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You are factually incorrect about their being "democrat/liberal silence" about the violence. You are free to have your own opinions, but not your own facts. And I owe nobody an apology for your made up accusations.


greg, I feel like you are wasting your time here. his position isn't based on an intellectual review of the facts (or anything intellectual for that matter), nor is it rooted in the moral compass that any decent human being would possess that makes them fair and impartial.


Dude has picked his side, and he's only content when he can slam the other side. It makes him feel better about questionable morals he has when he can go "look over there - the left is doing stuff". He is owned by his bias full stop.


Look at his quotes:


A brown ragdoll would have been better IMO


We’re gonna keep this shit goin!


but all of a sudden violence is bad when the left does it? He's a Hypocrite of the highest caliber, devoid of impartiality, moral compass, or desire for knowledge. As such he is complicit in Trumpism and all it has wrought and he has nobody to blame but himself.


If you want, feel sorry for him, but pointing out his ignorance is like showing a dog it's own turd on the living room rug: he's just going to look at it and say, "So what?"

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It is factually inaccurate that I have demanded apologies from everyone in this thread. You lie like it's nothing. All I've asked for is for some of you to reflect, which of course you're free to ignore.


It's true that Trump has denounced violence and white supremacy. It's also factually true that he told his supporters to march down to the US Capital and stop the democrats from stealing the election. Which they did and tried to do. I mean, holy shit, that's something that happened. And yet all we can seem to talk about is liberal hypocrisy.

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Full disclosure: I haven't watched a single bit of the news or video on this (been working), but has their been any actual violence? All I keep seeing are photos posted of a bunch of rednecks walking around with their flags, snapping selfies, and sitting in other people's offices.


Honest question; what was the violence? What are people doing besides trespassing on federal grounds?

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Serious question:


Will you now support Biden as your President?


Absolutely. I hope he can turn this country away from the path it's heading. And I hope the one after that does even better. And the one after that even better.


Reality is though, they are all trash. I wouldn't trust a single politician to do the right thing at any point in their tenure. From either side.

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Serious question:


Will you now support Biden as your President?


Yep, he gets an equal shot in my eyes to do his job like any other leader. Same way I supported Trump until he turned out to be a fucktard supreme.



Full disclosure: I haven't watched a single bit of the news or video on this (been working), but has their been any actual violence? All I keep seeing are photos posted of a bunch of rednecks walking around with their flags, snapping selfies, and sitting in other people's offices.


Honest question; what was the violence? What are people doing besides trespassing on federal grounds?


They broke stuff and stole a podium, really gnarly I tell you.

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Serious question:


Will you now support Biden as your President?


Not sure if thats directed at me or not.


I hope he does well for the country. I dont think that means to me when it means to the left, but if doesnt infringe on the 2A in any way and doesnt tax me into an oblivion I can support him. I dont think he/the foaming left will shy away from the "eat the rich" and the "hell yeah im gonna take your AR15" tho..

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Honest question; what was the violence? What are people doing besides trespassing on federal grounds?


yes. there was also destruction of property and looting. Also a woman was shot and killed by police for trying to forceably breach the inner chamber through a window that the mob in which she was a part broke.

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greg, I feel like you are wasting your time here. his position isn't based on an intellectual review of the facts (or anything intellectual for that matter), nor is it rooted in the moral compass that any decent human being would possess that makes them fair and impartial.


Dude has picked his side, and he's only content when he can slam the other side. It makes him feel better about questionable morals he has when he can go "look over there - the left is doing stuff". He is owned by his bias full stop.


Look at his quotes:






but all of a sudden violence is bad when the left does it? He's a Hypocrite of the highest caliber, devoid of impartiality, moral compass, or desire for knowledge. As such he is complicit in Trumpism and all it has wrought and he has nobody to blame but himself.


If you want, feel sorry for him, but pointing out his ignorance is like showing a dog it's own turd on the living room rug: he's just going to look at it and say, "So what?"


Pick it up boys! The moral king has arrived! Bend the knee!


It's incredible how wrong you are, but you'll never concede that. Its not in your blood. You went to school to become an expert at arguing your superior masturbatory moral compass.


You are so offended that I find the though of someone taking a shit on nancys desk? You've lost it bud.

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Not sure if thats directed at me or not.


I hope he does well for the country. I dont think that means to me when it means to the left, but if doesnt infringe on the 2A in any way and doesnt tax me into an oblivion I can support him. I dont think he/the foaming left will shy away from the "eat the rich" and the "hell yeah im gonna take your AR15" tho..


The question is something everyone should ask themselves. Every American.


The fact you couldn't answer it simply, but had to pile on pre-conditions for your support shows that you are part of the problem for the next 4 years. I didn't vote for Obama, but when asked I would say he was my President and I hope he does well. There, it was that simple.


Libs were saying #NotMyPresident thru Trump's term. If you think that bad behavior justifies your sentiment then I truly feel sorry for you and anyone else living in fear of our future as Americans.


Change is coming, because change is needed to survive, evolve, and thrive.

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It's incredible how wrong you are, but you'll never concede that. Its not in your blood. You went to school to become an expert at arguing your superior masturbatory moral compass.


You are so offended that I find the though of someone taking a shit on nancys desk? You've lost it bud.


It doesn't take any kind of moral superiority to see you are a hypocrite.


Also a ragdoll usually means someone getting thrown. How you got ragdoll as slang for "taking a shit" is beyond me.


Doesn't matter. You don't have anything intelligent to add to this conversation - it's just more of you whining "but but the left" like a little girl with a skinned knee.

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Full disclosure: I haven't watched a single bit of the news or video on this (been working), but has their been any actual violence? All I keep seeing are photos posted of a bunch of rednecks walking around with their flags, snapping selfies, and sitting in other people's offices.


Honest question; what was the violence? What are people doing besides trespassing on federal grounds?


yeah basically its become a meme for overreaction in the realm of "destruction".


cop shot a woman in the neck because he was ?scared? of her. Thats the violence we saw. I suspect that cop and the capitol police will be sued over it and lose a load of money. Very tragic honestly. But we will let the resident legal counsel tell us what is right/wrong about it before we make any determinations.


other than that, a few benches, a few chairs, a few selfies in nancys office, a broken window and some yelling middle aged white, black, mexican people really did a number on that building :dumb:

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The question is something everyone should ask themselves. Every American.


The fact you couldn't answer it simply, but had to pile on pre-conditions for your support shows that you are part of the problem for the next 4 years. I didn't vote for Obama, but when asked I would say he was my President and I hope he does well. There, it was that simple.


Libs were saying #NotMyPresident thru Trump's term. If you think that bad behavior justifies your sentiment then I truly feel sorry for you and anyone else living in fear of our future as Americans.


Change is coming, because change is needed to survive, evolve, and thrive.


Sorry, I thought that was implied by my answer that yes Biden will be my president, but we live in a world where that is in question by some people.

I dont think its wrong in any way to not want higher taxes and for them to keep off the 2A though.

Edited by Panduh
further clarification
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Full disclosure: I haven't watched a single bit of the news or video on this (been working), but has their been any actual violence? All I keep seeing are photos posted of a bunch of rednecks walking around with their flags, snapping selfies, and sitting in other people's offices.


Honest question; what was the violence? What are people doing besides trespassing on federal grounds?


For the most part there was no violence within the capital itself, except of course for the woman who was shot in the neck and died. I listened to all of the senate speeches when they reconvened at 8, and I don't have a list in front of me of who said what, but most of the Republicans didn't mince words. McConnell called it an insurrection, almost all of them referred to it as violence. We can quibble on whether or not storming the US Capital and forcing the evacuation of everyone inside is violence in and of itself -- I'd agree that there was much more a threat of violence than actual violence -- but it also seems apparent that everyone inside, from both parties, considered it a violent act.


That said, when I myself was talking about violence, I was talking about what happened after the sun went down, on the streets of DC, as Proud Boys and Trump supporters clashed with the DC police. I saw lots of violence in those videos.

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For the most part there was no violence within the capital itself, except of course for the woman who was shot in the neck and died. I listened to all of the senate speeches when they reconvened at 8, and I don't have a list in front of me of who said what, but most of the Republicans didn't mince words. McConnell called it an insurrection, almost all of them referred to it as violence. We can quibble on whether or not storming the US Capital and forcing the evacuation of everyone inside is violence in and of itself -- I'd agree that there was much more a threat of violence than actual violence -- but it also seems apparent that everyone inside, from both parties, considered it a violent act.


That said, when I myself was talking about violence, I was talking about what happened after the sun went down, on the streets of DC, as Proud Boys and Trump supporters clashed with the DC police. I saw lots of violence in those videos.


I didnt follow anything last night - so I might not know of it. If it did turn violent, those people should be charged.

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yeah basically its become a meme for overreaction in the realm of "destruction".


cop shot a woman in the neck because he was ?scared? of her. Thats the violence we saw. I suspect that cop and the capitol police will be sued over it and lose a load of money. Very tragic honestly. But we will let the resident legal counsel tell us what is right/wrong about it before we make any determinations.


other than that, a few benches, a few chairs, a few selfies in nancys office, a broken window and some yelling middle aged white, black, mexican people really did a number on that building :dumb:


She was shot in the neck for her own actions. End of story.

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She was shot in the neck for her own actions. End of story.


there is truth in that statement, sure. If she didnt enter the building she wouldn't have been shot. unfortunately, the conversation doesn't end there. If the guys that got shot in Kenosha didnt attack an armed kid, they too would still be alive.

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I didnt follow anything last night - so I might not know of it. If it did turn violent, those people should be charged.


I saw a report of 52 arrests and 3 people who died from ambiguously stated "medical emergencies". It did turn violent.


It's probably a similar story to the violence following BLM protests this summer. I'm sure the vast majority of Trump supporters obeyed the curfew put in place by the DC mayor, and so all that were left after sundown where the rabble rousers looking for trouble. Just like the vast majority of BLM protesters went home after their planned protests ended and the folks who stuck around were the rabble rousers looking to fight with police and/or the counter protesters.


One key difference in the videos I saw is how flabbergasted the Trumpers were that the police were against them. You can hear so many calls of "traitors" and "we're on your side" and whatnot on these videos, before the cops move in and blows are exchanged. If nothing else, they genuinely believe their own delusions.

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Like I posted earlier...i thought a felony was a felony..the end no matter left or right..and yes I'm including the confederate statues and those of Columbus.


Everyone involved should be prosecuted


I watched about 15 minutes of the news last night just to find out wtf was going on.

So my next statement comes from ignorance....the media never once..in the 15 minutes of watching..said well we are unsure if the violence was only from trump supporters or were there anti-establishment types causing problems.


As we all know that mobs go to the lowest common denominator so if 1 asshole begin the destruction of property the virus spreads like wild fire

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there is truth in that statement, sure. If she didnt enter the building she wouldn't have been shot. unfortunately, the conversation doesn't end there. If the guys that got shot in Kenosha didnt attack an armed kid, they too would still be alive.


There’s only truth in that statement.



That kid is a fucking idiot, as are his parents, and the people that assaulted someone with a gun.



But if you want to make something a little more comparable. Why didn’t the president rehash an old saying. “When the looting starts, the shooting starts”


Look at the difference from yesterday vs BLM. You’re lying to yourself if you think the BLM crowd would have been able to breach that building.

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So my next statement comes from ignorance....the media never once..in the 15 minutes of watching..said well we are unsure if the violence was only from trump supporters or were there anti-establishment types causing problems.


They probably didn't say they were unsure because they weren't unsure.


I watched a couple hours of grainy livestreamed video and I can tell you that based on that, I'm not unsure of who was causing the violence.

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