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Bright (Netflix)


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It got bad reviews because it’s a major actor with a major budget and is direct to consumer. This isn’t the first time it’s happened, but it’s only going to become more common the bigger Netflix/streaming companies get.


Basically major Hollywood didn’t want this to be good, so they say it’s bad.


Jokes on them - it was badass.

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It got bad reviews because it’s a major actor with a major budget and is direct to consumer. This isn’t the first time it’s happened, but it’s only going to become more common the bigger Netflix/streaming companies get.


Basically major Hollywood didn’t want this to be good, so they say it’s bad.


Jokes on them - it was badass.


Yeah, I agree on this for sure. Netflix is putting out amazing content for sure.

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I enjoyed it. I haven't watched Altered Carbon yet, but will soon.



Altered Carbon is definitely strange. We're 4-5 episodes in and while the action is pretty neat, you need to pay attention to the back story and how it plays into now. I like the actor because he was one of the main people in the Killing on AMC back in 2014/15.

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Altered Carbon looks interesting, I've been pretty into futuristic scifi books and shows lately, I'll have to check that out.


I'm also excited to watch The Cloverfield Paradox; I really liked Covlerfield and 10 Cloverfield Lane was decent.


I thought Bright was half way Ok. I didn't love or hate it, 'worth' the time, but I probably won't bother to watch it again. I will probably watch the second one when I don't have anything better that I'm motivated to do.

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I accidentally ended up watching it the night it was released, hadn't heard anything about it before hand just auto loaded up as a Preview when I turned my Netflix on. Definitely worth the watch. Taking the racial issue out of human vs human and making it about other races was definitely a way to make it more palatable for a vast majority of people.


This kind of production will become more and more common, also considerably quicker to get released I imagine without having to jump through all the normal Hollywood Hoops.

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I didn't love or hate it, 'worth' the time, but I probably won't bother to watch it again. I will probably watch the second one when I don't have anything better that I'm motivated to do.


+1. I was doing prep work for my kid's school Valentine's Day cards, so Bright was the perfect movie to have in the background whilst working on something else. :lol:

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I thought it was pretty good. Entertaining at least. Netflix is starting to come out with more and more movies. Rarely do they ever produce something that is just downright bad.


If you haven't seen Beast of No Nation you need to watch that. Great movie produced by Netflix, one of if not their best IMO.

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Will Smith is one of my favorite actors for whatever reason, so it was strange seeing him in a direct to consumer way like this.


For me, the strangest thing was watching him in a role where he's a real dick. In general he was a good guy, but man did he treat Jakoby like shit in the beginning.

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i liked it, but i like most sci fi stuff.


I'm really interested in Cloverfield Paradox, I heard there was going to be a third and final movie in that series but nothing else. Apparently Netflix quietly bought the rights and made the movie, it was a total surprise when they released it last night after the superbowl. Pretty cool. There's no way traditional Hollywood could've done such a thing.

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Haven't seen it but let me guess. Will smiff is racist against that orc thing, they have a bonding experience and become friends, the end. Liv laff luv


In CR-Speak, yes. But that's like saying "Haven't driven it but let me guess, the new Mustang has a more powerful engine, but it has Apple Carplay now. Vroom Vroom!"

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Haven't seen it but let me guess. Will smiff is racist against that orc thing, they have a bonding experience and become friends, the end. Liv laff luv


More like the rest of society is racist agains Orcs, but Will has a legit conflict with the hatred for his partner...yes, he's an asshole, but in a "hooker with a heart of gold" kind of way. He doesn't like Jakoby but he's still got some respect and honor for his role (my take).


Everything touching on racism was an interesting sub-plot...you get a sprinkling of why Orcs are hated, yet plays on other existing stereotypes. Made the storyline a little more interesting.

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