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History, properly edited, will not be favorable to anyone who considered Pro-Trump actions on January 6th justifiable when there was property damage and loss of life. That's tough to watch.



Just the same it should also not be favorable to anyone who considered all the actions from the entire summer of 2020 justifiable either. Plenty more property damage and loss of life.


DC Elites are all living in their own glass houses and equally guilty.

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Just the same it should also not be favorable to anyone who considered all the actions from the entire summer of 2020 justifiable either. Plenty more property damage and loss of life.


DC Elites are all living in their own glass houses and equally guilty.




What did the DC Elites in the summer of 2020 do themselves, with their own hands or encouragement, do to actually cause property damage and loss of life?


Are we trying to equate unlawful rioting by a minority group of people in their own community, on their own accord to people doing what the;


1) President of the United States

2) Who asked them to come to DC in the first place, from all over the country

3) Who then requested that mob "To walk down to the Capital, stop the steal and fight like hell, or we wont have a country anymore".


Please explain how these are the same?



Flat out, I voted for Trump in 2016. I did not vote for Biden in 2020. No matter who you voted for if you think it is ok for the commander in chief of the country calling for people to come to any city, and literally inciting a riot simply because he did not like the fact that he lost, you have no fucking clue how a Democracy works.


This is an embarrassment for this country and it's history.

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What did the DC Elites in the summer of 2020 do themselves, with their own hands or encouragement, do to actually cause property damage and loss of life?
There are a number of instances/videos where they encouraged, condoned and promoted the actions last summer. They aren't innocent by any means. Even Cory Booker is on video telling people to "Go to the hill today; please get up in the face of some congress people"


Who then requested that mob "To walk down to the Capital, stop the steal and fight like hell, or we wont have a country anymore".
In his speach that day which his what so many are focused on, he stated. The transcript is available.

"we’re going to walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women, and we’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them.


Because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong. We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated, lawfully slated.


I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."



Flat out, I voted for Trump in 2016. I did not vote for Biden in 2020. No matter who you voted for if you think it is ok for the commander in chief of the country calling for people to come to any city, and literally inciting a riot simply because he did not like the fact that he lost, you have no fucking clue how a Democracy works. This is an embarrassment for this
I agree. And my point is we shouldn't give a pass to the members of congress who called for people to continue rioting and to get up in the faces of others including members of the cabinet to make them feel uncomfortable, etc. It's complete hypocrisy on their part to act as if their own actions didn't happen. It is all indeed a complete embarrassment. Both sides played these dangerous games. It wasn't until that day that people became shocked that something happened?

Edited by TTQ B4U
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There are a number of instances/videos where they encouraged, condoned and promoted the actions last summer. They aren't innocent by any means.



There is an unmeasurably large difference between someone sympathizing with people who are upset, and a person personally calling for a gathering of people, appearing at that gathering, and inciting a riot. I have not seen anyone besides Trump do the later, but maybe I missed something?


Can you link some here? I have not seen a video or situation where a member of Congreess or the Senate called for people to gather, went to that gathering themselves to get them riled up, and then gave them a call to action that directly lead to violence. I may have missed it, but please share what you have. I am all ears here.....


This invitation is open to the Anthony Gray's and others who have suggested the same previously. Show me, show us a situation that is even in the same zip code of stupid shit as this by a current standing Senator or Congressman, because you are right. Anyone who did something on this scale should be exposed and prosicuted...

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There is an unmeasurably large difference between someone sympathizing with people who are upset, and a person personally calling for a gathering of people, appearing at that gathering, and inciting a riot. I have not seen anyone besides Trump do the later, but maybe I missed something?


right out in front of the Supreme Court. Only his words were threatening the justices. Thankfully his crowd was small and didn't include outsiders there to cause real trouble.


I don't see where Trump incited anyone during his speech. I watched it and I read it. It was a typical Trump compilation of what he did, blah blah and the quote I provided is right from the transcript. I certainly can write a book on what he should have done and where he was wrong though. Don't mistake my words for him not having had performed poorly that day as he indeed did.


His opposition however took 4 years worth of the media tirades combined that with their own words thus they didn't have to further promote a gathering where they gave a speech to specifically call for anything. It was commonplace by Hollywood, Congress, the media, etc. literally making it almost widely accepted although wrong.


They took four full years of inciting hatred and vilifying Trump and his supporters. They called for it at their own rallies and speeches. I remember

because I saw his live on TV and thought exactly what you're feeling here.


If you're going to lean on looking for the exact same thing as he did and instead overlook the rest and all the other side did then I can't help you there. Keep looking but don't forget to look both ways.

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Ah yes, I remember after Corey Booker told a small group of anti-Homelessness activists to get up in the face of some congress people there was a huge riot and people died.


Maybe the charge of "inciting a riot" requires there to actually, you know, be a riot? I'm not a lawyer, can anyone answer that? /s


BoTh sIdEs MaN

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Ah yes, I remember after Corey Booker told a small group of anti-Homelessness activists to get up in the face of some congress people there was a huge riot and people died.


Maybe the charge of "inciting a riot" requires there to actually, you know, be a riot? I'm not a lawyer, can anyone answer that? /s


BoTh sIdEs MaN


Greg, the Trumpers will say that the Capitol attack was Antifa. Just like BLM protests that went bad.


It's those darn rabble-rousers that should be removed from the message. Except for BLM. Lookit those trouble-makers. That's where it all started.


Ignore that every video at the Capitol insurgence is filled with 40-60yo tacticool white guys from Pataskala. It's ANTIFA DAMMIT. Hollywood make-up to have them look like they carry both CCW cards and a key to their Charger/Challenger.


CAPITOL INSURGENCY: Sponsored by MyPillow and Rosland Capital. Present your wristband for 20% off the Trace Adkins concert at Wheeling Casino.

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I am wondering if you linked the right videos? You showed a video of a guy "warning" his own group of officials about the effects of their decisions, and another of a Congressman calling for people to "get in front of Congress (IE, himself) at a private dinner event of less than 100 people.


As a reminder-


Just the same it should also not be favorable to anyone who considered all the actions from the entire summer of 2020 justifiable either. Plenty more property damage and loss of life.


DC Elites are all living in their own glass houses and equally guilty.



This is what I am looking for amigo. This, I have not seen.

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Greg, the Trumpers will say that the Capitol attack was Antifa. Just like BLM protests that went bad.


It's those darn rabble-rousers that should be removed from the message. Except for BLM. Lookit those trouble-makers. That's where it all started.


Ignore that every video at the Capitol insurgence is filled with 40-60yo tacticool white guys from Pataskala. It's ANTIFA DAMMIT. Hollywood make-up to have them look like they carry both CCW cards and a key to their Charger/Challenger.


CAPITOL INSURGENCY: Sponsored by MyPillow and Rosland Capital. Present your wristband for 20% off the Trace Adkins concert at Wheeling Casino.


Thank you for blaming those in patalaska and not us in grovekuckey...lol

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Can't we just all agree that they've ALL been turning up the heat on this shit show for a loooong time now in their own ways. That anger didn't just start on January 6th. They've ALL taken a swing at the wedge driving this country apart with their own hammers. Its my personal opinion they should all be dumped out on the street, and that includes Trump.
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Can't we just all agree that they've ALL been turning up the heat on this shit show for a loooong time now in their own ways. That anger didn't just start on January 6th. They've ALL taken a swing at the wedge driving this country apart with their own hammers. Its my personal opinion they should all be dumped out on the street, and that includes Trump.


The problems are:


1. Can't we just all agree? Unfortunately no.

2. They've ALL taken a swing at the wedge driving this country apart. I agree but see #1, not everyone does. Blows me away but it seems to be the case.



Oh well....back to having lunch.

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I am wondering if you linked the right videos? You showed a video of a guy "warning" his own group of officials about the effects of their decisions, and another of a Congressman calling for people to "get in front of Congress (IE, himself) at a private dinner event of less than 100 people.


If you think the videos and compilation of them that are out there haven't contributed to the division or vitriol or are in some way linked to the riots then we will have to agree to disagree.


In my eyes the Media is the most guilty, congress next and Trump, well we all have known he's not a unity bring people together guy, but he is but one man.


Lots of people no doubt want to pin this all on him and that's the problem. No one has a sense of accountability anymore including and especially those blaming him. Lots of shit to go around. Just my opinion.

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If you think the videos and compilation of them that are out there haven't contributed to the division or vitriol or are in some way linked to the riots then we will have to agree to disagree.


In my eyes the Media is the most guilty, congress next and Trump, well we all have known he's not a unity bring people together guy, but he is but one man.


Lots of people no doubt want to pin this all on him and that's the problem. No one has a sense of accountability anymore including and especially those blaming him. Lots of shit to go around. Just my opinion.


You've spent WAAAAY too much of the last 4 years supporting Trump's actions to just blame "the system" now, Tim. I may not have clicked your FB posts but they came up in my feed and I certainly remember your extensive messaging.


He was in charge, and promised positive change. It's OK to say that he failed as a leader of this country. I'd love to see you type that out instead of blaming other factors.

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You've spent WAAAAY too much of the last 4 years supporting Trump's actions to just blame "the system" now, Tim. I may not have clicked your FB posts but they came up in my feed and I certainly remember your extensive messaging.


He was in charge, and promised positive change. It's OK to say that he failed as a leader of this country. I'd love to see you type that out instead of blaming other factors.


I'm honestly not sure how anyone could lead this shitstorm with the opposite side always cutting you down. This two sided nonsense has got to stop. Its getting us nowhere.

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You've spent WAAAAY too much of the last 4 years supporting Trump's actions to just blame "the system" now, Tim. I may not have clicked your FB posts but they came up in my feed and I certainly remember your extensive messaging.


He was in charge, and promised positive change. It's OK to say that he failed as a leader of this country. I'd love to see you type that out instead of blaming other factors.



Where am I blaming "the system" ? I cracked on the media, congress AND Trump plenty of times. I don't think he failed as a leader over the last four years. He had his share of shit shows for sure but failure....no.


On that day in January I think he should have come out immediately LIVE and told everyone to GTFO sure. Again, I could write a book on that. I was livid watching it and his response/lack of response. Hindsight on many fronts just not his are 20/20.


I'll instead stay on-point with what my messages here today have been and that is those blaming him need to look in the mirror because they indeed are just as guilty of inciting division, hate and vitriol. No less that's for sure. Trump took days off, the rest of "the system" didn't take one day off from doing it. He's been off social media and out of office for weeks now and they are ALL still stuck on Trump. It's actually now laughable. They don't know what to do if they are going after him. His haters in power and in the media are the biggest hypocrites in existence. It would be rare to find one that would admit their own mis-doings.

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I’ll say it again - this impeachment is all a giant waste of money and time. We could be dealing with much more pressing matters. Not a chance will 2/3rd vote to convict. This was a rush job from the start. The Dems are still so horny for Trump it’s mind blowing. Move the fuck on lol


This just highlights Biden has no clue what he’s doing. He’s just set a crazy new record for EO’s and he isn’t slowing down. So much for governing by EO’s, joe.


Can someone update me on the Biden death count? Can’t seem to find it anywhere. Or did COVID slowly start to dissipate since the election/inauguration?

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Move the fuck on lol


/lols in Benghazi


Can someone update me on the Biden death count? Can’t seem to find it anywhere. Or did COVID slowly start to dissipate since the election/inauguration?


Nationally, cases and deaths both peaked in between the election and inauguration and are still going down. Huzzah!

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Watching some of it today - honestly feels like a bunch of Dems with marching orders from the top. Almost they are being forced to eat their own shit and told “you’ll like it” from Nancy.


It feels super cringe watching them condemn this activity when 6 months ago they were cheering, encouraging and financing the destruction of cities all over the US under the guise of social justice.

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