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white dudes


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I need some insight, fellas. Maybe its because I lack a Y chromosome, but certain behaviors baffle me.

WHY do white dudes always feel like they need to race me when I'm on my bike and they are in their diesel truck/riced-out Neon/minivan:wtf:

At every stop, I get the double eyeball, the scowl... followed by a comedic and pathetic attempt at gunning their little engines at takeoff.

And YES, its ALWAYS white dudes. Age 18 to 68, all walks of life.

I'm looking for the "Top 10 Reasons Why White Dudes Feel Compelled To Try To Race Me."


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This is one of those things that absolutely is a "dick measuring contest" if you will. As a woman on a bike, you're intimidating and since they aren't brave enough to take to the road on two wheels they feel like they have something to prove in order to regain their masculinity...it's ridiculous...but you know...let them try to race you...you'll win every time and then they'll really know what it's like to feel like a loser....lol

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I was about to say something like what Sara said. You are intimidating to them, but yet they aren't afraid. And pretty much kids (up to 68) like to try to force muscle bikes and cars to launch. Blame the movies for that. But aren't you special, no one ever does that to me. So I guess they are flirting, in their own special way. The only thing they could think of in their limited vocabulary. And not a very good method at that. So don't be smiling at them, either ignore or laugh or give that special motorcycle "Look of Death" if you're not in the mood.

I'm still amazed at SUVs going to work in the morning. Or soccer moms/dads on the freeway. The ones that not only think they can go faster than my bike, but STOP faster as well. What are they thinking. I let them go, they are accidents looking for a place to happen.

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I have a question..

Had a female in the passenger seat of her friends car flash me while riding beside them. Does she think she is going to get a ride for showing me the goods? :confused::D

Crap... I'm going to have to pay more attention to the passengers in cars next to me from now on...

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Other than when I drove my 78 Malibu, I never really had the desire to race anyone. I'm sure that feeling comes back when I get done with my S-10 (putting a 350 sbc into the truck).

Can't answer your question sorry.

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nobody wants to race me.... I guess I don't look that intimidating... on the other hand it could be that I look like the kinda guy that may catch up with you and wipe the smile off your face with a 2x4.... either way I like it... no one f-n with me.

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Well I have a really small dangle, so I try to overcompensate by racing everyone all the time just to prove my man(gina)hood to myself...

"I live my life a quarter mile at a time" :flag:

we be growers not showers bro.... 000201E6.gif
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I had a guy on a Harley Sportster try and race me when I had my little 600RR awhile back, which wasn't from a dead stop either. He was in the right lane and I was in the left lane, gradually approaching him and when I got even with him, he tries to leave me in the dust. Alright, so I opened up the throttle and that was that. Then I slowed down to the speed limit but he seemed to want to stay very far away from me. Now I don't even bother anymore really. Yeah, I'm white...

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