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White House-Anon is posting on 4chan


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FBI-Anon is back posting as well. Saw something else about a 48 hour window for people to go public or turn themselves in for involvement in a high level pedo ring. There was also a federal lawsuit filed by the whistle blower who discover federal judges, trump, and public was being illegally wire tapped. Good or bad, the next few weeks is going to be entertaining.
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FBI-Anon is back posting as well. Saw something else about a 48 hour window for people to go public or turn themselves in for involvement in a high level pedo ring. There was also a federal lawsuit filed by the whistle blower who discover federal judges, trump, and public was being illegally wire tapped. Good or bad, the next few weeks is going to be entertaining.




The pedo stuff was from Swordfish, I think, and focused on the entertainment industry.

Weird rumors swirling about Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington, Bennington being abused himself (and looks like a clone of Podesta)

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I'll ask a favor: Lay off the conspiracy theories until something these guys put online actually happens.


In the meantime, you guys look like morons for believing anything posted on 4chan. Plus, shame on you guys for saying recent suicides are tied to people being involved in child porn without proof.

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I'll ask a favor: Lay off the conspiracy theories until something these guys put online actually happens.


In the meantime, you guys look like morons for believing anything posted on 4chan. Plus, shame on you guys for saying recent suicides are tied to people being involved in child porn without proof.




Is this not the kitchen?


As for Cornell and Bennington, they were close friends. The rumors are that they were trying to fight child sex abuse and may have gotten too close, not that they were abusing children.


"In 2012, he and his wife set up The Chris and Vicky Cornell Foundation, which advocates for vulnerable children and works alongside other organisations to raise awareness and support for those facing homelessness, poverty, abuse and neglect."

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I do agree that you have to take 4chan or redit with a grain of salt and I honestly did not intend to reference recent suicides. Ironically enough, quite a bit of FBI Anon and the "ask me anything" FBI agent did play out the majority of the time. The big dud in the room, was the 33k emails not being released the week of the election. Even if they were released I refuse to look at anything directly outside of what is released by the news.
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The problem with conspiracies ive learned (first hand at that) is (looking stupid aside) you so desperately want whats going on in reality to not be true because it seems legit there is a conspiracy. "No way dems could do ______, that's so dumb Soros is for sure giving them money to make it happen" You basically place a large bet (your credibility and respect among peers) on the theories being even partially right, and if they aren't you already took the hit when admitting to them being even somewhat truthful.


98/100 theories are outright wrong. But all it takes is those one or two to keep you bought in, whether 100% or partially true.Im a victim of this, literally a month ago I was almost convincing myself the earth was flat and the universe revolved around us.


If you watch enough youtube videos and read enough sketchy articles at 4am anything is possible to believe.

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Of course it's the Kitchen, which is why you're allowed to post.


I'm the one bringing up the fact that conspiracy theories make you look ridic.




About the pizza/pedo-gate stuff, if even 2% of the story is true and kids are getting kidnapped/abused, im willing to talk about it. There is a black market for child sex, people who think there is not are willingly ignorant. Am I going to put a bullet in Comet Pizza's floor? no, I'm not

Edited by BigOxley
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Anonymous sources are fake news!


<checks an anonymous website>


Check out this real news!


That's how we were taught to write the date in the military. 24July2017 is how we would write it


Always dd MMM yyyy in the military, not dd/mm/yyyy like a bunch of snobby Eurotrash.

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if even 2% of the story is true and kids are getting kidnapped/abused, im willing to talk about it. There is a black market for child sex, people who think there is not are willingly ignorant.


No one denies that human trafficking is occurring, but there's a fine line between understanding a social issue and identifying an actionable solution, and guessing cause-and-effect and getting it wrong. (<<<conspiracy theory/fake news)


I sure hope people understand more than 2% of a story or issue before they try to solve it.

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Ill be the first to admit I believe a lot of conspiracies since I'm basically half retarded, but this shit is out there lol


:lol: I got into a youtube rabbit hole of 9/11 vids awhile back. Spent an entire day pretty much watching them.


If you watch enough youtube videos and read enough sketchy articles at 4am anything is possible to believe.


Yup. Been there. Makes you wake up the next morning questions just how much or how little we really know.

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