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Motor Trend YT vids on their website?


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Does this signify other content providers trying to get away from YouTube, or is this a way for them to collect the revenue from "Premium" subscriptions without having to give YT a cut?


I'm curious if this is an add-on, or an economic/control move. I do love me some Motor Trend vids...hoping they will stay free for awhile (though I see more and more good content getting behind some sort of paywall).


I wish they would just increase subscription fees to include my magazine subscription in with the online content. OR, let me defeat paper magazines altogether if I just want online content...

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We are witnessing a technology paradigm shift with streaming/online media. There are going to be a ton of media companies that are gone virtually overnight because they didn't have enough foresight to properly embrace it. It should mean more flexibility for me, the consumer, due to theoretical infinite time shifting. But companies are using it to wall off their content, fragmenting and confusing the experience for the end user. This makes it harder for them to consume the content, which will mean less/b] revue. I see moves like this in the exact same light as the recording industry when online digital music became a thing.



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So here's my take on it, if they don't make some money they won't make the shows. As someone who is tired of advertisement infested media I gladly pay them a fee. I have cut my home entertainment budget in half recently by dropping DirecTV, subscribing to Sling and watching everything on a Roku box.


I actually subscribed to Motor Trend On Demand last month as well, the app isn't the greatest but there is plenty on there for $5 a month. Now I have most of the shows that were on Velocity channel.


It seems like most people I know are using something jail broken and not paying anything but where does that lead us? Eventually it will just get harder for these shows to get made. I'm curious to see how things evolve because it's going to continue to change as fast as ever. It seems like just yesterday I was looking forward to print magazines showing up, but any I liked are all gone.

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People are sick of trying to game the YT/FB algorithms in order to keep their revenue stream constant. That's why you've been seeing longer videos lately, people begging for "engagement," sharing, subscribing, etc. If they don't play the game, the algorithms stop promoting their videos and their ad revenues drop.


They'll probably get a paltry fraction of their views once they move all of their content into their own app, but I bet they'll make more money short term. Whether that will hold true in the long run is the big question everyone's asking.

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People are sick of trying to game the YT/FB algorithms in order to keep their revenue stream constant. That's why you've been seeing longer videos lately, people begging for "engagement," sharing, subscribing, etc. If they don't play the game, the algorithms stop promoting their videos and their ad revenues drop.


They'll probably get a paltry fraction of their views once they move all of their content into their own app, but I bet they'll make more money short term. Whether that will hold true in the long run is the big question everyone's asking.


Bingo, YouTube has slowly been putting the screws to their "community" more and more. Facebook already dropped the hammer to get more money and their algorithm is a moving target.


We are doing our stuff on YouTube for free, but are using a different model than others. That's due to the fact we don't have the money that TEN/Motortrend has so we are being creative.


Many forms of traditional media are dead, they just don't know it yet. Print being the next big one to fall. We have killed all our print magazines because it will be gone in 5-10 years.

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Honestly I think this is a mistake. I've seen YouTube channels repeatedly do this over the years only to come back. People don't want to leave the YouTube interface.


I may be the minority, but I could care less for Youtube. Obviously I use it, it's just too popular not to, but I'm not attached to it. I used to feel that way about Pandora, then I got Amazon unlimited streaming for the same money I was paying for commercial free Pandora. Youtube is kind of an apples to oranges comparison but when something better comes along people will not have any loyalty, especially when they're fucking ads bog it down.


Full disclosure, I have an issue paying a company to go ad free when they let you upload your own videos. Other streaming services that started out more recently were obviously about profit, and YouTube started out as a way to share videos. I feel taken advantage of and certainly have no issues paying someone else.

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Thanks for the feedback and personal input, guys (especially that data, Jesse). I've felt like there is a larger trend partially to blame behind this move but wasn't as aware of the data points. Think about it: why would the self-proclaimed largest provider of automotive video content - king of the world!!! - need to make a content-delivery change unless the channel was costing them too much money, or not helping them generate enough of it?


To Pat's point, data is still king...if it's not YT's interface or ubiquity I sense that accurate tracking of revenue dollars to advertisers through another content-provider (like their own website) will be crucial to ensure companies feel like they're getting their value off of supporting the site.


It's interesting to see how the IT global giants of the 21st century create their own value...and then risk everything when the service is doubted. (Facebook, Snapchat come to mind over the last couple of weeks. Myspace, Napster...)

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I watched a few shows on there last night. The new "commercialization" of the shows is painfully obvious. The cheesy advertisements they recorded for the shows smell of corny office douche bags trying to get money. Also, the "free" shows have gone to advertising clips every 5 minutes on the dot. The Roadkill was 37 minutes, you guessed it, 8 commercials including the one before the show.


Not a fan of this, and I can 100% see the shows being ruined by this move. Same thing goes for Jay Leno's garage, the clips for the "TV SHOW" are terrible, yet the more in depth natural shows on youtube are the ones I like.

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That's something that people have been bitching about cable for years. They don't mind paying for channels they want, they don't want to pay for channels they don't watch. We're starting to see that happen with streaming services. I was initially a no to paying for MT, but then in the video when they mentioned $3/month or $25/year that did catch my interest. I assumed they were going to be $5 or $10/month (most streaming channels I see are in that range). At that price point I'm not interested, but $25/year? It's disappointing to hear that there are commercials every 5 minutes. Don't get me wrong, I've okay with the idea of free content that's paid for with advertising. For the most part I've never known anything different. I've been watching TV for years and watching commercials that paid for what I was seeing. Every 5 minutes though seems like a really good way to break the momentum of a show. It's probably smart on their part as I assume it's just one commercial and then back to the show. The large commercial breaks on TV are probably less productive as people go grab another beer or hit the bathroom during an extended break and don't watch the advertising.


On a side note. I noticed they also brought in Street Outlaws from Discovery on the MT channel. Does anyone know what other content is there? If there are enough offerings I might give it a try myself. I've spent $25 on dumber shit. I am trying to avoid going back to pay services beyond what I'm already doing. If I'm not careful I'll end up with a bunch of little bills that add up to the cable bill I got rid of years ago.

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I am fine watching a ad before a show/video starts on YT or the like. what i hate is when there is a 10 min video and YT puts a ad in the middle of the show. Literally stops the content mid sentence and starts an ad. As far as MT is concerned for $25 a year I might give it a go, but i don't want ads if i am paying for a service.


Paying for Hulu and you still have to watch 100+ seconds of commercials 2-3 times a show is also stupid as fuck. I hate this!! To Cordell's point, they are literally bogging down their content with ads just to make even more money. Netflix doesn't seem to have to do this.



yet the more in depth natural shows on youtube are the ones I like.

What are some shows that you like on YT?

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Yeah, they are going to have to figure out the ad format. watching it last night and although the ad breaks are 15-45 seconds long there are just so many and awkwardly placed that it's hard to watch. I'd rather have a 1:20-2 min of commercials at the beginning, middle, and end, like regular TV, than 6 30second spots.
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I am fine watching a ad before a show/video starts on YT or the like. what i hate is when there is a 10 min video and YT puts a ad in the middle of the show. Literally stops the content mid sentence and starts an ad. As far as MT is concerned for $25 a year I might give it a go, but i don't want ads if i am paying for a service.


Paying for Hulu and you still have to watch 100+ seconds of commercials 2-3 times a show is also stupid as fuck. I hate this!! To Cordell's point, they are literally bogging down their content with ads just to make even more money. Netflix doesn't seem to have to do this.




What are some shows that you like on YT?


I was trying to illustrate the point by using lenos cnbc show that he puts on lenos garage YT vs the dedicated lenos garage yt only content.

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So I went to the (free) app last night to try and watch Roadkill.


Not as good as Youtube. I did not get any adds at all, but the quality was poor.


It also makes me leave my phone on the whole time to be able to airplay it to my TV. The YT app works in the background so that is one super annoying aspect of the MT app.

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So I went to the (free) app last night to try and watch Roadkill.


Not as good as Youtube. I did not get any adds at all, but the quality was poor.


It also makes me leave my phone on the whole time to be able to airplay it to my TV. The YT app works in the background so that is one super annoying aspect of the MT app.


This is likely a result of the apple interface to your tv. I also did the trial thing yesterday, added the motor trend app to my Roku 3 (not even a new one), and the quality was perfect and audio was actually better I think than compared to using the youtube app through the same Roku.

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Will we be in our rocking chairs saying to the younguns, I remember when Youtube content was all free you could watch all you want with no ads!.... if your flying without adblocker .......why?


To others points,saterday morning power block TV with Stacey David was bearable with all the ad breaks because the show was so good,we were in a sorta pre YTube time and you just dealt with the pain because it was great tv and a car show was on.


These days I do not watch at all I may flip occasionally and catch part of it but it doesn't hold my attention for very long.


I dont blame the content providers for trying to monetize it just means Ill tune out sooner or later.


A solution could be what Matt farah does shoves a promo bit on the front of his video and you watch the rest ad free.

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This is likely a result of the apple interface to your tv. I also did the trial thing yesterday, added the motor trend app to my Roku 3 (not even a new one), and the quality was perfect and audio was actually better I think than compared to using the youtube app through the same Roku.


Yeah. It was just super convenient with Youtube, which I was forced to figure out once Firestick booted them. Thats all I have...a Firestick and a iPhone. However, it looks as though MT is supported on Firestick so I should just try that. I wasnt thinking. :dumb:

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