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☆~Sleepy Joe 2021~☆


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I apologize if I offended you about the death of your relatives and if you want I will do it in front of whomever.


As far as dismissive I think you and kerry misunderstood my stance. What I was trying to show/figure out/explain is more about me than trump.


I can't see why you'd have close ties with whomever or do xyz if it's part of your family.

That is my thought, if someone F'ed my family I would stick up for family...now if the family member was wrong they'd hear about it in private. That's just me so please understand that is the way i think.


Again, I am sorry, I would never dismiss a death like that.

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Once again, CNN’s got a raging boner Trump tonight. The new story is that reports are trump was more sick than what CNN thought.


I just have to ask.....why the fuck do we care now? Dude breezed through COVID...what else is there to talk about at this point?


They’re ratings are that bad that they have to keep talking about him?

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I apologize if I offended you about the death of your relatives and if you want I will do it in front of whomever.




As far as dismissive I think you and kerry misunderstood my stance. What I was trying to show/figure out/explain is more about me than trump.




I can't see why you'd have close ties with whomever or do xyz if it's part of your family.


That is my thought, if someone F'ed my family I would stick up for family...now if the family member was wrong they'd hear about it in private. That's just me so please understand that is the way i think.




Again, I am sorry, I would never dismiss a death like that.

No problem, apology accepted. As stated, let's just move forward and try to have empathy for other people (not saying you don't, just saying in general that is lacking these days). Not everything I wrote was specifically directed at you/your comment, but I wanted to explain my state of mind, of train of thought to hopefully give you a better understanding of my point of view.


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Once again, CNN’s got a raging boner Trump tonight. The new story is that reports are trump was more sick than what CNN thought.


I just have to ask.....why the fuck do we care now? Dude breezed through COVID...what else is there to talk about at this point?


They’re ratings are that bad that they have to keep talking about him?

Trump did not "breeze through COVID." I said at the time that he had to be sicker than they told us and I've seen nothing to contradict that. You don't give an experimental drug that has been tested on less than 300 humans to the sitting President of the United States if he only has mild symptoms.


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Trump did not "breeze through COVID." I said at the time that he had to be sicker than they told us and I've seen nothing to contradict that. You don't give an experimental drug that has been tested on less than 300 humans to the sitting President of the United States if he only has mild symptoms.


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With the drugs he got, he breezed through it bud. The world watched. It doesn’t matter how sick he was.

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You're the only one I know who watches that shit


I flip back and forth between CNN and Fox since the Channels are next to each other. I want to see what the extremes are saying on MSM every so often.

Every time I flip on CNN they are talking about trump. It’s crazy.


Also - for those that dont understand pro sports....Here’s the deal with the Kap situation....He was trash coming out of his contract....that’s why he isn’t playing. He was not a reliable QB then and he isn’t now. I don’t care what his numbers are. He is the Jeremy Lin of the NFL. He added fuel to the fire that made him more of a spectacle than a player. There is no use for guys like that in the most competitive football league in the world.

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Also - for those that dont understand pro sports....Here’s the deal with the Kap situation....He was trash coming out of his contract....that’s why he isn’t playing. He was not a reliable QB then and he isn’t now.


...this. Also, "Kaep" if we're being technical.


K. Bye.

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With the drugs he got, he breezed through it bud. The world watched. It doesn’t matter how sick he was.
It does matter. At the same point in his illness (if they were truthful about the day he was diagnosed) he was as sick, and possibly sicker than my dad was. Trump was a year older than him and obese. Trump received an experimental drug that was not available to anyone else and went home 4 days later, and the message that followed was that COVID was no big deal, nothing to worry about.


It was downplayed (they lied) to the American people about how severe the illness actually was, and his followers used it as a rallying cry to resist lockdown orders. (Bro, it's just a flu, it's not that bad, you've been lied to, it's all about control not public health)


Meanwhile my Dad laid in the hospital and continually declined over 2-3 weeks. No miracle drug for him.



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I will be very interested to see how the Biden administration tackles gun control...


Right now, if we lived in a sane world, the NRA would step up and say "he lets leverage our vast knowledge of fire arms, the marketplace, and the culture, to help you draft legislation that is fair for everyone", just like they did in the past before 1977.


Instead we live in this insane universe where the NRA (an organization that post 1977 once advocated shooting law enforcement if they entered your home) committed to this fantasy that constitutional amendments are without restriction (spoiler: they aren't), and is now lying bankrupt and broken after colluding with a Russian spy, leaving the only voice of reason in the room gun control advocates.


Truth is sometimes stranger than fiction.

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Right now, if we lived in a sane world, the NRA would step up and say "he lets leverage our vast knowledge of fire arms, the marketplace, and the culture, to help you draft legislation that is fair for everyone", just like they did in the past before 1977.


Instead we live in this insane universe where the NRA (an organization that post 1977 once advocated shooting law enforcement if they entered your home) committed to this fantasy that constitutional amendments are without restriction (spoiler: they aren't), and is now lying bankrupt and broken after colluding with a Russian spy, leaving the only voice of reason in the room gun control advocates.


Truth is sometimes stranger than fiction.


whats worse.....the NRA having some pictures with a Russian spy or swalwell fucking a Chinese spy?

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whats worse.....the NRA having some pictures with a Russian spy or swalwell fucking a Chinese spy?


If they are both bad does it matter which is worse? And what does Swalwell have to do with gun control? Also its a little more than just pictures.


Don't do this cheap whataboutism trick where you distract from an issue by pointing out some other unrelated issue. Forget the parties, talk about the issue itself.


Whether you like it or not, gun control is a form of progress and you can't stop progress. You can either look at the issue and say "hey maybe there is something that can be done effectively if we have knowledgeable people in the room" or you can scream "Shall not be infringed" at the top of your lungs while progress slowly steamrolls you a mm at a time.

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You want the gun violence rates to drop? Figure out how to convince the riff-raff to stop shooting each other over dumb shit. Your numbers would improve dramatically if you could figure that one out. Education? Stiffer punishments? Banning murder? Whatever works. Just figure it out and quit going after me like I'm part of the problem.
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You want the gun violence rates to drop? Figure out how to convince the riff-raff to stop shooting each other over dumb shit. Your numbers would improve dramatically if you could figure that one out. Education? Stiffer punishments? Banning murder? Whatever works. Just figure it out and quit going after me like I'm part of the problem.


The way I see it, the problem isn't localized to one area, there are going to need to be changes across the board to address things. Yes to education, yes to criminal justice reform, and yes to some gun control measures. This isn't a problem pouring out of one faucet, it's a river fed by many streams.


If you are unwilling to at least recognize that gun laws are a part of this conversation then you aren't interested in real problem solving.

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The way I see it, the problem isn't localized to one area, there are going to need to be changes across the board to address things. Yes to education, yes to criminal justice reform, and yes to some gun control measures. This isn't a problem pouring out of one faucet, it's a river fed by many streams.


If you are unwilling to at least recognize that gun laws are a part of this conversation then you aren't interested in real problem solving.


Honest question. How many more gun laws are going to be needed to address this problem? At what point do we say, Ok...now its sufficient. There is no answer. Its never enough.


If we all agree that 1 act of gun violence is too much, then let's just get straight to the point of what the gun control side wants, and that's a total ban. Just say it out loud and we can get this conversation started. Quit putting on this facade that that isn't the real goal.


And no, I don't agree that further control is needed. There are a whole slew of laws already on the books and we still have a problem, predominantly within one community. Go to that community and figure out what their problem is.

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Honest question. How many more gun laws are going to be needed to address this problem? At what point do we say, Ok...now its sufficient. There is no answer. Its never enough.


I will agree that nobody knows the answer, but this idea that it is never enough is a pretty fantastic leap. Evel Kinevel wouldn't take that kind of jump.


Volume is the wrong focus, it's not about how many laws, it's about writing effective laws. Some laws have been really effective (automatic weapons restrictions) and others have been less so (Assault weapons Ban).


If we all agree that 1 act of gun violence is too much, [/Quote]


Do we agree on that? from a sympathy standpoint maybe but as a legislative goal I don't think anybody thinks 0 gun violence is feasible. I think the more realistic goal in this one is maybe to get the US in line with the rest of the world (per capita).


then let's just get straight to the point of what the gun control side wants, and that's a total ban. Just say it out loud and we can get this conversation started. Quit putting on this façade that that isn't the real goal.


This is a pretty wild leap of logic, and one not based in reality. Lets start with the 1st point: The constitution and 200+ years of jurisprudence have said you can't ban guns. It's not going to happen, it's never going to happen, and even if tomorrow 90% of the population wanted it you'd have to amend the constitution which is extremely difficult. Talking about a ban isn't a serious part of the conversation (and frankly a little paranoid).



I would like some reasonable gun control and I don't want a ban. Most of the people I know would like something more than what's out there now and don't want a ban either. Most of the measures that make it into Gun control measures are about things like shoring up things like background checks and standardizing and regulating manufacturing. Most of it is directed at the industry and not the personal owner. If you think everybody on the other side is lying and only wants to ban you gun, not only are you choosing fiction over reality but you aren't even open to considering the problem in earnest.


And no, I don't agree that further control is needed. There are a whole slew of laws already on the books and we still have a problem, predominantly within one community. Go to that community and figure out what their problem is.


See my above point about effective laws vs volume of laws


We are always going to have a problem, the point is to make it less of a problem. If the laws on the books now aren't working then let's improve them or repeal them and get something in there that works.


Would you care to elaborate as to which "community" you are talking about?

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And after years of bitching about trumps press corp..here is the kinder gentler side now






Hey remember when Trump suspended Sean Spicer/Sarah Huckabee-Sanders/Kayleigh McEanany for threatening reporters from the POTUS press podium?


Yeah, neither do I because it didn't fucking happen. If anything he encouraged them to "fight back". I do remember when they Pulled Jim Acosta's press pass though in retaliation for his following up on a story. #notthesame

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If they are both bad does it matter which is worse? And what does Swalwell have to do with gun control? Also its a little more than just pictures.


Don't do this cheap whataboutism trick where you distract from an issue by pointing out some other unrelated issue. Forget the parties, talk about the issue itself.


Whether you like it or not, gun control is a form of progress and you can't stop progress. You can either look at the issue and say "hey maybe there is something that can be done effectively if we have knowledgeable people in the room" or you can scream "Shall not be infringed" at the top of your lungs while progress slowly steamrolls you a mm at a time.


if you said this when the shoe was on the other foot id give you a second thought, but I have yet to see that happen. This is about the standard set by the left or right when it comes to whats acceptable and what is focused on. The right tried really hard to get people to care about swalwell and his dinky getting rode by a Chinese spy, but the left doesnt care. They wanted no part in that microscope being on them. Instead I have to sit here and listen to you tell me I need to be worried about the NRA having a spy in their midst? Naw, im good bud, not when we have spies blowing members of congress in positions of intelligence and power. I dont like either of them, but one IS worse than the other, but since its a democrat it gets swept under the rug and most of America didnt hear about it in wall to wall coverage unless you watched fox for the few days they ran with it.

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