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Anybody know what happened?


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Tonight, Sunday the 15th, I was coming down Fishinger and 2 cops went flying by lights and sirens going. When I got on the 270 south, those 2 plus 3 more were at the bottom of the onramp behind a orange sportbike. I couldn't tell what kind it was. Rider was wearing a dark grey or black tshirt and a black and white helmet (I think). One cop was leaning over the right side of the bike looking at something. The rider was just standing there with his helmet on looking at the cop look at his bike. All I gotta say is that if the guy wasn't dangerous enough for them to have him cuffed at the very least and hog tied on the ground at the most, why the hell does it take 5 cop cars for one biker????? Just a bit excessive IMHO.

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VERY excessive. Same thing happen to me tho when I got pulled over going really fast, except I had a knee in my back and a crack in the front of my visor on my brand new helmet. Good times:nono: Hey delaware... Officer Kevin Daniels to be exact... :bigfinger:

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Meanwhile, city officials can't figure out why crime rates are going up. Hmmm, ya think maybe one or two of those cops would be better served fighting real crime???

Next time you call 911 and it takes an hour for the cop to show, just remember, he is busy with 10 of his co-workers taking down a guy on a motorcycle that might have been going to fast on an empty street at 11 at night!!! Excellent use of resources!

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Last summer when someone tried to steal my bike out of our driveway it took the cops an entire hour to show up when there are at least 5 cruisers within a mile of our house at all times.

I wish I got paid what cops do for meeting the qualification of getting a GED to sit around in a parking lot and play with myself.

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Last summer when someone tried to steal my bike out of our driveway it took the cops an entire hour to show up when there are at least 5 cruisers within a mile of our house at all times.

I wish I got paid what cops do for meeting the qualification of getting a GED to sit around in a parking lot and play with myself.

Yeah right! It was more like 1 1/2 hours. :wheelchair:

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I wish I got paid what cops do for meeting the qualification of getting a GED to sit around in a parking lot and play with myself.

Even better, become a firefighter and sit around and play Tiger Woods golf on Playstation all day and sit in nice chairs eatting popcorn and sno-cones!

Man, it's the life! :wink:

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The general public doesn't shit on them because of the job they have, they shit on them because of the job they do. I have more respect for good cops than anybody. The problem is, there are way too many bad ones. My original story spoke of 5 cop cars and 10 cops for 1 guy on a bike!!!!! ONE!!!! Now if this guy on the bike were packing and all than that would be one thing. However, the last 2 cars just pulled up when I got there and the cop was down looking at the right side of the bike while the biker was standing on the right, helmet still on uncuffed. The other 9 cops were standing at their cars chit chatting. If this guy was packing, the cop by the bike would have been dead before the other 9 could think about it. My point is this, the greater Columbus police are more preoccupied with sitting in the middle of the 270 with a radar gun than getting out and stopping crime. Which helps the community more, nailing a guy doing 75 on the 270 or patrolling a less than safe neighborhood? Maybe even better, responding in under an hour to 911 calls. This is the point of my post. The police dept has their priorities out of whack. Don't come back with safety issues of speeders either. Modern bikes and cars are designed to go much faster than they do and do it safely. What it boils down to is that sitting on the side of the freeway makes money and costs little. Patrolling costs gas. Arresting cost money. Speeding tickets turn a profit. So as long as their priorities are out of whack, I say....


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My point is, you don't know the whole story and make assumptions based off of your feelings towards police as a whole. This may not be you, but MANY people just WANT cops to be doing a shitty job so they can bitch about it. I mean, do you know if this biker might have been a murder suspect? Then they catch him and it was mistaken identity... but he ran, so he's gotta go to jail. You don't know, you just assume.

As far as speeders on the highway, I don't think they are as dangerous as the people going slow... but you know what? If you are going more than 65mph on the highway, you are breaking the law. Period. So what do you want cops to do, only focus on violent crimes? Then when your bike comes up missing one day, "nope, we are focusing on murders and rapes today, sorry."

911 response times more than an hour? I would like to see sources of this. I live on OSU campus and can tell you, that has not been my experience. I was at a party a number of years back on 14th and Summit (I think) and some dude started freaking out with a bigass knife. Cops were there in less than 10 minutes. Further, I came home one night a couple years ago and my apartment was broken into. I didn't call 911, just the regular non-emergancy number... Within 20 minutes there was an officer there. Or how about the time I had these crazy idiots on my front porch at 3am because they thought I was their drug dealer (wrong street morons)... My neighbor called 911 while I was outside trying to explain to them what street they were on. Under 5 minutes (according to my neighbor) there were two cruisers there.

The bottom line is, cops have an enormously difficult job and get shit on every time they try to do it. They have no choice, but to enforce the law. You don't like radar guns on 270? Call your representative and tell him/her you want to change speed limits. Sure there are bad cops, but they are the vast minority... Just like all professions. Cops are people, not super heros and cannot be in all places at all times... Their job is never-ending and nearly impossible... Yet people shit on them because of the 1% of cops who are corrupt... or because they broke the law and got busted (speeding for example).


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I had all this stuff posted and then changed my mind. I will just say that it is clear you have an apologists love for cops. That is fine. I know that Speeding is an infraction, stealing, rape and murder are felonies. There needs to be a little more priorities. As for assuming. I assumed nothing. If the guy was a murder suspect he wouldn't have been allowed to stand next to a cop with his helmet still on while the cop searched the bike while the other 9 cops just stood and stared 40 feet away. First, they would have had to take his helmet off to id who he was if they thought he was someone. Second, they would have had him cuffed and in the back of a car if they thought he was dangerous in any way, while they verified id. There is no assumptions. I used to work with cops. I know that at 11 at night, they are bored and looking for something to do. I know that when a call comes in of a bike or car speeding at night, and they are close, they will show up in case something happens. When they do, they are code 6 (busy and unavailable for calls) while they are "helping". This means that other calls are delayed. The point is that minor speeding hurts no one but makes the city money and so enforcing it is encouraged. Cops have a choice to pull you over. (ever been passed by a cop while speeding? He chose not to pull you over). Cops don't get shit on for doing their jobs. They get shit on when they do a shitty job. I spent half my teen years around cops and working with cops. I respect the good ones. I just know that some of the things they do are pretty shitty.

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Apologists love for cops? Bwahahahah!!! Not hardly. I just think they get shit too often... I hear people complain about hour wait times for 911 calls and other bullshit... nobody can ever seem to substantiate those claims though... But they sure sound damn good.

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Ok may i add my two cents...

As we all know that cops are people and they have bosses that give them

quotas and say "make me some money" and due to all the money on the north

side of c-bus they make alot of it by sitting there with a radar gun pulling over the guy in the Porche or on the sport bike going 80 plus and they make there bosses happy and get a nice pat on the back for doing the only part of the job where they can prevent someone from being killed rather than showing up to a murder scene and mopping up the mess or writing up a report on someones stolen bike that probably wont be found unless its in fifty states in fifty pieces anyway... the cops who are on 270 are paying for the cops who are making chalk outlines on campus and the hilltop and the money we pay in taxes goes to the hooker bill for the state house partys and thats it. maybe they will buy a few more radar guns next year and they can have some more hookers with their pile of cocaine and not have to give the cops more money... oh yea did i say "follow the money" yet or did i skip that...

They are just like you and me and they punch the clock and make the bosses

happy...:takeit: We all get fucked by the man.. even the guys and gals in blue..

P.S. when your doing 130 anywhere... everyone is going slower than you...

no one expects it and someone will eventualy pull out in front of you and your instant luggage... not today and maybe not

tommorow but it will happen... its all in the numbers...

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Damn, I use love snow cones. Shitygsxr, I need an address ASAP to use this machine you speak of!! :badgerrock:

All you need is a good blender that crushes ice and a trip to walmart for some colored flavoring...Yes the blade spins fast and is sharp but dont touch it even if the voices in your head till you its ok..:D

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Ok may i add my two cents...

As we all know that cops are people and they have bosses that give them

quotas and say "make me some money" and due to all the money on the north

side of c-bus they make alot of it by sitting there with a radar gun pulling over the guy in the Porche or on the sport bike going 80 plus and they make there bosses happy and get a nice pat on the back for doing the only part of the job where they can prevent someone from being killed rather than showing up to a murder scene and mopping up the mess or writing up a report on someones stolen bike that probably wont be found unless its in fifty states in fifty pieces anyway... the cops who are on 270 are paying for the cops who are making chalk outlines on campus and the hilltop and the money we pay in taxes goes to the hooker bill for the state house partys and thats it. maybe they will buy a few more radar guns next year and they can have some more hookers with their pile of cocaine and not have to give the cops more money... oh yea did i say "follow the money" yet or did i skip that...

They are just like you and me and they punch the clock and make the bosses

happy...:takeit: We all get fucked by the man.. even the guys and gals in blue..

P.S. when your doing 130 anywhere... everyone is going slower than you...

no one expects it and someone will eventualy pull out in front of you and your instant luggage... not today and maybe not

tommorow but it will happen... its all in the numbers...

Well said. Now please invest in some punctuation... My eyes hurt looking at the screen anyway...

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