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Anyone into bitcoins?


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You have a couple different threads of investment thought really. Firstly, why be greedy? A 400% profit in a short period of time is, essentially other than crypto, completely unheard of. Take your profits, do a victory dance, and use those monies to pay of debt/bills/whatever. Secondly, yes over the last few weeks we have seen incredible explosions in value and as long as you have money in the game that won't negatively effect your life if it's gone you can let it ride. Thirdly, the idea is "Sell at peaks, buy in troughs" so if it peeked at $410, sell, ride it down to $350 or so, and buy back in. As it goes back up you've now added even more profitability to your investment.


I would say this is true with most things in life, but these crypto currencies are different.


I bought BTC when it dipped into $6800 and sold when it hit $8600. Thinking it would dipped again. It went straight up and I had to buy before it hit $10k. And now it’s $17k plus.


My advice is only sell if you need the fund. If you don’t need the fund, ride it out.

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I would say this is true with most things in life, but these crypto currencies are different.


I bought BTC when it dipped into $6800 and sold when it hit $8600. Thinking it would dipped again. It went straight up and I had to buy before it hit $10k. And now it’s $17k plus.


My advice is only sell if you need the fund. If you don’t need the fund, ride it out.


That's exactly what I'm doing...I just bought 2 more LTC at $349 each. It spiked at $410 today. I'm $1200 in and basically just used my profits from the first to get my other 2.

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Another is you can’t never timed these things. Last week BTC spiked up to $19k plus, in my mind I said I’ll buy more if it ever come down to $17k. BTC slid down I was able to grab some at $15,900. That night it dropped all the way down into the high $13k/ low $14k but as Sunday night come around it’s back to $16,500, and now it’s $18k. Just ride it out. Six figures or bursts
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Another is you can’t never timed these things. Last week BTC spiked up to $19k plus, in my mind I said I’ll buy more if it ever come down to $17k. BTC slid down I was able to grab some at $15,900. That night it dropped all the way down into the high $13k/ low $14k but as Sunday night come around it’s back to $16,500, and now it’s $18k. Just ride it out. Six figures or bursts


I am kind of set on selling my BC when it clears on Friday...I only own .15 ($2500 @ 15,577) so for me to make 6 figures, this shit has to increase a ridiculous amount. I'd rather dump it into LTC and hope it goes from to even half of BTC (I now have 5.4 coins).

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I am kind of set on selling my BC when it clears on Friday...I only own .15 ($2500 @ 15,577) so for me to make 6 figures, this shit has to increase a ridiculous amount. I'd rather dump it into LTC and hope it goes from to even half of BTC (I now have 5.4 coins).


LTC and Ethereum have a lot of gains but they are both loosing steam right now. If my math is correct, the BTC is trading at a value of $26,333 on the stock market now. This weekend will be fun to watch.

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LTC and Ethereum have a lot of gains but they are both loosing steam right now. If my math is correct, the BTC is trading at a value of $26,333 on the stock market now. This weekend will be fun to watch.


Mine cleared a day early. If I sold right now, I'd make $101 lol. I am going to ride the weekend and see where it goes.


What does it's trade value on the stock market mean for owners of the actual coin? Not sure I understand.



LTC lost steam. Mine clears tomorrow and I might just sell and walk away knowing I made a couple hundred and had fun getting in on this crazyness.

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Can’t get on to my account. Haven’t tried to log in at all lately but I get this



You're making too many requests to our servers from this computer, please wait an hour and try again. If the problem persists add a Bug Report. Sorry for the trouble!

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Hesitated on buying lite last night at $295 and it went to $360. Trying my luck finally if Chase allows the transaction.


Don’t worry , it peaked at almoat $400 and came back down near $250 within the week. I bought in at $137 then again at $350 because I didn’t see it dropping. Now with a total of 5 coins in just riding it out with a total of about $1100 invested

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