swints I don't know anything about them. I don't know if they have ever made complaints or not.


In the end, it doesn't really matter if anyone else has made complaints or not. The fact is, you live in a neighborhood, be courteous. Don't be discourteous, especially by breaking the law.


I just find it someone funny that they go from hurling insults and throwing rocks at my house to sending a letter after I put cameras up. (I have more than one camera on the property facing all directions.)


I get what you're saying. I'm not trying to play devil's advocate with them. They sound like assholes, especially when they're trying to damage your property. That infuriates me. We had an issue two months ago where one of the neighbor girls was throwing chocolate chip cookies over our fence to try to get our dog to eat them. That was a fun conversation with people who don't really like us after our fencing issue last year. Really makes me want to get cameras on our house.


Although it's been fun to read about them, I hope this is the last thing you hear from them.

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We had an issue two months ago where one of the neighbor girls was throwing chocolate chip cookies over our fence to try to get our dog to eat them. That was a fun conversation with people who don't really like us after our fencing issue last year. Really makes me want to get cameras on our house.


Get the cameras. I have our home and entire property being streamed in HD and it's interesting to see what cameras catch in the way of activity at all hours, including kids cutting through yards at 2am. Video and pics are clear as day too. If the kid behind us lobs a lacross ball into my house again, I'll enjoy showing him the video and images.

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Get the cameras. I have our home and entire property being streamed in HD and it's interesting to see what cameras catch in the way of activity at all hours, including kids cutting through yards at 2am. Video and pics are clear as day too. If the kid behind us lobs a lacross ball into my house again, I'll enjoy showing him the video and images.


PM me the information when you get a chance.

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Get the cameras. I have our home and entire property being streamed in HD and it's interesting to see what cameras catch in the way of activity at all hours, including kids cutting through yards at 2am. Video and pics are clear as day too. If the kid behind us lobs a lacross ball into my house again, I'll enjoy showing him the video and images.


Tim, you better make sure you cameras aren't pointing in the direction of anyone else's property. Lulz.


Ohh, side note, I talked to one of my neighbors a few hours ago, and yes, they can hear them when they party, and they are 4x further away from them than we are with a giant barn and trees between them as well.

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Tim, you better make sure you cameras aren't pointing in the direction of anyone else's property. Lulz.


Actually the funny thing is the two on the front of the house have made our neighbors across the street feel better as they are very clear and capture pretty clear shots should anyone fuck with their cars, etc.


We have trees and a buffer between us and the house behind us but there too, the ones in back capture anyone in the bushes, or cutting through.


Add in a couple motion sensors that ring a chime in our house that let the dogs go nuts and it's all pretty effective. If I hear a chime and someone messes with my shed/storage unit out back, the dogs will be sent out the door to check it out :p

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Meh, typical car-guy passive aggressive (send letter, noise whirley-gig, and more letters) way of handling problems. What ever happened to good old face-to-face conversations...


People have to look you in the eye and answer when you talk to them face-to-face.


Sounds like you guys are more pen-pals than anything else...

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Meh, typical car-guy passive aggressive (send letter, noise whirley-gig, and more letters) way of handling problems. What ever happened to good old face-to-face conversations...


People have to look you in the eye and answer when you talk to them face-to-face.


Sounds like you guys are more pen-pals than anything else...


Splitting hairs, paranoia, "tough guy not-backing-down" approach will net you little. Life is too short to hate your neighbors just because you don't get an invite....


I said exactly this in the original thread. Never ending pettiness. Walk over, talk to neighbor, agree on something, have a beer, done.

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Splitting hairs, paranoia, "tough guy not-backing-down" approach will net you little. Life is too short to hate your neighbors just because you don't get an invite....


I said exactly this in the original thread. Never ending pettiness. Walk over, talk to neighbor, agree on something, have a beer, done.



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I said exactly this in the original thread. Never ending pettiness. Walk over, talk to neighbor, agree on something, have a beer, done.


IT/Car/Dog/DubStep guys don't like actual confrontation. They just like to play it over and over in their head how they "wish a motherfucker would" so they could "be the hero and save the girl" when in actuality they just sit back and order anodized lug nuts and water coolers for their PC Towers....

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IT/Car/Dog/DubStep guys don't like actual confrontation. They just like to play it over and over in their head how they "wish a motherfucker would" so they could "be the hero and save the girl" when in actuality they just sit back and order anodized lug nuts and water coolers for their PC Towers....


As a guy who currently works in IT, came from the car business, has a dog but hates dubstep, I resent that. Especially because every professional review I've ever had has suggested I find ways to more eloquently confront people who take issue with me.

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As a guy who currently works in IT, came from the car business, has a dog but hates dubstep, I resent that. Especially because every professional review I've ever had has suggested I find ways to more eloquently confront people who take issue with me.


ha ha

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So this is what I started using:





The latter is freaking amazing. I downloaded a frequency generator app on my phone that I can cast to this speaker via bluetooth. That allows me to control it indoors. This speaker, I have had outside all night during a rain storm and the thing still works fine. It has blown away my expectations. I still use it to listen to music while i'm working outside.


This is speaker is amazing btw. Got it a few days ago. Can confirm worth buying

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This is speaker is amazing btw. Got it a few days ago. Can confirm worth buying


Glad you like it. I don't usually give too many "raving" reviews of products but I though this one definitely deserved honorable mention.


Side note, they signed for my letter to them last Thursday. Now, we wait. Hopefully i'm "waiting" for nothing.

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