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☆~Sleepy Joe 2021~☆


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While true, the states that neighbor CO do not have those laws, so a resident can drive 1-2 hours, buy what they want, and bring it back to CO.


They can also go to their local Walmart and pick up a couple pressure cookers if they so choose.


There needs to be a national policy, and I'm sure CO gun stores would be in favor of this in the name of interstate commerce.


Um...there is. It's #2 under the Bill of Rights.

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What’s crazy to me is assault rifles are already heavily regulated through the NFA act.


What Biden wants to do is ban semi automatic rifles and pistols. It’s simple as that. He wants the world to be a single shot 00 buck world because he doesn’t understand the constitution that this country was founded on. He needs to be removed before he creates a problem that can only be solved by people shooting each other in a civil war.

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Make it harder for deranged individuals to get guns.


Universal background checks

Red Flag laws

High capacity magazine bans

Closing gun show and private sale loopholes


All of those are a start. I'm not against reinstating the "assault weapons" ban of the 1990's. Also, the gun that was used in Boulder skirts the definition of a rifle and is classified as a pistol. Had it been classified as a short barrel rifle there would have been a lengthy background check that would have included fingerprints, a photo, a $200 tax, and would need to be purchased from a specialized dealer. All are barriers to entry.


Something needs to be done. We can't just sit on our hands time and time again after this happens like "¯\_(ツ)_/¯ oh well." The problem is not going to be solved with one piece of legislation, we need to start whittling away at it.



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New flash: Colorado has most of those already...

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New flash: Colorado has most of those already...
If you read everything I wrote you'd understand that I want federal laws across the entire US, not a patchwork of state laws and local ordinances.


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On paper I'm a normal dude with no real criminal history. Hit me with one really bad day and I'll go on a spree with a smile. How do you prevent that?


has it happened yet? no? pretty sure you've had bad days in your life so maybe "one really bad day and I'll go on a spree with a smile" is bullshit and most people on the edge of "snapping" are already showing signs - and maybe they are the kind of signs covered in the the recently expanded background checks.

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On paper I'm a normal dude with no real criminal history. Hit me with one really bad day and I'll go on a spree with a smile. How do you prevent that?
Glad to know you're one bad day away from murdering as many innocent people as possible.


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On paper I'm a normal dude with no real criminal history. Hit me with one really bad day and I'll go on a spree with a smile. How do you prevent that?
When you have your bad day, do you choose a soft target (school, mall, etc - "gun free zone") or do you go where someone might shoot back (gun store/show, NRA meeting, police station)?


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I'm willing to bet on you being a better person than you give yourself credit for being.


You show up to work on a Friday and security guards are clearing out your desk. You come home early and Jamal has your wife bent over the bed. Now you sleep on a futon in Whitehall and have to pay the mortgage for your wife and kids. Or maybe you're just tired of all the world's bullshit, idk. Being a "good person" only goes so far.

When you have your bad day, do you choose a soft target (school, mall, etc - "gun free zone") or do you go where someone might shoot back (gun store/show, NRA meeting, police station)?

At that point nothing would please me more than to go delete everything breathing at the most liberal gun-free zone available simply for the irony.

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I consider myself a liberal gun owner, ccw holder, etc. and I agree with effectively every point made in here so far regarding gun control. As I've said before, "we can't let the perfect be the enemy of the good". IE, we shouldn't use the absence of a perfect solution as a reason to do nothing.


I think assault rifle/magazine bans are ineffective, as I can realistically do as much damage with a 12 gauge and a couple pistols as one guy with an AR if I'm hell-bent on being crazy guy. I have always felt that a couple extra steps in the gun purchase process wouldn't be a problem for me. In some instances making it a little tougher wouldn't be bad thing and would represent a relatively easy low-hanging fruit type step.


There is no easy answer, but that doesn't mean no action is the right action. You can throw life vests to everybody when the ship is sinking, and you'll still have a few people bitching because they aren't their size.

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I consider myself a liberal gun owner, ccw holder, etc. and I agree with effectively every point made in here so far regarding gun control. As I've said before, "we can't let the perfect be the enemy of the good". IE, we shouldn't use the absence of a perfect solution as a reason to do nothing.


I think assault rifle/magazine bans are ineffective, as I can realistically do as much damage with a 12 gauge and a couple pistols as one guy with an AR if I'm hell-bent on being crazy guy. I have always felt that a couple extra steps in the gun purchase process wouldn't be a problem for me. In some instances making it a little tougher wouldn't be bad thing and would represent a relatively easy low-hanging fruit type step.


There is no easy answer, but that doesn't mean no action is the right action. You can throw life vests to everybody when the ship is sinking, and you'll still have a few people bitching because they aren't their size.


I'm always curious what people whining for more gun control think about the hundreds of other laws already on the books. What makes the next "common sense measure" the one that's finally the answer?

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I guess I don't understand how that logic can be applied to anything really. I struggle with "these haven't worked, so the next one won't either".


I guess, suggest what WILL work then, rather than just sharing your skepticism that the next one won't. Too many gun guys out there seem to have this just stop trying attitude, and its just very bullshit. There are many on the pro gun side that view even HAVING conversations regarding gun control/regulation/risk mitigation strategies to be somehow "keeping the door open" to taking their guns, minimizing 2A rights, etc., etc. - There is a right answer, you just have to be open to finding it rather than shutting it down before at the opening of discussion.


I would be interested to get Joe's (Mojoe's) perspective too.

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Yes let's spend a bunch of time and money going against the constitutional grain in an effort to ban scary assault rifles that are used in like 4% of gun homicides. How about this instead: Have less gun laws. Arm everybody so people will be scared to try some shit. Quit pandering to the loud minority of purple-haired white kids demanding third bathrooms installed at Krogers. Make John Wayne popular again. Teach kids how guns work and quit raising a bunch of pussies who are so quick to shoot up a school when their feelings get hurt. The whole country needs ethically reborn from the ground up because that's where the problem lies.. not with the tools in which they take out their current frustrations with. That's definitely not the path that will land 51%+ of the votes in your pocket though, so we're fucked. Enjoy the ride.
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Chris Rock said it best in one of his stand up skits many years ago: "You can't stop crazy." I've said that for years. Make all the laws you want, but if you want the freedom we have in our country, that's the risk you run. Some asshole doing something crazy.
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Chris Rock said it best in one of his stand up skits many years ago: "You can't stop crazy." I've said that for years. Make all the laws you want, but if you want the freedom we have in our country, that's the risk you run. Some asshole doing something crazy.




It is sad/scary but you can't have absolute freedom and absolute safety.

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It is sad/scary but you can't have absolute freedom and absolute safety.


we don't have either and it's pretty polyanna to think we do, or that either are parallel opposites and don't have an intersection point. The best outcome is to maximize both to their balance point. We know that in regards to the gun discussion we are no where near this situation because, well there are other countries that have high gun ownership rates and don't have near the issues we have.


I've said it before, congress people are not subject matter experts on what they legislate. They often rely on groups (Lobbyists, not for profits, educational institutions, research groups, etc. ) to inform their direction. Prior to 1977, the NRA filled this role in a limited capacity, helping to draft some early gun control legislation, but mostly focusing on non-political things like safety and marksmanship courses.


Post 1977, the organization became highly politicized and decided that instead of working toward informing reasonable gun control legislation it took a wholly fictional stance that 2A was somehow the only constitutional amendment that is absolute and not subject to limitation, and began a campaign of fear mongering, blocking research, blocking the flow of information, and generally working toward keeping a reasonable discussion or reasonable measures from ever becoming part of the political conversation with the intent of arresting progress on this issue.


Simply put if you believe:

- That 2A "shall not be infringed"

- That no measure of gun control will ever work

- that we are at the best situation and it can't improve

- all gun control advocates want to do is take your guns

then you have bought the the NRA's lies full stop and you are as much a part of the problem than the solution. None of these things are objectively true but the NRA spent a lot of money, time, and energy perpetuating this fraud.


BTW, this isn't a polar issue where if one side is wrong the other side must be right, that is not the case. Without access to information, research, and other informing factors the gun control measures put forth are at best a guess at what will work or are designed around public opinion (which is also mis-informed).


There is an excellent objectively written book on this subject by an actual constitutional scholar that lays out the whole history and how we as a country got here. I encourage anybody interested in having an actual informed opinion about the subject to read it :



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If Biden actually cared about the gun laws that exist, maybe enforce them?


Let’s start with Hunter. Lying on a 4473 is a felony. I’m sure tons of people have done it before. But I’m not aware of someone as high profile as the presidents son doing it. Make it clear that your spoiled drug addict son isn’t above federal law and let him be charged for it. Imagine some lowlife that was about to buy a gun by lying on a 4473 seeing that. I bet he/she would think twice before doing it. That might help his gun control argument. If he doesn’t, well, it’s pretty clear it isn’t about safety or the children.


The 2A is unique to America in the sense that it’s not about hunting, it’s not about militias. It’s purely a mechanism that allows the people to hold the govt in check when they purpose unconstitutional agendas. IMO there should be a massive focus on mental health and how you deal with those people. Banning guns from normal, law abiding people makes no sense whatsoever and has no scientific data to support that it would make any positive difference in crime rates.


The very fact that he came out and now wants to force congress to act on banning semi automatic weapons should make everyone very uncomfortable. It’s unconstitutional and needs to be stopped immediately.

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