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Enjoy this one, because his article is going viral.


Three fatal motorcycle accidents in less than two weeks? What in the world is going on?

Graham County Fire Chief Keith Eller, who’s responded to hundreds of wrecks in 29 years of answering emergency calls, has a theory.


“For some reason we’re seeing more and more crotch rockets. For the last two or three years we saw more Harleys and big touring bikes, now these are coming back again,” Chief Eller said as he gestured to the Yamaha FZ-10 Chris Harris was riding when he hit a guardrail on the Cherohala Skyway.


For those of you who prefer four wheels to two, a “crotch rocket” is “a specific type of motorcycle, typically distinguished by it’s aerodynamic ‘hunched-over’ seating position and high power-to-weight ratio. Often favoured by stunters, who choose the bikes because they are light and easy to perform tricks (such as wheelies and stoppies) on ... Also known as ‘sportbikes’” according to urbandictionary.com.


No one witnessed Harris’ accident, and there’s no reason to believe he was doing tricks. He was, however, exceeding the 45-mile-per-hour speed limit on a machine rider magazine described as possessing “razor-sharp handling” and “raucous engine ... to sling it from corner to corner ... pushed to near redline it makes enormous power.”


The NC Highway Patrol report estimates Harris was going 100 miles per hour into his final curve, 90 when he impacted the guardrail.

By all accounts, Harris was a responsible, level-headed man. He certainly knew how to drive safely; he had a CDL license to prove it.


So what happened? Adrenaline rush? Overconfidence? The desire to see what his machine could do? We may never know. We only know he was going dangerously fast.

One of Harris’ friends messaged me to challenge the trooper’s estimate that Harris was going 100. “Maybe 70 at the most,” he said. To which I say, “Seventy entering a turn with a suggested posted speed of 25 is both foolish and irresponsible.


As we waited for the hearse to arrive, Harris’ friend Billy Pierce told me, “If you’re trying to race the road, the road’s going to win every time. It will kill you. You’ve got to respect that kind of road.”

Those of us who live here respect our roads. Too many visitors don’t. And their lack of respect endangers those of us who would never drive 70 in a 45 zone.


Too many visiting riders seem to view our roads as their own personal proving grounds and/or drag strips. And the crotch rocket riders seem to be the worst offenders. Raise your hand if you’ve seen wheelies, speeding, tailgating, and passing on double yellow lines. Yeah, me too.


Some of us stay off the Skyway and Dragon during peak riding season because we’re afraid we’ll encounter some daredevil seeing if they can touch the pavement with their hand or knee as they roar through a tight curve.

Personally, I think crotch rockets should be outlawed on Graham County roads. Too drastic? Then let’s open a drag strip/obstacle course on private property, charge admission, and require riders to sign a waiver before they “sling it from corner to corner” and push the redline to their heart’s content.


From where I’m sitting, these so-called supersports are more dangerous than alcohol.


Did you know that crotch rocket riders are four times more likely to die in a crash than riders of other motorcycles? Did you know that crotch rocket riders account for more than 25 percent of rider deaths, even though crotch rockets make up less than 10 percent of all registered motorcycles? Those numbers come from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety and the Insurance Information Institute.


I, for one, expect the percent of fatalities to increase as crotch rockets get faster and faster, more and more videos of riders shredding pavement are posted on YouTube, and bloggers and writers will continue to romanticize “taming” and “slaying” our now famous roads.


We can only pray that daredevil coming here to make an awesome GoPro video doesn’t veer into the path of one of our loved ones. We can only pray that our ambulance drivers never crash as they speed to a motorcycle accident, and that our Fire Rescue volunteers aren’t hit while directing traffic while our EMTs treat a stunt rider who lost control of his bike.



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Looking past all the lingo debate, I will say I saw a blue/purple-ish bike on Sawmill this weekend who continually was riding vertical trying to prove his one-wheel-skill while the rest of suburbia was wondering if the cars around him would eventually hit or run him over had he wiped out. Cool bike but a douche of a rider IMO. Do that shit away from others as I certainly wouldn't be pissed had his lack of responsibility caused someone besides himself to incur damage or injury. At least he had a melon cover on.
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Looking past all the lingo debate, I will say I saw a blue/purple-ish bike on Sawmill this weekend who continually was riding vertical trying to prove his one-wheel-skill while the rest of suburbia was wondering if the cars around him would eventually hit or run him over had he wiped out. Cool bike but a douche of a rider IMO. Do that shit away from others as I certainly wouldn't be pissed had his lack of responsibility caused someone besides himself to incur damage or injury. At least he had a melon cover on.


LOL was it this bike



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Yeah, dumb article aside, he's not wrong. Your typical 600 has about 10x the performance needed to have fun on public roads, and yet people consider them starter bikes. I don't think people are honest with themselves about the danger.


Oh I love to give people shit for buying 1000s on the street. You know damn well they're getting it purely for a dick measuring contest. Then they ruin it by putting an extended swing arm on it because 1) "So it doesn't stand up and me and hooks better" 2) "It looks dope yo".


I'm excusing those who actually take it to the track of course, but certainly a lot of dipshits out there for sure.

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If someone takes anything; sport bike, Harley, or car, and goes out pushing the limits knows that they are taking risks. I’ve done it, I still do it. It’s fun and exciting, I try to keep the risk to a minimum and I don’t take others to the limit with me, but I realize my risk taking could kill me. I’ve been hurt, had accidents, and it has cost me in many ways, but life is not about playing it safe and being boring.


What the people who write this shit don’t realize is that some people are just thrillseekers, and they will do dangerous activities regardless. If people die doing what they wanted to do then I don’t feel bad whatsoever, if I get myself killed doing what I wanted it’ll suck but I’d rather it be like that then to live a dull life and die wishing I had done more.

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Sensationalist. Let's get that definition added. People push the limits all of the time. I try to limit my "crazy" jaunts to places where the potential risks are limited, but they are risks non the less. It's sad to see someone go, but they knew the risks going in.
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First off this is an “op ed” piece, meaning it’s not “news” it’s just some jack off spouting off his opinion. It’s not researched it’s not credible, it’s just a shitty opinion. Anybody can write an op ed piece to the newspaper, and if it has any entertainment merit the newspaper will publish it regardless as to how full of shit or inflammatory it is. To treat it as anything else is to give it more credit than it deserves.


Second, WTF? Nothing said here is new, they have been saying the same shit since the 60’s about fast bikes, it hasn’t slowed anything down. If anything bikes got faster quicker between 1975 and 1995 than 1995 to now.


Just ignore this crap it will go away.

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Oh I love to give people shit for buying 1000s on the street. You know damn well they're getting it purely for a dick measuring contest. Then they ruin it by putting an extended swing arm on it because 1) "So it doesn't stand up and me and hooks better" 2) "It looks dope yo".


I'm excusing those who actually take it to the track of course, but certainly a lot of dipshits out there for sure.

The idiots that buy older hayabusas because busas then ride around with a flat bill, shorts, and J's or flip-flops 😅

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Yeah, dumb article aside, he's not wrong. Your typical 600 has about 10x the performance needed to have fun on public roads, and yet people consider them starter bikes. I don't think people are honest with themselves about the danger.


In many ways the 600's are actually worse than the 1000s - most liter bikes have use-able torque which makes them kind of docile in part throttle street traffic. A lot of the 600's are peaky, rev happy machines that make as much hp/torque as a 10 year old liter bike in a way narrower power range. They are basically 600cc spec racers for the street but without the suspension and rubber to go along with it. It takes way quicker reflexes and requires way more attention to ride one and ride it smoothly, than something that can use it's torque to hide rider mistakes.


There is this old thinking that the more CC's you have the more HP you have, and while it is true to a small degree, ride-ability depends more how that power is made and that is way more important.


In the current market we have excellent 600cc "beginner bikes" like the ninja 650R, triumph bonnevilles, and the ducati monster 600, and then they are pure racing machines like the gsxr600 or R6. HD sportsters are 1200cc and make something stupid like 60hp which is completely manageable for a beginner, but an S1000 bmw is such a track weapon that it has computer nannys that calm it down for the street. Anybody who is just making a blanket statement that a 600cc bike is a beginner bike is full of shit.


whatever happened to calling the sport-bike idiots squids?

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Oh I love to give people shit for buying 1000s on the street. You know damn well they're getting it purely for a dick measuring contest. Then they ruin it by putting an extended swing arm on it because 1) "So it doesn't stand up and me and hooks better" 2) "It looks dope yo".


I'm excusing those who actually take it to the track of course, but certainly a lot of dipshits out there for sure.


The next time I buy a bike I will likely get a 1000. Not to measure my dick, or to race it, but because I am more comfortable on a bigger bike. Also, I don't like extended swing arms, I think they are ugly and it makes it harder to corner.

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The next time I buy a bike I will likely get a 1000. Not to measure my dick, or to race it, but because I am more comfortable on a bigger bike. Also, I don't like extended swing arms, I think they are ugly and it makes it harder to corner.


I agree, you should totally buy a sportster or a big twin. hey they are a 1000, right?


BTW, it's kind of "bullshit" that the 1000 are physically bigger bikes. The current generation GSXR 1000 is actually smaller than the ones from the early 2000s and even smaller than the 600's from the late 1990's. When it comes to race replica sport bikes the smaller and lighter you can make the bike the is the name of the game and where a lot of the technological progress goes.


Instead, look at the type of bike chassis - sport tourers (VFR, FZ10) are going to be bigger than sport bikes (CBR, YZFR1), and adventure bikes are even bigger than thoses.

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I agree, you should totally buy a sportster or a big twin. hey they are a 1000, right?


BTW, it's kind of "bullshit" that the 1000 are physically bigger bikes. The current generation GSXR 1000 is actually smaller than the ones from the early 2000s and even smaller than the 600's from the late 1990's. When it comes to race replica sport bikes the smaller and lighter you can make the bike the is the name of the game and where a lot of the technological progress goes.


Instead, look at the type of bike chassis - sport tourers (VFR, FZ10) are going to be bigger than sport bikes (CBR, YZFR1), and adventure bikes are even bigger than thoses.


I'm not real familiar with newer bikes, nor would I be buying one. I've ridden liter bikes from the early 2000's and they are more comfortable than any 600 I have ridden. I am more interested in a sport touring style bike though, like an older CBR1000f Hurricane. Idk what it is about those bikes, but I have always wanted one. I also like the naked bikes, like the Hornet.

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I'm not real familiar with newer bikes, nor would I be buying one. I've ridden liter bikes from the early 2000's and they are more comfortable than any 600 I have ridden. I am more interested in a sport touring style bike though, like an older CBR1000f Hurricane. Idk what it is about those bikes, but I have always wanted one. I also like the naked bikes, like the Hornet.


yeah, the pre-2004-ish liter bikes were pretty big and comfy, although they have always been shrinking. The FJ used to be considered a superbike/sportbike and it's a full fledged sport tourer now.


Dad's got a 1986 Ninja ZX1000R A1 he bought new and I have to say, compared to my old zx10 that dinosaur feels massive in size. It's a very nimble bike and in my youth I accidentally wheelied it more than I should have but honestly I could sit in that saddle all day long.


the first gen cbr 1000 hurricanes are legit awesome bikes, but to be honest I actually prefer the VFr800 from 1998-2002. Fast, comfy, big but not top heavy, and that awesome V-four sound. Also single sided swingarm FTW.

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I'm not real familiar with newer bikes, nor would I be buying one. I've ridden liter bikes from the early 2000's and they are more comfortable than any 600 I have ridden.


I have an 02 gsxr 600 sitting in my garage - pretty much for show only these days and the occasional shelf...but all bikes were a bit wider and more comfortable back then. I promise you it's more comfortable than an 05+ 1000.

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Can't help but laugh at lot of these responses. We should all be driving Prius turd slow garbage if we are going to base everything on what's usable on the street..lol.


Well they are high powered machines that were designed for racing purposes. Who really needs that much power on the street? Only racers should have access to this much power, if you want to go this fast become a racer because civilians just can't be trusted with it!

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Here is my venting on this.... I travel for work in three states (OH, WV & KY). In my travels I have seen more idiots on sport bikes than people driving performance cars. Guys doing wheelies in rush hour traffic down the median, weaving in and out of traffic and for example, on the way to Performance Auto Spa this morning a guy was passing cars on a double yellow up a hill where you couldn't see traffic coming.


I have nothing against enjoying your sport bike or performance car as I'm an enthusiast and I get it. But where do you draw the line? If this guy this morning got in an accident because he crossed a double yellow going up hill and couldn't see a car coming, how can you feel bad?


I find it funny the guys that ride like idiots have the watch for motorcycle stickers on their cars. Here let me get out of your way so you can do a wheelie between bumper to bumper traffic in rush hour.

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