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what to expect following motorcycle accident


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So last night a car pulled out to cross the street perpendicular to me on summit and I had to brake, drop the bike, and slide into the side of it.


Wasn't that fun, but I'm in one piece still, gear did its job.


Other party admitted fault, I have it mostly on video, police and EMS came out.


Now, what do I expect from insurance here? Obviously the bike is pretty beat, all my gear will need replaced, go pro and phone took a beating. Should I be expecting anything for pain/injury? Currently nursing some big scrapes, bit of a limp, and a black eye (just before starting new job tomorrow, woo!)


I'll take any input, and if anyone is selling a vmax hit me up :)

Edited by unfunnyryan
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Document/photograph everything. I would phone your insurance company to report the accident and see if they have advice for you. Prepare for phone calls from the other guy's insurance company and be mindful that they will be recording the conversation. You may very well want to consult an attorney before talking more to anyone about it.


I was involved in an accident where there was physical damage to both cars and I declined medical assessment. It was clearly the other driver's fault (she hit me from behind while I was stopped at a light). Later that day my neck and back began to hurt more than they usually do. The other's driver's insurance company called me perhaps 8 times in the next week trying to assess my physical health. I repeatedly told them that my back had been injured previously and that I did not intend to make any medical injury claims from this accident. They finally offered a grand for my "suffering," which I declined. I had to have their appraiser look at the car. I got my own estimate and had the car repaired at a shop of my own choosing for less than their settlement payment.


If I had real suffering or loss of functioning I would have had my own attorney involved from the beginning. Since you're clearly hurting, you'll end up better off getting an attorney. I would avoid offers from the other person's insurance company to have you examined/treated "free of charge" at a medical facility of their choice. At every point, the other driver's insurance company will want to steer your decisions, but don't fall for that.

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The one motorcycle accident I had that I claimed, they did not have an appraiser for motorcycles. They had me take it to a shop of my choosing and submit an estimate. They then sent me a check and said to do as I please with repairs. It was a very different experience compared to auto claims I have made. I did not deal with the medical side at all as I was not injured.
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First off: Glad you are ok. Or at least you aren't in the hospital hooked to machines.


Step 1: if you feel any pain, go to the doctor. Don't wait, do it asap. Their insurance will cover the visit, plus time off from work.


Step 2: Get the claim rolling for the bike + incidentals (camera, gear, etc) with their insurance company. gather all receipts for items purchased, you'll need them to prove replacement value.


Step 3: find a shop that repairs motorcycles under insurance that is friendly to you. I think even iron pony does this if it is a brand they sell and a reasonably new bike. Take the bike there and have the insurance adjuster do the inspection at that place, not at your home. why? most inspection adjusters are just looking to cut corners any way they can, and if the shop gives them a list of what the bike needs, it makes their job easier and while narrowing the ways they can limit the costs.


Mostly it's just like the auto insurance process, the hardest part will be finding a shop that repairs bikes in Columbus right now since it's dead in the middle of the season and everyone is booked out several months.


Best of luck, and if you need some help, you can pm me.

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Thanks for the info all. The claim process is moving along. Police published accident report today and I had to shut my phone off due to the massive number of lawyers salivating at the mention I had a gopro proving who was at fault.


I hurt all over. Problem is getting to a doctor at the moment as I just started my new job *today* and had to meet everyone with a nice black eye and cut up hands. I'll work with them tomorrow and see if I can get a few hours for this, they'll understand lol

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glad you're okay man.


Don't let somewhere fix your bike cheap! It's easy to think stuff is okay and good enough, then you ride it a few times and the forks are tweaked, the subframe is bent, and things just aren't right.

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glad you're okay man.


Don't let somewhere fix your bike cheap! It's easy to think stuff is okay and good enough, then you ride it a few times and the forks are tweaked, the subframe is bent, and things just aren't right.


Yep. Yamaha certified dealer or nothing. It's a 2015 bolt, shouldn't be tough to find a dealer.

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With my last mc accident the guys insurance co.(nationwide) visited me about every 2 weeks.

I had notified my insurance but they didn't say not to talk to his ins. co.


So like you've been advised..document then get an attorney as the other insurance co. will f you over.


Oh yea..expect to get better then 20-30 years will pass and those injuries will crop up.


Glad you are ok.

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Is Allstate your insurance or theirs? If it is not yours, you may want to file through them. I am fighting a car claim now and the at-fault was low balling everything. They finally admitted the value exceeded the insured's policy limit. I am now going through my insurance and the underinsured coverage. If we don't get anywhere that way, it looks like the next step is arbitration. I have to hire an appraiser and they do the same. If they don't agree, it will go to an umpire. I am not very sure of the process on the medical side as I am still going through treatment and haven't started to fight that yet.
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