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☆~Donald Trump 2020~☆


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Pence shut Trump’s shit down and you guys are doxxing some dude in a pelt.


CR should be better. :lol:





I'm just sharing fart sounds and crazy crap to see who says what. I'm with gill. Both sides are silly gooses and allowing themselves to be divided.


As an old friend of mine said:


Right now, we have two political parties fighting for control over the rest of the country. This is what happens when you give too much power to the government and ruling class. The fight to rule becomes violent as expected.


The only justified fight is freedom vs control.


Wake me when someone wants to fight for freedom.


Until then, I don’t care which party wants to tax and spend more, and erode more of our individual liberties. I can’t tell which party does it quicker anyway.

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When did any group on the left storm a federal government building like this?


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let me remind you.




COLUMBUS, Ohio — A large protest Thursday night in downtown Columbus over the death of George Floyd turned volatile, with some demonstrators breaking windows at the Ohio Statehouse and entering the building, according to reports.
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Some thoughts --


First, let me correct the record by saying that I have never denied the existence of violence from protestors, mobs, or terrorists associated with the "left wing" of US politics. I have never objected to calling terrorists by that adjective. I have never been blind to the realities of the anti-police sentiment that is a natural consequence of the BLM movement. I have been accused of all of those things in this very thread, without evidence, so I want to set the record straight.


What I want to say is that some of us have been very concerned about Donald Trump's demagoguery, lies, and sowing of mistrust since he came onto the political stage. For that concern we've been called libtards, soyboys, cucks, NPCs. We've been accused of simply having a "bias" against conservatives, of living in an echo chamber, of using knee-jerk "orange man bad" criticisms of the president rather than having legitimate concerns.


For months now, Trump has sowed doubt about the integrity of our elections. He has invented lie after lie after lie about voter fraud which doesn't appear to exist. He has attacked the basic core of our democratic process for his own personal egotistical gain.


Some of you seemed convinced that Trump supporters were incapable of the sort of violence that we saw yesterday. You seemed convinced that the windows boarded up on November 3rd were for leftist violence, because the right doesn't do that sort of thing. As you watched the violence unfold in DC last night, I hope you realized that you were wrong.


And now, with the insurrection in the US Capital yesterday, the inevitable repercussions of Trump's attack on democracy have finally materialized. Any of you who thought this wouldn't happen were wrong. And in a moment that should be a cause for great reflection, what do we get in this thread? "Both sides" tu quoques and baseless accusations that this is really Antifa in disguise. Come on.


It's time for those who espouse "personal responsibility" take some personal responsibility for either voting for, or defending with your words, this president. Trump is a horrible leader who has been horrible for this country. He is the unambiguous cause of this insurrection attempt. He is a liar, he is a criminal. And some of you voted for 4 more years of this.


January 20th can't come soon enough.

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1 billion dollars in damage in riots in the summer which burned endless minority owned business'..... please post your comments on "personal responsibility" during that time.


I will happily take personal responsibility as soon as you can tell me what personal actions I took that contributed to that $1 billion in damage. Did I vote for politicians who condoned that violence? Did I vote for politicians that spread lies that contributed to the unrest? Did I contribute money or time to those causes? Please, tell me what I did.

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I will happily take personal responsibility as soon as you can tell me what personal actions I took that contributed to that $1 billion in damage. Did I vote for politicians who condoned that violence? Did I vote for politicians that spread lies that contributed to the unrest? Did I contribute money or time to those causes? Please, tell me what I did.


the democrat/liberal silence during the 6 months of destruction was more than enough to know its clear you supported it. Are you going to apologize to everyone in this thread now?

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the democrat/liberal silence during the 6 months of destruction was more than enough to know its clear you supported it. Are you going to apologize to everyone in this thread now?


Joe Biden condemns antifa and violence at protests.


Pelosi condemns violent actions of antifa protestors.


Harris condemns violence.


I can provide more links from lots and lots of major democratic politicians denouncing the violence. How many do you want, or are you capable of finding them yourself?


You are factually incorrect about their being "democrat/liberal silence" about the violence. You are free to have your own opinions, but not your own facts. And I owe nobody an apology for your made up accusations.

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Joe Biden condemns antifa and violence at protests.


Pelosi condemns violent actions of antifa protestors.


Harris condemns violence.


I can provide more links from lots and lots of major democratic politicians denouncing the violence. How many do you want, or are you capable of finding them yourself?


You are factually incorrect about their being "democrat/liberal silence" about the violence. You are free to have your own opinions, but not your own facts. And I owe nobody an apology for your made up accusations.


they condemn on Aug 27th? Uhhhh this shit was pretty well on its way by then. They should have condemned June 2nd or earlier.


I can provide links and videos of trump condemning white supremacy/violence too but that didnt stop the media from incessantly asking him every day if he will condemn it.


Do you see now how silly it is that you demand apologies from everyone in this thread that disagrees with you? I dont give a shit if you apologize. Apply the same standards to your democrat leadership that you have applied to republicans the last 4 years. I think if everyone did that we actually might make some progress.

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