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They have done some correlation, and fundamentally these mass shooters are from broken families lacking a core farther figure. No joke. Having authoritative , affirmative and loving parents is hugely important; much more so then is maybe understood.


Then pushing the "science" thing. Science is important, but its whole goal is to disprove itself. Time and again. I am not trying to be a flat earther or science denier, just playing devils advocate for the argumentative pitch out "science".


some people don't want to hear the reality of things Brandon. It's sort of like wieght loss and the obesity problem in the US. the vast majority is simply that we eat like shit, eat a lot of shit and do no form of exercise to correct the basic imbalance of intake vs output.


the solution doesn't take scientific research or complicated studies or correlate incomes analysis or economic studies, blah blah. People just need to eat better, eat less and fucking exercise. know too that as we age our metabolism slows and thus we need to either eat less and adjust diets and of course exercise more accordingly.


do that and we'll fix 90% of the issues in America and go from being a nation of 50%+ fatties to only 10%.

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They have done some correlation, and fundamentally these mass shooters are from broken families lacking a core farther figure. No joke. Having authoritative , affirmative and loving parents is hugely important; much more so then is maybe understood.


Then pushing the "science" thing. Science is important, but its whole goal is to disprove itself. Time and again. I am not trying to be a flat earther or science denier, just playing devils advocate for the argumentative pitch out "science".


Fundamentally, the majority of them are diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, are on medication, are 63% white, and are 90% male. Prove to me that the lack of father figure is a more important factor than the other ones I have mentioned in cobtributing to the event. Can you? Because I'm pretty sure you need research to do that.


I think it's sad that you think the goal of science is to disprove itself. The purpose of science is to better understand our world. The concept you are mis remembering is that we know so little about our world that it's far easier to disprove a theory than it is to prove it because you always have to be open to a possibility not considered as new things are discovered. My point is research will get us closer to more common sense legislation than what we are doing now ever will. So why not try it?

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some people don't want to hear the reality of things Brandon. It's sort of like wieght loss and the obesity problem in the US. the vast majority is simply that we eat like shit, eat a lot of shit and do no form of exercise to correct the basic imbalance of intake vs output.


the solution doesn't take scientific research or complicated studies or correlate incomes analysis or economic studies, blah blah. People just need to eat better, eat less and fucking exercise. know too that as we age our metabolism slows and thus we need to either eat less and adjust diets and of course exercise more accordingly.


do that and we'll fix 90% of the issues in America and go from being a nation of 50%+ fatties to only 10%.



You are amazingly naïve. See this is the sheltered bubble Tim I expect to read.

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Fundamentally, the majority of them are diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, are on medication, are 63% white, and are 90% male. Prove to me that the lack of father figure is a more important factor than the other ones I have mentioned in cobtributing to the event. Can you? Because I'm pretty sure you need research to do that.


I believe your numbers thus no real studies are needed afterall. Let's begin by going after preventing the majority which have signs of paranoid schizophrenia and to keep the liberals at bay by avoiding racism claims, we'll ignore the race part you brought up.


You are amazingly naïve. See this is the sheltered bubble Tim I expect to read.


I actually think you provided a great example that supports my point. At least one that covers the majority. Long live the bubble!

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an oldie by today's 24hr news cycle standards but still a goodie. Reality is that in 2016 the FBI reported 11k murders by gun. That's about 3.4 per 100k. If you look at rifles only it's a barely measurable .12 per 100k. Subtract the number of blacks and Mexican gang members & drug related murders and factor in you live in a pretty safe city statistically speaking Kerry and you can rest easy as the chances of you being shot and killed by anyone here is pretty slim.


Edited by TTQ B4U
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wait research. now it's evil since it doesn't fit the narrative.


Just like we can't eat meat that has been feed hormones but we can feed hormones to a child/adults to change their sexual identity.


On one hand we can throw stats to say whites are more inclined to a disorder, but refuse to discuss the over all trend in crime rates versus ethnicity to identify social/cultural issues to improve our overall society. (keep in mind I am half Black. I have to say this to avoid the social justice police saying I am racist and tends to be a default I have nothing else to shoot for argument).


There is no threatening as found in previous pages, just pointing out inconsistencies in a discussion as I honestly enjoy learning from another view point. 1 + 1 = 2 should be valid in any logical or programming result that is not political, emotionally, ethnically, sexually motivated. Yes I am fully aware of the non-traditional approach of nothing is concrete due to our acceptance.


Pointing out our own faults is just as important as being able to point another persons fault. Something that I learned through my own failures and yes I know I missed something for the grammar nazi's.

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Oh man.


In a freewheeling meeting with lawmakers on efforts to curtail gun violence, President Trump appeared to throw his support behind a number of conflicting measures, including some that are opposed by the powerful gun lobby.


Conservatives and allies of the president were angered by such signals on Wednesday, while others have begun to sound the alarm that Trump is continuing to demonstrate an unfamiliarity with basic policy proposals and a misunderstanding of the legislative process.


Surprisingly, most conservatives aren't on board with Brandon's "fuck due process" plan.


During the gathering at the White House of both GOP and Democratic lawmakers, the president showed an openness to expanding background checks, possibly raising the age to purchase AR-15 rifles and also overriding due process, if necessary, to take guns away from mentally ill people or those who have been red-flagged as potential dangers, as the admitted shooter in Parkland, Fla., two weeks ago had been.


I'm just gonna keep quoting this shit because it's so amazing.


Trump bluntly told GOP lawmakers that any effort to include a concealed-carry reciprocity measure with a gun bill would effectively sink its chances — which is because of firm opposition from Senate Democrats. But there were other moments where the president showed a naiveté of the lawmaking process, claiming that it would be easy to get 60 votes for a bill to pass the Senate, suggesting merging some incompatible ideas and chiding lawmakers for being too beholden to the National Rifle Association — a group from which he has enjoyed broad support and with whose leaders he remains particularly chummy.


This was all televised.


The president repeatedly challenged long-standing GOP orthodoxy on gun policy in Wednesday's meeting, leaving legislators bewildered by what happens next and what, precisely, Trump actually supports.




"I think everybody is trying to absorb what we just heard," Cornyn said. "He's a unique president and I think if he was focused on a specific piece of legislation rather than a grab bag of ideas then I think he could have a lot of influence, but right now we don't have that."


Yes, if only he could focus.


First, he voiced support for the effort by Sens. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., and Pat Toomey, R-Pa., which failed in 2013 in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, that would have expanded background checks.


Trump expressed disbelief that such a bill didn't pass after such a devastating attack that killed 20 young children and six adults. And one reason it failed, he chided, was that then-President Barack Obama didn't sufficiently support it — despite the fact that Obama spent considerable time and political capital to back its passage, calling it "a pretty shameful day for Washington" when it fell just six votes short of the 60 needed to advance in the Senate.


Thanks Obama.


Trump asked what that bill did to address raising the age from 18 to 21 for some firearm purchases like AR-15s, which have been used in several deadly shootings. Toomey responded that it didn't currently address it, to which Trump retorted that was because "you're afraid of the NRA."


Fucking Democrats, afraid of the NRA. Who knew that was the problem?


"They have great power over you people. They have less power over me," Trump said, latter adding that, "Some of you people are petrified of the NRA. You can't be petrified."


I remember fondly Trump's "Don't be scared of the NRA" rhetoric during his campaign, don't you?


Trump also suggested merging the assault weapons ban bill that Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., has proposed with the Manchin-Toomey and Cornyn-Murphy bills.


"Dianne, if you could add what you have also — and I think you can — into the bill," Trump said at one point.


Any effort to ban assault weapons or AR-15 rifles would be a nonstarter with the NRA and Republicans.


Feinstein was visibly amused, exclaiming, "Joe, are you ready?" as the West Virginia senator hung his head.


Don't worry guys, I'm sure "All of the gun control bills currently on the table" is just a starting point for Trump's masterful negotiation skills.


I don't even know what to make of this. Just read the whole thing. It keeps going.

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Oh man.




Surprisingly, most conservatives aren't on board with Brandon's "fuck due process" plan.




I'm just gonna keep quoting this shit because it's so amazing.




This was all televised.








Yes, if only he could focus.




Thanks Obama.




Fucking Democrats, afraid of the NRA. Who knew that was the problem?




I remember fondly Trump's "Don't be scared of the NRA" rhetoric during his campaign, don't you?




Don't worry guys, I'm sure "All of the gun control bills currently on the table" is just a starting point for Trump's masterful negotiation skills.


I don't even know what to make of this. Just read the whole thing. It keeps going.

It will end up just like the last televised round table discussion where he agreed with Democrats on DACA and border security. He'll start walking back his claims soon.


I'm not sure what to make of it though. Trump is not dumb, so he's either trying to get everything on the table for some masterful negotiation, or he's trying to load the bill with every crazy proposal such that it never has a chance of passing. Then again, he hates Obama, and would love to toot his own horn that he was able to het something done that Obama couldn't.


Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk

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This seems to be a common theme in Florida lately...

Married middle school science teacher, 26, is arrested over 'sexual relationship with boy, 14, who she sent nude photographs to and bought drugs for'




I'd pay $10 to see the nudes though :lolguy:


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This seems to be a common theme in Florida lately...

Married middle school science teacher, 26, is arrested over 'sexual relationship with boy, 14, who she sent nude photographs to and bought drugs for'




I'd pay $10 to see the nudes though :lolguy:



I will never understand why these boys ruin a good thing. Idiots.

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Did I hear on NPR this morning that he called Jeff Sessions "Mr. Magoo"? :lol:



Hope Hicks was an up-and-comer...proud of her that she knows she can do better than 5th person filling that role on Trump's team in a year.


I've said - and will continue to do so - that because Trump is my President, I wish him well for our country. The economy has certainly benefitted....Still, what a price to pay to have to broadcast his unhinged personality around the world. :no:

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The economy has certainly benefitted...


Has it, or have the rich just continued to get richer? I don't personally see how upper income people making more money and the (narrow index) of the stock market grown, while most of Americas wages are stagnant as a benefit to the economy. IIRC even in the latest reports where it seems like wages have gone up, it was most the 'top' income brackets pulling things up. IMHO, that's not economic growth, that's actually just GINI growth.

I'm honestly interested in your opinion on this, because you probably follow this more than I do, and are definitely more knowledgeable in this area. :)

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Has it, or have the rich just continued to get richer? I don't personally see how upper income people making more money and the (narrow index) of the stock market grown, while most of Americas wages are stagnant as a benefit to the economy. IIRC even in the latest reports where it seems like wages have gone up, it was most the 'top' income brackets pulling things up. IMHO, that's not economic growth, that's actually just GINI growth.

I'm honestly interested in your opinion on this, because you probably follow this more than I do, and are definitely more knowledgeable in this area. :)


There still remains a significant income gap, but in addition to the items you indicated above (supporting my statement), most cities/states/regions are undergoing a major labor shortage. I personally know business owners that are hiring convicted felons just because of the labor pool where their company locations are in Ohio...something they NEVER would've done in the past.


Which, by the way, does also show my support for immigration...we NEED people that want to live, work, and contribute to America's growth. From H1B skilled labor to folks that push a broom and work in a field, America should be open for business despite Trump and that stupid wall idea.

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Shortage for labor, especially skilled trades.


Meanwhile skilled trades haven't had a raise to speak of in over a decade


It's just no one wants to work. I could do sidework under the table and work half as much for the same or more money as I make at work dealing will PC garbage and douches.

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There still remains a significant income gap, but in addition to the items you indicated above (supporting my statement), most cities/states/regions are undergoing a major labor shortage. I personally know business owners that are hiring convicted felons just because of the labor pool where their company locations are in Ohio...something they NEVER would've done in the past.


Which, by the way, does also show my support for immigration...we NEED people that want to live, work, and contribute to America's growth. From H1B skilled labor to folks that push a broom and work in a field, America should be open for business despite Trump and that stupid wall idea.


People don't want to work because they know the govt will provide for them if they don't. We don't need illegals to do our work.....we need the people we have here already to stop getting hand outs and strap on a pair of work boots.

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This idea that "nobody wants to work" is nonsense. It's one of those conservative lies to justify xenophobia or cutting social programs.


Drugs, and drug tests, have completely fucked the job market, esp in places like Ohio which are affected by several epidemics. It's getting to the point where the skilled labor market is disqualifying 1/3 of their applicants, that's a huge number of ineligible people.


Second, remember we are talking about the "skilled" labor market. The unskilled labor market is doing just fine. Being a skilled worker means you have to meet the necessary qualifications for the job position. I hold two degrees (including one that is considered a doctorate) but nobody should hire me as a finishing carpenter based in that one summer I taught wood shop as a camp counselor. You have to have the skills that qualify you for the job, and honestly a lot of people don't. For profit technical colleges contributed a lot to that, putting lots of young entry level people in massive debt but not really training them properly (there are some good ones but I'm talking about the ITT's of the world, the ones that were quasi scams). Furthermore a lot of companies don't want to invest in skills training, it's expensive and often they lose money when their employee jumps ship after 2 years to go work for someone else. You can't hire skilled workers if the skilled aren't there in the market.


Also, let's not forget about the permanently disabled - those who can't work. Their numbers get included in unemployment, which is pretty low right now but they can't rejoin the workforce.


Maybe you have a friend or a cousin who is just lazy and doesn't want to work. I'm sure there are some outliers who are just that, but there are rich people like that too. They are such a small group that they are statistically insignificant in the labor pool. To think everyone without a job is that is incredibly short sighted.

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Drugs, and drug tests, have completely fucked the job market, esp in places like Ohio which are affected by several epidemics. It's getting to the point where the skilled labor market is disqualifying 1/3 of their applicants, that's a huge number of ineligible people.



So don't do drugs. Pretty simple concept.

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This idea that "nobody wants to work" is nonsense. It's one of those conservative lies to justify xenophobia or cutting social programs.


Agree that it's a statement that can't be applied to "everyone" but we all know it's not and instead is just generalized statement being made. That said, I disagree that's it's a xenophobia or social program targeted comment. The reality is that low wage immigrant workers do take away from actual American's.


Drugs, and drug tests, have completely fucked the job market, esp in places like Ohio which are affected by several epidemics. It's getting to the point where the skilled labor market is disqualifying 1/3 of their applicants, that's a huge number of ineligible people.
So you don't feel drug testing is warranted? Love to hear more about that. As someone responsible for over 315 line workers in a production environment I'd love to have you take a tour and understand why it's critical. Everything from showing up on time, to safety are concerns. Not to mention not walking around with a hazy mind and productive and contributing overall are important. I'd have to check with HR To see what our disqualification rates are.


You have to have the skills that qualify you for the job, and honestly a lot of people don't. For profit technical colleges contributed a lot to that, putting lots of young entry level people in massive debt but not really training them properly (there are some good ones but I'm talking about the ITT's of the world. Furthermore a lot of companies don't want to invest in skills training, it's expensive and often they lose money when their employee jumps ship after 2 years to go work for someone else. You can't hire skilled workers if the skilled aren't there in the market.
So what's the solution? IMO there are tons of people walking around that do not invest in themselves and that's sad. Perhaps they should stop spending money on weed and put that towards school? :p
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Originally Posted by Geeto67 View Post

This idea that "nobody wants to work" is nonsense. It's one of those conservative lies to justify xenophobia or cutting social programs.

You seem to live in your own little bubble, and the drug test , you can thank countless litigation rocedures from your profession for that. The people who want to work have a job ,and the people who don’t want to work find some way to get government assistance.


Why again did you leave your NY home? If these policies are working so well, why don’t you move back and take advantage of all you preach? It seems your perfect place would be New York City or close to there. All of these policies and regulations are already in place, and according to you work very well.


Please explain again why you decided to leave the place that has all these great policies and regulations in place , and move to a place that has not enough of these rules. I am certainly hoping you can find your way back home.

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