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Conventional Wisdom - to which DJT doesn't subscribe to - tells us to stop the tariffs to bring the markets back to normal. The consumer needs to vote with their wallet; if we don't want to support the Chinese, then buy American products!!!!


Problem is: China has infiltrated our economy in nearly every form of production and consumption.

Problem is: It's not easy to buy products in 2018 that don't benefit China in some way.

Problem is: China continues to be a gross violator of international laws regarding corporate IP.


Fact is: the U.S. stock market takes a hit based on perceived economic impact to these China/U.S. tariffs, but then volumes/prices pick back up. The one thing in Trump's favor is that stock investors (individuals, corporates, wire houses, institutional investors) seem to love him at the helm. IT'S THE ECONOMY, STUPID...if stocks continue to trade around 24k-25k, I think Trump's ego will continue to support his decisions.


MAYBE the tariffs work at getting China to back off their government-supported unfair economic policies..........but I don't think it will.


Dunno what else Trump can do. There's definitely no "graceful" ANYTHING with our current foreign policy dealings.

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Conventional Wisdom - to which DJT doesn't subscribe to - tells us to stop the tariffs to bring the markets back to normal. The consumer needs to vote with their wallet; if we don't want to support the Chinese, then buy American products!!!!


Maybe that works for consumer products, but there are way more supply side products where china may be the only supplier. We are a world economy now whether we like it or not.


Problem is: China has infiltrated our economy in nearly every form of production and consumption

Problem is: It's not easy to buy products in 2018 that don't benefit China in some way.


Are these problems though? The benefit of china is also the benefit to the US in the form of increased quality of life through cheaper consumer goods.


Problem is: China continues to be a gross violator of international laws regarding corporate IP.


This along with the dumping is a real problem, and this is also the national security problem as well since there has been no shortage of Chinese electronics shipped with Trojans, malware, backdoors, etc....They are using our own tech and development to both get better at spying on us and benefit themselves at 1/3 the R&D cost while being the US's biggest economic rival. It's a tangle for sure.


MAYBE the tariffs work at getting China to back off their government-supported unfair economic policies..........but I don't think it will.


Dunno what else Trump can do. There's definitely no "graceful" ANYTHING with our current foreign policy dealings.


There is always a strategy, but as time goes on options become more limited. Even more concerning than his disbelief in the science of climate change is Trump's disbelief in the science of economics. He has the least amount of acedemic economists on his staff than any prior sitting president. There is always a path if you have the right guides, but can he still find it with the wrong ones? we will wait and see.

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Maybe that works for consumer products, but there are way more supply side products where china may be the only supplier. We are a world economy now whether we like it or not.


the same rule applies to those suppliers too. use US Based and originated product too.

Are these problems though? The benefit of china is also the benefit to the US in the form of increased quality of life through cheaper consumer goods.


quality of life through lower prices may help some but in the end, but IMO is still short sited. we shouldn't be letting China control us nor should there imbalance as there is now.

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the same rule applies to those suppliers too. use US Based and originated product too.


That's not always possible or feasible. Esp with larger items like vehicles or more complex ones like smartphones. We don't make everything in the US, nor should we.


quality of life through lower prices may help some but in the end, but IMO is still short sited. we shouldn't be letting China control us nor should there imbalance as there is now.


how is China "controlling" us. That's the leap I don't make with your logic. There are some things they will have leverage on and some things we will have leverage on and that's just how it works. we can't have a cold war with them because our efforts are collaborative. In many ways they are struggling to keep up with us, esp on the environmental and standard of living front.

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So when Trump's trade war fails to solve the imbalance and just makes us all worse off, are you still going to support it?


I don't see a war. But, hey you're right Greg, we should just sit back and continue to let the trade imbalance fuck us in the ass.

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I don't see a war. But, hey you're right Greg, we should just sit back and continue to let the trade imbalance fuck us in the ass.


You don't see China imposing tariffs in response to Trump's tariffs? Or you don't think a tit-for-tat escalation of tariffs constitutes a "war?"


trade war

ˈtrād ˌwôr/


a situation in which countries try to damage each other's trade, typically by the imposition of tariffs or quota restrictions.




So when this tariff battle that's totally not a trade war does nothing to change the trade imbalance, and we're still getting "fucked in the ass," are you still going to think it was a good idea?


It's like you're getting gang raped in the ass, and you start punching your own dick, and when someone's like, "Hey, you're going to hurt your dick if you keep punching it," and you're like, "Well I'm not just going to stand here and get gang raped in the ass without doing something."


It just makes no sense. This. Will. Not. Change. The. Fucking. Trade. Imbalance.

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You don't see China imposing tariffs in response to Trump's tariffs? Or you don't think a tit-for-tat escalation of tariffs constitutes a "war?"


I see the US calling China out for fucking us in the ass and begining the negotiations towards a more fair situation. In turn I see China responding with a lessor response and stating that they are in for talks but not laying down to admitting they are fucking us in the ass and willing to full-stop just yet.


It just makes no sense. This. Will. Not. Change. The. Fucking. Trade. Imbalance.
We've had decades to get this shit under control but haven't so if you're frustrated, you're not alone and I'm sure this isn't the first time. If we are in a lose-lose situation and that's scary to you then you need not blame Trump as he wasn't around when that situation was created. No one said the fix was going to be painless.
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It's like you're getting gang raped in the ass, and you start punching your own dick, and when someone's like, "Hey, you're going to hurt your dick if you keep punching it," and you're like, "Well I'm not just going to stand here and get gang raped in the ass without doing something."


This thread is worth it just for this simile.


you and several others should stop leading with race; but I guess if that argument makes you feel special....


Tim, what you don't understand because you try to be so freaking literal sometimes is that Color, Race, and National Origin are three characteristics that are almost inseparable in all discrimination laws enacted in this country. Why? because they are basically sides of the same coin. So when people talk about racism in the context of government action, Color and National Origin (which includes heritage BTW) are implied by nature.

Edited by Geeto67
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When you're a boss with 2 guys underneath you with the same title, position and income, do you hold one to a higher standard?


When one guy fucks up and says "Well the other guy isn't so great either" I usually nod and let it slide. We all make oopsies, that's why pencils have erasers.

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That's not always possible or feasible. Esp with larger items like vehicles or more complex ones like smartphones. We don't make everything in the US, nor should we.




how is China "controlling" us. That's the leap I don't make with your logic. There are some things they will have leverage on and some things we will have leverage on and that's just how it works. we can't have a cold war with them because our efforts are collaborative. In many ways they are struggling to keep up with us, esp on the environmental and standard of living front.


It is very clear how small your little world is, for the last 20 years or so the world is manufactured through China. Everybody has taken advantage of the fact that China could make a product for a fifth of the cost of manufacturing in the US. The United States doesn’t manufacture much of anything , simply because of the cost of doing business from government fees/ taxes to lawsuits and such.

China is in no way struggling to “keep up” with the US for anything, especially concerns for the environment. We all shop at harbor freight, it we could buy Snap On tools couldn’t we. If China decides they like something , they just reverse engineer it and sell it back to us without regard to any rules the US manufacturers have to follow.

The only question I have is that if the borders are closed, who is going to fill the jobs that he would like to create, not many Americans are wanting or willing to do a days work anymore, because the government will take care of them.

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The only question I have is that if the borders are closed, who is going to fill the jobs that he would like to create, not many Americans are wanting or willing to do a days work anymore, because the government will take care of them.

It's a but more complex than Americans not willing to do a days work. Unemployment is at an all time low, so where are we going to find all these people to staff manufacturing plants? It's not like there are a bunch of skilled tradesmen just sitting around looking for work. We also had no problem shipping many of these jobs overseas because of the pollution and toxic waste associated with certain types of manufacturing.



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It's a but more complex than Americans not willing to do a days work. Unemployment is at an all time low, so where are we going to find all these people to staff manufacturing plants? It's not like there are a bunch of skilled tradesmen just sitting around looking for work. We also had no problem shipping many of these jobs overseas because of the pollution and toxic waste associated with certain types of manufacturing.



Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk


Not really that complex, China can build things cheaper because of less regulation and litigation, the us government is willing to pay people not to work, people would rather do nothing and get paid by the taxpayers than work, because they can. Most of the skill involved requires determination and effort and much less skill. The US has been attempting to keep what assets they had in the country, little by little it has depleted leaving it difficult to sustain the lifestyle. Keeping the money rolling inside the US without producing things is a downward slope. You have to make money in order to spend money, someone has to produce goods to make money, the US has a difficult time doing that,

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