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☆~Sleepy Joe 2021~☆


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Good to know you also believe the Dems should move on


Yep. Quick conviction here in the senate and we can have this whole thing wrapped up and behind us less than 2 months from the event in question. That's lightning fast compared to the criminal justice system. And wouldn't you say spending 2 months to clean up after a failed insurrection is 2 months well spent?


Democrats can't win here. Trump's lawyer yesterday went on and on about, "How can we have this trial when the investigation is still ongoing!" In other words, it's moving far too fast for some. But at the same time, the longer they wait, the more they'll be accused of fixating on Trump "long after he's gone." Which is also an argument he made. "He's already out of office, why do we care at this point?" It is, as they say, to laugh.


You were and are going to criticize this process no matter what because you're a true believer. You have no actual beef with the process, you'd only be satisfied if Democrats just rolled over and said, "Yep, insurrection? A-OK in this country!" Like the Republicans did.

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It feels super cringe watching them condemn this activity when 6 months ago they were cheering, encouraging and financing the destruction of cities all over the US under the guise of social justice.


Lol ya brb BLM virtue signallers occupying entire city blocks in Seattle for weeks on end

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Yep. Quick conviction here in the senate and we can have this whole thing wrapped up and behind us less than 2 months from the event in question. That's lightning fast compared to the criminal justice system. And wouldn't you say spending 2 months to clean up after a failed insurrection is 2 months well spent?


Democrats can't win here. Trump's lawyer yesterday went on and on about, "How can we have this trial when the investigation is still ongoing!" In other words, it's moving far too fast for some. But at the same time, the longer they wait, the more they'll be accused of fixating on Trump "long after he's gone." Which is also an argument he made. "He's already out of office, why do we care at this point?" It is, as they say, to laugh.


You were and are going to criticize this process no matter what because you're a true believer. You have no actual beef with the process, you'd only be satisfied if Democrats just rolled over and said, "Yep, insurrection? A-OK in this country!" Like the Republicans did.


wont happen - this is over before it started. you know that, I know that, the dems know that. your not getting 2/3rds on this. So, again, it IS a waste of time. Its political theater for dems to stroke egos and try to create sound bites. Even the panel on CNN is saying they still having seen the evidence that ties trump to the insurrection, at least the managers havent presented it yet. If thats not telling, I dont know what is man.


Because I'm criticizing this process it makes my statement and conclusion less true? What world are we living in right now lol


I think what happened on the 6th was stupid and pointless. It would never have changed the outcome of the election. There was no presented concrete evidence that something on a large scale was done to swing the election for Biden. Its almost like when hundreds of thousands of people destroy cities around the US for months on end wont change racial injustice....

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I think what happened on the 6th was stupid and pointless. It would never have changed the outcome of the election. There was no presented concrete evidence that something on a large scale was done to swing the election for Biden. Its almost like when hundreds of thousands of people destroy cities around the US for months on end wont change racial injustice....


I'm pretty tired of arguing with you about the same dumb shit, but this one is a little new.


"There was no presented concrete evidence that something on a large scale was done to swing the election for Biden" - You were part of the crowd pointing to "evidence" for weeks if not months! Major WTF! What changed your mind lol? Other than your warm and fuzzies for the Dem lady who was on JRE, this might be the first time I've seen you waiver from the straight and narrow road of dumbassery.


"Its almost like when hundreds of thousands of people destroy cities around the US for months on end wont change racial injustice" - OK, but what will then? What would you propose those people do instead that hasn't been tried already and been proven to fail? Sit at home, let time pass, and hope for the best? Also your claim of "hundreds of thousands" destroying anything isn't factual.

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Republicans in congress are like an all-white jury acquitting a white man of a lynching in Jim Crow Mississippi. Just because everyone knows that the outcome is a foregone conclusion doesn't make it waste of time.


It’s a waste of time because you can’t wish your desires into reality. Trump is no more accountable to the idiots that protested the Capitol than the left is for egging on the idiots in BLM. If you want to go down that road, than just say it. What happened this summer is equally as damaging as the protest at the capitol. I can accept that. Both should be equally prosecuted. But, we don’t live in an unbiased world with sane people.


You’ll never agree to that because you have blinders for your party. I have them too sometimes. I’ll admit that.

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I'm pretty tired of arguing with you about the same dumb shit, but this one is a little new.


"There was no presented concrete evidence that something on a large scale was done to swing the election for Biden" - You were part of the crowd pointing to "evidence" for weeks if not months! Major WTF! What changed your mind lol? Other than your warm and fuzzies for the Dem lady who was on JRE, this might be the first time I've seen you waiver from the straight and narrow road of dumbassery.


"Its almost like when hundreds of thousands of people destroy cities around the US for months on end wont change racial injustice" - OK, but what will then? What would you propose those people do instead that hasn't been tried already and been proven to fail? Sit at home, let time pass, and hope for the best? Also your claim of "hundreds of thousands" destroying anything isn't factual.



Wrong -


I said it smelled funny to me and was willing to hear evidence of that. That never happened and I’ve said for quite some time now he lost. I even said Biden was my president lol - I’m good on that bud.


Well, destroying where you live doesn’t work.....that’s well known. These communities are already fucked. Now they are fucked for longer than before the riots. How about the people in charge of your party tell those fuckers to stop and not egg them on for political gain. Just like Trump shouldn’t have egg on his feverish idiots. Nothing good comes out of that.

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It’s a waste of time because you can’t wish your desires into reality. Trump is no more accountable to the idiots that protested the Capitol than the left is for egging on the idiots in BLM. If you want to go down that road, than just say it. What happened this summer is equally as damaging as the protest at the capitol. I can accept that. Both should be equally prosecuted.


There's a reason all of these attempts at deflection are spoken in vague generalities. "The left". "This Summer." Because you cannot connect the dots between a single person and a single dead body the way you can connect the dots between Trump and Brian Sicknick. And that's the difference.


Go ahead, give me prominent Democrat, a day/place, and a victim. Should be easy.

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There's a reason all of these attempts at deflection are spoken in vague generalities. "The left". "This Summer." Because you cannot connect the dots between a single person and a single dead body the way you can connect the dots between Trump and Brian Sicknick. And that's the difference.


Go ahead, give me prominent Democrat, a day/place, and a victim. Should be easy.


You’re showing incredible ignorance Greg. That’s not what I expect from you. I don’t need to justify the facts that exists. You can pull up a montage on YouTube/Twitter/MSM of Dems encouraging/defending/supporting bail funds(thus aiding in the financing) for the rioters specifically from late May to September 2020. It’s all anyone talked about. What rock did you hibernate under?


I can’t connect the dots between trump and sicknick. I can however connect the dots between the person that threw a fire extinguisher at a group of cops, striking one and causing the death of that officer. That person should and will be held accountable for his actions.


In order to directly link Trump to sicknick you would need to make some pretty big assumptions. I guess the Dems are willing to make them because at they’ve come this far and have to grasp at any straw they can to justify the impeachment trail they are wasting time and money on. Myself and many others that are also independents just don’t see it they way you do.

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"Trump officials" != "All Republicans"


She said to get up in Trump Officials' faces, essentially defending people harassing Sara "lying twat" Sanders at a restaurant in DC. Which is stupid, and she shouldn't have said it, and she should have walked it back after it she said it. But nobody died as a result of her encouraging people harassing Trump's cabinet members at restaurants, and to the best of my knowledge there were no riots associated with Trump's cabinet dining in restaurants. She didn't make up lies about Trump's cabinet in order to foment dissent against them.


Can we put this one to bed because it's clearly not the same thing? Thanks. Let's never mention it again in reference to the Capital insurrection.

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It's typical of all sides but ironic for her and them this time. The media and the congress people all encourage hate. Hate breed violence and when you tell people to get in faces and make people uncomfortable and that riots are necessary and should continue, blah, blah, it angers BOTH Sides.


It's not even just about her and others encouraging the anti-trump crowed. Their words impact the Pro Trump crowed too. They are hiding behind semantics as if their words and actions only impact certain people when in fact they impact everyone. Jan 6th wasn't a spontaneous event and it wasn't invoked by one person. They want to try and cast blame to clear themselves. Ain't happening.

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It's typical of all sides but ironic for her and them this time. The media and the congress people all encourage hate. Hate breed violence and when you tell people to get in faces and make people uncomfortable and that riots are necessary and should continue, blah, blah, it angers BOTH Sides.


It's not even just about her and others encouraging the anti-trump crowed. Their words impact the Pro Trump crowed too. They are hiding behind semantics as if their words and actions only impact certain people when in fact they impact everyone. Jan 6th wasn't a spontaneous event and it wasn't invoked by one person. They want to try and cast blame to clear themselves. Ain't happening.


Why you make me hit you, baby?

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greg..you are wrong..it's the same, it just wasn't a violent as 1-6-21


BUT conservative free speech is under fire and if you don't comply to our mindset(dems/libs) you will lose your livelihood. This comes from the group that says free speech must abound, it's ok to kill unborn babies but not criminals, contain the virus but open the borders to whomever.



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Maxine Waters telling people to harass Trump's cabinet members in DC restaurants resulted in all that? Damn, she's powerful. Y'all should watch your words more about her, there's no telling what she's capable of.

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greg..you are wrong..it's the same, it just wasn't a violent as 1-6-21


BUT conservative free speech is under fire and if you don't comply to our mindset(dems/libs) you will lose your livelihood. This comes from the group that says free speech must abound, it's ok to kill unborn babies but not criminals, contain the virus but open the borders to whomever.




What! I loved her character!

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“Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors…even by children. Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views,”



Dang, It is pretty darn easy to get get cancelled these days

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Dang, It is pretty darn easy to get get cancelled these days
It wasn't this singular event that got her fired. It was months and months of incendiary posts and people calling for her removal. Producers stood behind her until this week.


Also, it's a bit tone deaf and playing the victim to equate "conservative views" being under attack the same as Jews in Nazi Germany.

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This was just an example..the hodge twins being removed from most social media..fb putting a restriction on how many chats you could send when it was conservative in nature..yes it happened to me...threats by fb to ban if your views weren't on par with theirs.. yahoo stopping the comments section..parlar (i think that's how it's spelled) being kicked off of servers.
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