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What a crock of shit.


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President Obama's first budget includes $15 billion a year for renewable energy programs and an ambitious plan to raise $656 billion from a carbon reduction proposal.
President Barack Obama left the door open Tuesday to prosecuting Bush administration officials who devised the legal authority for gruesome terror-suspect interrogations, saying the United States lost "our moral bearings" with use of the tactics.

I could go on, but why? arguing politics is a never ending circle

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Already voiced this to Wrillo but thought i'd post anyway. I am a Rep and i got soooo sick of seeing all those ignorant asshats that put Obama's face on Rocawear (go figure) shirts and said that he was just gonna sweep in and clean house in his first few days of office. so yea those people are geting their "humble pie" force fed to them through a tube to my pleasure. but to the moderate people (aka. wrillo) that like him he's not doin to bad. i'm pissed that he didn't take AF 1 to his much deserved respite from dealing with America's problems and the liberal media prolly won't make him catch hell for it like the Big 3 did. But there is nothin i can do bout it now. goin to bed.

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Lastly' date=' taking any plane other than the company jet when all you do is preach 'wasteful spending' is nothing short of hypocrisy. Plain and simple hypocrisy and if you can't see that then you might want to go see a doctor and have that melon you call a head examined. Lead by example.. but I guess when you're on top the rules don't apply. Can anybody say, 'W'??[/quote']

I am sure, in all honesty.....That you may need to do a cost comparison for flying AF1 vs. what he did.

DO you know how much staff is on AF1 each time it goes up in the air?

DId you know that Each time The president is on AF1 that there is a second plane identical to it flying to the same location.

AF1 flies in pairs.....ALWAYS.

Thats two pilots, two planes, A hundred Staff and Fuel for both overly loaded 747's.

Lets sit down and do a Cost comparison....then lets continue to complain on this issue.

COmparing this example to the un-needed Private jets the Corporate big-wigs abused is a bit far fetched.

I dont think some of you realize what kind of manpower it takes each time they want to take out AF1 for any reason...nor the time it takes to get it ready to fly its next mission.

Every flight of AF1 is a mission and treated as such by the US Military.

Sorry....just my opionion.

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Damn you beat me to it.

Doesn't anyone get that taking AF1 is MORE expensive than renting the jets?!?!

Yeah..that will probably get over looked by everyone making this out to be a big deal. IT ISN'T!

When he starts abusing his power and privileges, give me a call.

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if people want to look at wastefull spending they should look into shelf life replacements . could be donated around the country . the Government as a whole has a national security obligation to replace alot of items that are still usable to the general populace. a flight on a bird is nothing ....... hell quit paying for gps man power time (airforce )and let the civilian companies that sell em update em. there are a zillion ways to trim budget . bitching about presidental spending is anti government bullshit. that will never stop. there should be one day a decade or so of NO GOVERNMENT ... just to squelch the naysayers , after they see what its like to live in do it yourself society. aka any country with no government .... after that there is no status quo , no rich no poor .... only the fight to live. ( Somalia )

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I am sure, in all honesty.....That you may need to do a cost comparison for flying AF1 vs. what he did.

DO you know how much staff is on AF1 each time it goes up in the air?

DId you know that Each time The president is on AF1 that there is a second plane identical to it flying to the same location.

AF1 flies in pairs.....ALWAYS.

Thats two pilots, two planes, A hundred Staff and Fuel for both overly loaded 747's.

Lets sit down and do a Cost comparison....then lets continue to complain on this issue.

COmparing this example to the un-needed Private jets the Corporate big-wigs abused is a bit far fetched.

I dont think some of you realize what kind of manpower it takes each time they want to take out AF1 for any reason...nor the time it takes to get it ready to fly its next mission.

Every flight of AF1 is a mission and treated as such by the US Military.

Sorry....just my opionion.

Damn you beat me to it.

Doesn't anyone get that taking AF1 is MORE expensive than renting the jets?!?!

Yeah..that will probably get over looked by everyone making this out to be a big deal. IT ISN'T!

When he starts abusing his power and privileges, give me a call.

QFT. This is a drop in the bucket, and bringing this to the spotlight is a joke. If a plane ride is all the retards out there can find to complain about, I'm happy. Bush shits on you and your children in the worst possible ways and you have the gull to say Obama is out of line for this? Grow up and open your freaking eyes to the bigger picture.


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i guess since he rented them, it must be cheaper since he didn't have to have any security provided, gas is magically free, and he didn't have to take his staff with him. I mean, yeah, if he takes AF1, he HAS to take his staff, but if he RENTS a jet, he doesn't need to take them, doesn't need security, or need to pay for gas anymore. Of course! Why didn't I think of that? Wait, what?

and i guess since it's just a drop in the bucket of the trillions of dollars being spent to buy massive portions of major companies, it ain't no thang. shit dude, it's just like comparing getting REALLY fucked versus "just the tip"... it's cool! "Just the tip" don't count. "Just the tip" is fashionable, even.

also, what part of what we're talking about is anti-government? arguing against shitty spending habits is not anti government. it's called being a citizen who gives a flying fuck. just blindly loving your dear leader is fine and good, but don't expect others to take the balls deep fucking we're receiving with a smile and a wink, even when sometimes, it is "just the tip".

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i guess since he rented them, it must be cheaper since he didn't have to have any security provided, gas is magically free, and he didn't have to take his staff with him. I mean, yeah, if he takes AF1, he HAS to take his staff, but if he RENTS a jet, he doesn't need to take them, doesn't need security, or need to pay for gas anymore. Of course! Why didn't I think of that? Wait, what?

and i guess since it's just a drop in the bucket of the trillions of dollars being spent to buy massive portions of major companies, it ain't no thang. shit dude, it's just like comparing getting REALLY fucked versus "just the tip"... it's cool! "Just the tip" don't count. "Just the tip" is fashionable, even.

also, what part of what we're talking about is anti-government? arguing against shitty spending habits is not anti government. it's called being a citizen who gives a flying fuck. just blindly loving your dear leader is fine and good, but don't expect others to take the balls deep fucking we're receiving with a smile and a wink, even when sometimes, it is "just the tip".

And that's a fact jack!

I would be giving rep but I needs to spread it around.

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even with your well thought out response, its still speculation without the actual numbers to look at. We don't know all the details, maybe AF1 was across far enough away that it was cheaper to rent jets than fly AF1 to his location?

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even with your well thought out response, its still speculation without the actual numbers to look at. We don't know all the details, maybe AF1 was across far enough away that it was cheaper to rent jets than fly AF1 to his location?

definitely could be the case. i didn't do research for this topic... politics discussion on a motorcycle forum is strictly for shits and giggles though. i rofl'd mbao a few times too. lol

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"A crock of shit" it may seem at first, but like anything consider the source.

The taxpayers have always footed the bill for every past President that has gone out with the First Lady, and even family vacations. Why should this be treated any different?

Republicans and Democrats alike have their agenda and more available media outlets to spew their rhetoric.

Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.

reps and dems are nothing short of identical cousins...

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