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Back out of deal


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How would you graciously back out of a car deal. Found a car I really want, checked it out and liked it. I didn't really try and haggle price seller offered to drop a couple hundred I said sure. This was Tuesday. I've spent hours researching and finding parts it needs and I'm not sold on it now. It will appreciate and be more value able but the deal doesn't work numbers wise right now for me. I feel like an ass askingngor a cheaper price but unless he is willing to drop more I have to walk away.


So CR dudes how would you handle it?

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I would explain it very much like you did here. Respect the fact that he may not drop in price but if he's willing to and it's a win-win for both of you the deal can be had, however if he is not able to that's okay and part friends.


Sent from my Galaxy Note 8 using Tapatalk

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Did you find him on craigslist? Just ignore him thats what everyone does on craigslist... Haha kidding. just be upfront your not out anything. A deal isn't a deal till money/materials have switched ownership... Also why I never "hold" anything for anyone.
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If he hasn't accepted a deposit then it wasn't a serious deal anyway. If im ever selling something and some one is not sure or wants me to hold on to it for a few days I ask for a deposit. If no deposit its not considered sold.


So yea basically if you didn't give him a deposit just tell him what you said here and be done with it.

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Just outline why due to part cost that you are not able to purchase the car at that price and give another offer. When mapping out the cost of repair vs the current market, I have had success in either getting what I want or the person being able to move on without issue. The used car market is garbage right now. The only saving grace is scrap yards are paying half of what they did a few years ago so that gives people more leverage in purchasing a non-running cars for now
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This guy is selling an aftermarket BMW E36 4-cylinder header that fits my car...but I'm not a fan of the price. But WHO IS BUYING '90s 4-CYL HEADERS THESE DAYS????:lol:


I wouldn't say I'm stringing him along, but when he asks me if I'm interested, I remind him of the many other priorities in my life right now. I'll wait until he agrees to drop the price.

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The gall of this guy to come back in and not address the giant pink gorilla in the room. Either save face and ignore the thread, meaning don't post, or deal with the issue at hand.



He ignored them before why bother changing. LOL

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