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Anyone into bitcoins?


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  Turbs3000 said:
Thanks I appreciate it. My main pc has dual 390's then 2 mid level cards so not breaking any records or anything but if it means bringing in an additional 2-3k a year for minimal effort it seems it may be worth while.


Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk

dual 390's will get you 100 a month after electric usage assuming your electric is .10 per kilowatt hour. Also depending on your CPU, you can mine with that as well. Here's the other thing to remember... it pays out with BTC which then you can convert to USD so it fluctuates... right now it's over 10k per BTC so it's pretty good.. a few weeks ago it was 6600 so it really fluctuates so pay attention to maximize profit when selling.


I've really taken a crash course in this and I'm lucky that one of my co-workers is heavy into it and has really worked with me on it as I really haven't found many good youtube videos or instructions on how to even set it up. (I might have to make one on how to set things up if I ever get time or energy)

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  smokin5s said:
http://www.nicehash.com If you need help setting it up, just PM me. my gaming machine has dual 1080's with SLI and then I have a gaming laptop with a 980m and another machine that I was able to pick up a 1060 and 1070... I'm currently making about 13-14 a day with it or ~400 a month before my energy usage of ~30 a month... of course that's before coinbase takes their 2% fee. It's still a nice little profit for just letting my hardware run while I'm at work or sleeping. If I want to play a game, I just pause the daemon play my games then restart it.


You can google nicehash profitability calculator and look up your hardware to see profilt.


All of this. Easy as pie and as long as you drop your Power limit settings on your gpu to about 80% and set your temp limit to something reasonable its pretty fail safe. If you need a new gaming PC the best way to go now is to order the GPU directly from EVGA or the like to get the best price or buy a prebuilt machine. You should easily be able to pay off that machine in a years time but the real value comes into play when the Coins start to go up in value as they are right now. I wish I had started mining a year ago when I built my gaming rig. sigh....

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I just jumped into the whole mining ordeal right around Christmas when everything was at ATH's. I've been using mostly AMD cards as they seem to be the cheaper price/performance IMO.


Christmas got my rx580 for 200$ to upgrade my gaming rig.... then it has just snowballed from there. Wish I would have purchased more cards at that price.


Now if I can find any rx570/580 for under 300$ I pretty much buy it.


Right now have 7 cards mining around 29-30mhs each and have 2 more on the way.


EVGA has been having some awesome bundle deals on things..... I splurged and bought 2 bundles 1 with a gtx1070 and 1 with a gtx1080. Both come with 150$ motherboards that should be capable of running 7 gpus. I'm not really a huge fan of the nvidia cards so I'm just reselling them on eBay for the price I paid on the bundle and getting a free motherboard out of the deal.


Have a 1070 for sale now buyout 650.... bid is at 510$ with 5 days to go. Shouldn't be an issue selling it as it's pretty much the cheapest one on eBay right now.


Right now dual mining ethereum and XVG.... Payouts should be around 500-600$ a month.


Plan right now is to try and hodl my eth and hope it explodes when they finally go from POW to POS. Or trade some here and there from various tips I find on coins that may go up....


Not gonna say I've gained a fortune yet.... but I don't really see me losing money either so.....


Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

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  SloSVTruck said:
I just jumped into the whole mining ordeal right around Christmas when everything was at ATH's. I've been using mostly AMD cards as they seem to be the cheaper price/performance IMO.


Christmas got my rx580 for 200$ to upgrade my gaming rig.... then it has just snowballed from there. Wish I would have purchased more cards at that price.


Now if I can find any rx570/580 for under 300$ I pretty much buy it.


Right now have 7 cards mining around 29-30mhs each and have 2 more on the way.


EVGA has been having some awesome bundle deals on things..... I splurged and bought 2 bundles 1 with a gtx1070 and 1 with a gtx1080. Both come with 150$ motherboards that should be capable of running 7 gpus. I'm not really a huge fan of the nvidia cards so I'm just reselling them on eBay for the price I paid on the bundle and getting a free motherboard out of the deal.


Have a 1070 for sale now buyout 650.... bid is at 510$ with 5 days to go. Shouldn't be an issue selling it as it's pretty much the cheapest one on eBay right now.


Right now dual mining ethereum and XVG.... Payouts should be around 500-600$ a month.


Plan right now is to try and hodl my eth and hope it explodes when they finally go from POW to POS. Or trade some here and there from various tips I find on coins that may go up....


Not gonna say I've gained a fortune yet.... but I don't really see me losing money either so.....


Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

interesting... I'll check it ou

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  • 4 weeks later...
  zeitgeist57 said:
BTC was up to $11k, now down to $8,299...


There are so few BTC being trade right now so the market is really easily manipulated. As of now, there are still 1.6 billions $ worth of BTC still “need to sell”. So shit will get more interesting in the next couple months.


Life’s simple! Buy low sell high or hold until you make a profit ;)

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  ShowHBK said:
All of you are the reason I can't buy a GTX 1070 for GAMING... I hate all of you!



dude, go to Microcenter, they have TONS of them with yellow return stickers on them...

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