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Comparing any politician to Hitler before they've done any horrendous crimes against humanity is pretty disgusting and shows how low class the person doing the name calling is.


Obama is Hitler. Why? How the fuck is Obama like Hitler? Because he wants to expand the welfare state? Sure, I don't agree with it, doesn't make him Hitler. Ridiculous.


Trump is Hitler. Why? How the fuck is Trump like Hitler? Because he wants to protect our borders from illegal immigrants? Sure, some might prefer open borders but it doesn't make him Hitler. Ridiculous.

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Trump is literally Hitler. Okay, that's your stance. Got it.


This is getting embarrassing.


And you are literally humorless. But we knew that already. Also, look at how triggered you are. It's cute.


In all seriousness though - the hallmarks of an authoritarian or totalitarian rule aren't hard to spot if you are willing to look for them. Trump isn't the first president to attack the press, Nixon did it, George W Bush did it, Reagan did it, Washington did it, lots of presidents have had a hard time with media and press. What makes it a stand apart is that Trump is calling them an enemy of the people and using the power of the office to send that message on behalf of the American government. The only other president to do that was Nixon and things didn't end well for him. Even Nixon was more quiet about it, letting Spiro Agnew make claims against the press publicly while directing privately for his staff to threaten lawsuits and license revocation (which never eventually happened). He told his staff many times the press is the enemy of the people and the enemy of the government but even he wasn't stupid enough to say it publicly. Trump is very public about it and that is new for an American president.


You know who did do it publicly though? Hitler. He called the press "the lying press" (Lügenpresse in German) in nearly every speech to the public. Seriously go back and listen to his speeches on youtube - you'll hear it. Also Stalin, Mussolini, Pol Pot, Franco, Putin...etc...all the top dictators in the world. So I am not saying he's literally Hitler, but I am saying he is absolutely using the same tactics and those tactics are a first for an American president.


The question is, why are we tolerating it and why is anybody defending it?



P.S. I am glad someone else knows about godwins law besides me.



Comparing any politician to Hitler before they've done any horrendous crimes against humanity is pretty disgusting and shows how low class the person doing the name calling is.


Still not as low class as someone who says a victim of a mass shooting isn't a "real" victim because he didn't get shot. Remember when you said that precious? It's a couple pages back if you need a refresher. It's right before the part where you made open threats against me (which by they way pretty much destroy any credibility you have on determining "class").


But let's get back on topic for a second. There are some things which are common to all politicians which means you can draw a parallel to any politician to Hitler for public policy things like the social safety net and public assistance. But there are some things that are unique hallmarks of facisim. You can't accuse any previous president of publicly declaring the press an enemy of the people, you can't accuse former presidents of saying the right of a post office guaranteed by the constitution doesn't apply to some american citizens because of political message. That is something he uniquely shares with fascist dictators. Brandon, why are you ok with that?

Edited by Geeto67
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the country isn't for everyone, even if you have been living here and contributing to society for some time now, and that particular group of people who somehow all are racially homogeneous (he's never after the white immigrants, illegal or otherwise) and the causes for all of the country's problems.



shut the fuck up. the only one not introducing race or skin color into his views on illegal aliens is him. you've introduced it more times in the last 18 months than he has.

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Still not as low class as someone who says a victim of a mass shooting isn't a "real" victim because he didn't get shot. Remember when you said that precious? It's a couple pages back if you need a refresher. It's right before the part where you made open threats against me (which by they way pretty much destroy any credibility you have on determining "class").


Never threatened you, I think we've went over this and you have absolutely no evidence of any threat. So here you go again, making false accusations.


Are you one of those that are on the side of David Hogg and his counterparts can't be criticized because their kids but they're allowed to openly criticize groups of people on national TV?

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shut the fuck up. the only one not introducing race or skin color into his views on illegal aliens is him. you've introduced it more times in the last 18 months than he has.


Kerry gets a pass because he's Jewish. That's how this works in today's America. Anything but white male gets a free pass.

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shut the fuck up. the only one not introducing race or skin color into his views on illegal aliens is him. you've introduced it more times in the last 18 months than he has.




how fast we forget this gem:

“Why do we want all these people from Africa here? They’re shithole countries ... We should have more people from Norway.”



Never threatened you, I think we've went over this and you have absolutely no evidence of any threat. So here you go again, making false accusations.


So we can ad liar and a chicken shit for not owning up to it. I saw it as a threat, several others here called you out as making threats, just because you now want to backtrack and say it isn't doesn't really matter. We all know who you really are Brandon.


I think you should have stopped at stolen valor.


Are you one of those that are on the side of David Hogg and his counterparts can't be criticized because their kids but they're allowed to openly criticize groups of people on national TV?


You can disagree with David Hogg and his opinion on gun control all you like. It's an opinion and fair game for the public discourse. But you didn't do that did you? you chose to attack his status as a victim of a major tragedy alleging that he's not a "real victim", something that is not even in dispute. That has nothing to do with gun control, or opinions on political issues - that's like making fun of a 9/11 orphan because they don't have a dad. It's a shitty thing to do and shows a complete lack of moral compass or empathy.


I get that your hero Alex Jones thinks that this is an ok thing to do, but really, look inside your heart and you know its a sign of weakness of mind and character.



Kerry gets a pass because he's Jewish. That's how this works in today's America. Anything but white male gets a free pass.


Pretty sure I qualify as a white male. Unless you want to join in Tim's usual rhetoric of insinuating that I am a race traitor. Also, I would be careful, proud boy, about meddling with anti-Semitic comments, that is of course unless you want people to think you are an anti-Semite.



By the way Brandon, you didn't answer a single one of my questions directed at you. Why?


Seriously, why are you ok with the president using fascist political tactics (that none of his predecessors dared to use)? why do you defend him?

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I'm not playing your little games. You're a middle aged, morbidly obese dude who thinks he's hot shit who has his family living in an apartment. LMAO. Fucking loser


mmmm....your tears are so salty.




What games? you are the one making all these statements about how white people are under attack, that you hate victims (even though you yourself are one), and saying ominous things about coming to my house uninvited at night when my family is asleep. I mean these things stand on their own dude, I'm not putting any words into your mouth.


You want to paint me as some hippy liberal loser, go right ahead. You want to take issue with the fact that you have painted yourself as an Alex Jones level of bigotted idiot troll - well I think the person you need to take that up with is you. Or does personal responsibility apply to everyone but yourself?

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how fast we forget this gem: “Why do we want all these people from Africa here? They’re shithole countries ... We should have more people from Norway.”

I don't see a reference to race...but I guess not every fact counts.
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Tim you can’t be that naive, come on.


Everyone from Africa is black? He's not wrong with the generalization of those that he's referencing and he wasn't targeting races.


Is it Trumps fault that there's no whites marching up from Honduras? I'm sorry, but we need to stop the below bullshit from happening.



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1100 brown people seeking asylum: "this bullshit needs to be stopped."


trillion dollar deficits with no end in sight: "meh, I can't control what I can't control."




Republican priorities = fucked.


What’s sad is that these caravans have been going on since 2010 as a form of protest or demonstration, very few if any people actually get asylum in the US as a result of it. They weren’t a priority before because....well...our previous leader didn’t need to use them to hate monger before.

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Dow set to tumble 500 points after China announces new tariffs, Trump declares that we're not in a trade war. If this is what running a country like a business looks like, maybe we should shop elsewhere.


The art of the deal.

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Dow set to tumble 500 points after China announces new tariffs, Trump declares that we're not in a trade war. If this is what running a country like a business looks like, maybe we should shop elsewhere.


I hope the few thousand people in the steel industry appreciate the hit we're all taking for them.


The farming community is always the first on the fire in any tariff situation because we are a strong agricultural exporter. Being an agricultural state that is a direct impact to Ohio. Of the 128 items subject to China's response tarriff 78 are produce items, and another 5 are livestock items including pork (of which china makes up 17% of the whole US pork market).


It is interesting that China went through great lengths to raise their tariffs in the exact same amount as Trump's tariffs to send the very specific message that this is a direct response. Anybody who is denying the potential for a trade war at this point is delusional.

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Shrewdly, the Chinese are targeting industries centered around areas of the U.S. that supported Trump in the last election.


If there's a better example of a "Trade War" using surgical bombs in the form of economic tariffs/sanctions to target a foreign government, I'd like to see it. :lol:


Folks, to reference an oft-used '80s quote from "Top Gun", Trump's ego is writing checks our economy can't cash. Literally. We're $20T in debt, with much of that owed to China specifically.

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I think the debt to china is the red herring in this conversation. A lot of that is in bonds we sold them and have a plan for payoff, just while the bond is maturing it is considered "debt".


Still, you nailed it right on the head - China is taking a page from the Russians to try and influence voters in the US using the resources they have. Instead of the internet though it's midwestern wallets.

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True, but China invests a ton in Treasurys which helps float our debt and also normalizes the yield curve: if China stops buying U.S. debt, interest rates can rise and have a much worse effect on our economy than tariffs.


Admittedly, that's an economically-NUCLEAR option as China needs the safety of U.S. Treasuries in an uncertain world and our consumer base for Chinese products. I'm just not sure where Trump is going with this escalation aside from a cocky stance that the U.S. stands to benefit from closing free-market global channels against a communist economy that's already grown sufficiently through market subsidies to it's home producers and open violations of international trade laws.








TL;DR - we already gave the shop away by allowing China to steal trade secrets for decades in exchange for cheap goods to satisfy fat American consumerism greed; trade war via tariffs between China and U.S. doesn't help anyone (U.S. producers and consumers) in the long run.

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100% agree. For the time being the US has a window where China still has an interest in protecting the maturity of their bonds. That's not a lot of time but it is time for someone to figure out how to right this ship.


The problem that Trump is trying to solve for is real - china is dumping products in the US at below fair market value. Everyone told him that tariff's weren't the way to fix this but it's almost like he didn't trust his own people and needed to see for himself by doing it. Now that the tariffs haven't solved for it, and we are in a bigger mess, can we gracefully dig ourselves out of this hole?

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