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☆~Donald Trump 2020~☆


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Honestly I will probably vote for Jorgensen because not only do I support her policies, I’m sick of the useless two party system, and I believe in limited government. All either party talks about is how you should do certain things in your life, if you’re not hurting anyone then they can fuck off.


This 100%!!!!

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Biden has said he’d eliminate the Trump tax cuts, hence taxes will go up. Then if they push any of the democratic party’s socialist bullshit (ie, green new deal, free education, ect) taxes will have to go up to pay for it.


I registered to vote solely to vote against Obama the second time because of healthcare, I will keep voting against this party because they push various socialist policies. I liked Trump a lot until Covid, but Biden wouldn’t have done anything different, in fact it likely would’ve spread faster because they were against closing the borders from China. Given Biden’s reaction in March and Biden’s criticism of how it was handled now proves himand his party are idiots. Some major things would have to change before I’d ever consider voting democrat. Fundamentally I can’t do it.


Honestly I will probably vote for Jorgensen because not only do I support her policies, I’m sick of the useless two party system, and I believe in limited government. All either party talks about is how you should do certain things in your life, if you’re not hurting anyone then they can fuck off.



a vote for Jorg is a vote for Biden.


a vote for anyone other than trump is a vote for Biden.

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I understand the draw to Jorg, I really do. Unfortunately she isn't a viable option. The 3rd party only shows up every 4 years to make all these great claims about their positions and ideas, but fail to rally the grassroots needed to get enough attention and support the rest of the cycle. They need to start at the base level and go from there. The last 2 elections are shining a light on the frustrations of the 2 party system, and I think we are moving in the direction of having a 3rd party option in the next 2-3 cycles if they can work like hell to draw people in and not be seen as the guy that sits on the sidelines telling everyone how the game is played, but never having played themselves.
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I understand the draw to Jorg, I really do. Unfortunately she isn't a viable option. The 3rd party only shows up every 4 years to make all these great claims about their positions and ideas, but fail to rally the grassroots needed to get enough attention and support the rest of the cycle. They need to start at the base level and go from there. The last 2 elections are shining a light on the frustrations of the 2 party system, and I think we are moving in the direction of having a 3rd party option in the next 2-3 cycles if they can work like hell to draw people in and not be seen as the guy that sits on the sidelines telling everyone how the game is played, but never having played themselves.


So...you want to see change, but you'll vote Trump because you don't want change.:gabe:

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I understand the draw to Jorg, I really do. Unfortunately she isn't a viable option. The 3rd party only shows up every 4 years to make all these great claims about their positions and ideas, but fail to rally the grassroots needed to get enough attention and support the rest of the cycle. They need to start at the base level and go from there. The last 2 elections are shining a light on the frustrations of the 2 party system, and I think we are moving in the direction of having a 3rd party option in the next 2-3 cycles if they can work like hell to draw people in and not be seen as the guy that sits on the sidelines telling everyone how the game is played, but never having played themselves.


Libertarian votes have gone up tremendously over the last 3-4 election cycles. It’s happening, maybe not now, but it’s coming.


I get the thinking of wasted votes, but it’ll never change if that’s how you think.

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The whole Covid political weapon rhetoric is fucking annoying. Like the God damn Dems could have done anything different. Its a microscopic virus. That's not exactly easy to stop.


I get that its killed 200k+ (if you can truly believe our data), but the flu gets, what?, 50-70k a year and no one bats an eye. And why? Because every year isn't an election year. Nobody gives a fuck about the amount of people that do or don't die. All any of those fuckheads care about is winning their next election.


They wouldn't have done a single thing different and the same amount of people would still be dead.


Besides, its mostly been up to the governors on how they wanted to handle their state (as it should be?). Can you imagine the uproar if Trump implemented a Nationwide lockdown? Oh, the fascist, the oppression, the dictator. The MFer can't win no matter what he does.

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We are watching a very dangerous situation unfold with Hunter and Joe Biden. Significant allegations with evidence has been brought up that compromises Joes election run and Facebook, Twitter, CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC etc are COMPLETELY silent because they don’t want to damage their guy. If you were screaming about trump collusion for the last 4 year’s, you ought to be losing your shit right now.
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The whole Covid political weapon rhetoric is fucking annoying. Like the God damn Dems could have done anything different. Its a microscopic virus. That's not exactly easy to stop.


I get that its killed 200k+ (if you can truly believe our data), but the flu gets, what?, 50-70k a year and no one bats an eye. And why? Because every year isn't an election year. Nobody gives a fuck about the amount of people that do or don't die. All any of those fuckheads care about is winning their next election.


They wouldn't have done a single thing different and the same amount of people would still be dead.


Besides, its mostly been up to the governors on how they wanted to handle their state (as it should be?). Can you imagine the uproar if Trump implemented a Nationwide lockdown? Oh, the fascist, the oppression, the dictator. The MFer can't win no matter what he does.



On the mark 10000000000%

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We are watching a very dangerous situation unfold with Hunter and Joe Biden. Significant allegations with evidence has been brought up that compromises Joes election run and Facebook, Twitter, CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC etc are COMPLETELY silent because they don’t want to damage their guy. If you were screaming about trump collusion for the last 4 year’s, you ought to be losing your shit right now.


Absolutely. The media has been playing this down and they're trying to spin this in to a Russian conspiracy again.


Americans are smarter than that. If Biden gets in office we'll never find out what happened.

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We are watching a very dangerous situation unfold with Hunter and Joe Biden. Significant allegations with evidence has been brought up that compromises Joes election run and Facebook, Twitter, CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC etc are COMPLETELY silent because they don’t want to damage their guy. If you were screaming about trump collusion for the last 4 year’s, you ought to be losing your shit right now.


Can you shed some light on the significant evidence? I'm looking to compare it to evidence brought forward to support allegations against folks other than Bidens. Curious also as to why it doesn't surface until now?

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Can you shed some light on the significant evidence? I'm looking to compare it to evidence brought forward to support allegations against folks other than Bidens. Curious also as to why it doesn't surface until now?


1. *Significant Allegations* - the alleged evidence to support it is easy to find.


2. It doesnt need to focus on anyone other than the Bidens right now. Thats who is running for president and lying to the American people every time he gets in front of the camera to address the allegations.


3. Politically motivated timing. Just like the FBI withholding they had the laptop with all this information on it during the impeachment. I dont love that, but its par for the course in politics.

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FWIW, Trump has lied on many occasions about his foreign business dealings before and during his presidency.


I’m sure he has, but that’s not the question.


You only care if it’s Donald under the microscope?


Biden is parading himself around like he’s the white savior. He’s the same as Donald trump at best.


Don can lie his ass off all day as long as I don’t get hammered by the IRS.

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Panduh, do you understand what funded the "Trump tax cuts"?


Asking as you seem to pride yourself on being a single issue voter, on taxes alone, blind to all else. I don't get that mindset myself, but I'm interested in better understanding it. I'm reasonably sure you are far wealthier than I am from what little I know of you, but surely it's not that straightforward is it?

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I’m sure he has, but that’s not the question.


You only care if it’s Donald under the microscope?


Biden is parading himself around like he’s the white savior. He’s the same as Donald trump at best.


Don can lie his ass off all day as long as I don’t get hammered by the IRS.


I don't see Biden parading around anywhere, especially with the heat on Hunter. A specific criticism of Biden has been his absence on the campaign trail. I'm confident Biden doesn't actually WANT to be President as much as Trump did back in 2016.


However, the hypocrisy that Trump supporters are showing right now is laughable, like anyone is surprised at corruption. Right now, there's articles published this weekend that say Trump's organization has received more than $5 million from China while Trump's been prez...let alone all the emolument-lite benefits that Trump real estate and business lines has benefitted from. It's no wonder he's not sharing his tax returns. $HEEEEIT...I see ads for a Space Force $2 bill endorsed by Trump, and FoxNews hypes Trump products on commercials. :lol: Politicians make money while in public office, and no surprise "a Washington outsider" like Trump does the same thing.


<<<<<Voted for Trump, but sometime we're going to have to pay the piper on taxes. That dented can keeps getting kicked down the road. For a President that said he'd balance the budget and drain the swamp...


promises made promises kept LOL.



TL;DR: I support Trump as our President, but he's a shitshow and everyone talking about how great he is avoids facts and chooses to ignore the bigger problems we have.

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TL;DR: I support Trump as our President, but he's a shitshow and everyone talking about how great he is avoids facts and chooses to ignore the bigger problems we have.


And what will Biden do to solve anything?



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I get the draw to Biden, honestly.


But the dude is slipping mentally at best, he won't be in office for even 2 years, Pelosi is already showing their true intentions.


I can't stomach the thought of Harris being president, she isn't qualified and she literally got her start by sucking dick.


GTFO here with Biden stuff

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So much shit being thrown at the wall in here that from the reality I live in can't be substantiated, and if anybody sharing it would genuinely look inward (at Donnie) they would see that near identical arguments can be made (with nearly identical "evidence") to support them.


Agreed that any Biden "stuff" will fall on deaf ears in the Aww$heet trump thread, so no surprise there.

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